
Vías en Cathedral Rock

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 23 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
14 Onde di Pietra

Starts just over the fence on the far left side of the crag.

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 9m, 4
16 Muccavello

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 10m, 5
16 Bravo Riamondo

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 12m, 6
17 Il Bar

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 8
19 Andrea

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 15m, 9
17 Nana

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 15m, 9
20 Fischia

Arete to the left of the chimney.

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 15m, 8
16 Dolomites Dream

Climb inside the chimney.

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 19m, 8
15 Joe Dirt

Ends on last two bolts of Dirty Old Men. This is the route name of Dolomite Dream in some guidebooks and is fully bolted.

PA: Torquil Bennett & Dan Kojetin, 2003

Deportiva 19m, 8
20 Buon Giorno Principessa

Climbs the cool feature to the right of the chimney.

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 19m, 9
16 Dirty Old Men

PA: Simon Middlemass, 1998

Deportiva 21m, 8
16 Neanche Dare Baci

Shares the first 2 bolts with Dirty Old Men

Deportiva 21m, 9
16 Mohrele
Deportiva 24m, 11
17 Marisol

Directly left of Stairway of the Gods. Long well-bolted climb with a couple of good rests and positive holds. Possible to skip the first bolt.

PA: Diego Depretto, 2010

Deportiva 26m, 13
17 Stairway Of The Gods

Starts up yellow rock.

PA: Tony Clearwater, 1995

Deportiva 25m, 9
18 Ambrosia

Starts up grey pillar in center of wall, drifting rightwards. Sustained crimps.

PA: Matt Quirke, Craig Robinson & Kristen Foley, 1993

Deportiva 26m, 8
17 Tusk

PA: Lizzard, 1998

Deportiva 27m, 8
18 Stella Blue

PA: Willie Butler, 2000

Deportiva 30m, 10
17 Black Marigolds

Direct start to 'Tales from the Sea'.

PA: Mr Butler, 2001

Deportiva 25m
15 Tales From The Sea

PA: Tony Clearwater, 1995

Deportiva 19m, 8
18 Something Wicked

PA: Tony Clearwater, 1995

Deportiva 15m, 8
16 White Pointer

PA: Tony Clearwater, 1995

Deportiva 15m, 5
17 Gecko Crack

PA: Tony Clearwater, 1995

Deportiva 15m, 4

Mostrando los 23 vías.

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