
Vía en Baboon Traverse

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7 Baboon Traverse
1 7 4m
2 7 25m
3 5 ?

Above the confluence of the two streams in Tonquani. About 110m east of a landslide on a noticeable formation where the lower half of the rock face projects out of the krantz forming a buttress while the upper half over the same length lags further back thus leaving a terrace which stands well out over high bush on the slope.

  1. [7] 4.5m
    Up in chimney on left inside corner of buttress then left above chockstone on to easy rock where a good belay is found a few metres higher.
  2. 25m 7 An easy scramble to the terrace over loose boulders. Keep right. This pitch can be started at various points. The object is a horizontal crack leading into a recessed corner on right hand half of face. This corner brings the climber to left end of a ledge which runs across the face 4,5m below the top. Belay.

  3. ?m 5 A walk or crawl to the other end of the ledge and over masses of chockstones to the top.

PA: H. Ruhle, E. Ruhle & T. Lassen, 1937

Clásica 29m, 3

Mostrando los 1 vía.

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