
Map 1 Wildside Boulders Guías

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Te Waipounamu / The South Island


Autor(es): Alastair Lee

Fecha: 2001


número ISBN: 0954138201

CLIMBING NEW ZEALAND a Crag Guide for the Travelling Rock Climber - is the only book to give a full overview of rock climbing throughout both North and South Islands' of New Zealand. Lavishly illustrated with inspirational monochrome photographs this 204 page matt laminated A5 softback is the essential companion for a cragtastic trip around NZ. All the information you need is there for 55 of the country's finest crags, complete with handy sketch maps, and presented in the jauntiest pro-climbing style we could think of.

Autor(es): Ivan Vostinar and Tim Wethey

Fecha: 2000

número ISBN: 0473070812

A Guide to the best rockclimbing areas in the South Island. 2500+ routes1800+ boulder problems350 photos, maps and diagramsNotes on training, bolting, access and ethics

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