
Acceso: Need high clearance vehicle

The floods in 2023 caused deep ditches in the road up to The Farm to develop. Would recommend entering with a high-clearance vehicle.

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Creó hace 5 meses

Historia de la vía

2023Primera ascensión: Hermie Venter


19 Dec 2023 Advertencia Acceso: Need high clearance vehicle


Lat/Long.: -33.83660, 20.18026

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

25 Grado de dificultad
Alta Lourette


To avoid any further Altercations with land owners and incorrect equipment being used, the Montagu Mountain Committee (who are responsible for the Montagu Reserve) have asked for applications to be submitted before a new route is bolted.

Applications here: http://www.climbing.co.za/bolting-information/bolting-new-routes-montagu/

heredado de Montagu


Muy buena
Ni te molestes

Basado en valoraciones de 0.

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Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Tony Lourens

Fecha: 2022

número ISBN: 9780620995696

A definitive guidebook covering all the sport and trad climbing found throughout the whole of the Montagu area, describing over 700 routes across a wide range of grades.

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