
Ascensiones en North East Buttress

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Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Jue 14.º Mar 2024 - The Remarkables
Single Cone North East Buttress
14 The Embalmist Clásica 130m
Jordan R
Lun 20.º Nov 2023 - The Remarkables
Single Cone North East Buttress
14 The Embalmist Clásica 130m
Jordan R
Mar 14.º En 2020 - The Remarkables
Single Cone North East Buttress
17 Liposuction Clásica 70m Buena
Maxwell Cullen
Probably got a bit off route and found the two piton anchor that's meant to mark the end of pitch one about halfway through pitch two. Still fun. Even though the rock is mostly moss.

Lun 16.º Dic 2013 - The Remarkables
Single Cone North East Buttress
14 The Embalmist - con Chiko Clásica 130m
Went up a full 60m rope length with only 3 pieces of gear in. couldn't find a way to make an anchor to belay. So we bailed!


Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

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