
Ascensiones en Nueva Zelanda como Flash por topher

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Mostrando los 21 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad
Jue 13.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
The Tenuite Wall
16 A Shout Towards Noon Deportiva 15m Buena
20 Walk the line Deportiva 15m, 4 Buena
Mié 12.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Globe Wall
18 Feisty Red Deportiva 12m Buena
Lun 10.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Stone Symposium Wall
21 Jimmy The Torn Piece of Paper (Jimmy...) Deportiva 10m, 4 Muy buena
If only it was 3 times as long, it'd be awesome

Lun 10.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Rata Wall / Rat Trap Wall
21 All The Kings Horses Deportiva 5 Buena
Combined with Humpty Dumpty to make into a normal length pitch. Two cruxy bits, otherwise easy.

18 Humpty Dumpty Deportiva 3 Muy buena
Dom 9.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Red Wall
16 Redgate Deportiva Buena
Dom 9.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Fish Wall/Rhinoceros Wall
19 Rhinoceros Deportiva 15m Medio
Cruxy move past the second(?) bolt

Dom 9.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Globe Wall
21 Make My Grumpy Cat Dance Deportiva 17m Clásico
Sáb 8.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
The Tenuite Wall
19 Fat Cats Deportiva 15m Medio
Probably the worst climb on the wall, but still not that bad.

22 Go With the Flow Deportiva 14m, 4 Muy buena
20 Hi I'm Doctor Terrific Deportiva 14m, 4 Buena
Jue 6.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
The Little Lost Wall
16 Doo-Little Deportiva 9m Buena
Jue 6.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Globe Wall
22 Burly But Sensitive Deportiva 13m, 3 Muy buena
Surprisingly technical and fun cruxy move in the middle.

Mié 5.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Stone Symposium Wall
20 Space Invader Deportiva 28m Medio
19 21 R for Ranger, D for Danger Deportiva 27m, 4
Climbed 'Jimmy the torn...' to get to base of arete and continued up. Only 19 (or 18) from the ledge. Original 21 trad start about 8m to the right and grown over.

Mar 4.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Stone Symposium Wall
18 Autumn Leaf Deportiva 18m Medio
Mar 4.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Rata Wall / Rat Trap Wall
20 Rat up a Drainpipe Deportiva 25m, 8 Muy buena
21 No Rest For The Wicked Deportiva 22m, 7 Medio
Mar 4.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Creese Wall / Rawhide Roof
17 Goodbye Cream-Poofters Deportiva 15m, 5 Buena
Dom 2.º Feb 2014 - Paynes Ford
Creese Wall / Rawhide Roof
12 Calling All Hobbits - con Jed Deportiva 8m, 1 Buena
We had to do it seeing as Jed's a Hobbit...


Mostrando los 21 ascensiones.

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