
Flora y Fauna: Nesting birds

Hell's Gate cliffs are important nesting sites for a number of birds, including vulnerable species that face a number of threats in the surrounding area. Please check on the local Whatsapp groups for the latest sightings or restrictions and if you come across a nest on your climb try and bail off well before reaching, to avoid disturbing nesting animals and potentially causing active nests to be abandoned.

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Creó aprox. hace dos años

Historia de la vía

No hay un histórico conocido de la vía.


26 Sep 2022 Advertencia Flora y Fauna: Nesting birds


Lat/Long.: -0.88261, 36.34412

Algunos contenidos se han facilitado bajo la licencia de: © Mountain Club of Kenya (Copyright Mountain Club of Kenya)

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

18 Grado de dificultad
18 Hell's Gate Climbs


No bolting unless you're doing a new route (then please check with the MCK that it is a new route beforehand).

© heredado de Hell's Gate


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