

Sit start at the bottom left of the boulder, climb diagonally up the right seam/crack. Top out the top right of the boulder. Fun climbing.

Historia de la vía

20 Ag 2022Primera ascensión: Wesley Black



Lat/Long.: -26.06410, 27.78026

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

5A Grado de dificultad
5A murphygt


Access has been granted by the two religious organisations who own the land under the agreement that all the crag rules below are followed and that all new routes are given names with respectful christian connotations.

Job 1:21. The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. Please heed the following:

  • No alcohol
  • Take home all litter and refuse (including fruit peels and cigarette butts)
  • No destruction of vegetation
  • No interference with any animals
  • No soap or detergents or chemicals allowed in or near the river
  • No loud music
  • No graffiti or defacing of rocks
  • Toilet activities must be more than 60m from streams with no trace visible afterwards. Carry out toilet paper. (Just use the bathrooms near the parking).
  • Be polite an courteous to all staff and management.
  • Only climbing allowed, no other activities permitted including fishing, quad bikes, motor bikes, hunting.
heredado de King's Kloof


Muy buena
Ni te molestes

Basado en valoraciones de 0.

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