
Ascensiones en Sabie Gorge

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Mostrando los 29 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Lun 6.º Feb 2023 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
15 After the Piece of Cake Deportiva 8
Yael Zdunczyk
12 Born Free Deportiva 7
Yael Zdunczyk
16 Smaug Deportiva 8
Yael Zdunczyk
Lun 20.º Jul 2020 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
16 Smaug Deportiva 8 Buena
Tyrone Bensch

16 Smaug Deportiva 8 Buena
Tyrone Bensch
Sáb 18.º Jul 2020 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
24 Spread-eagle Pillar - con Rachel, Tyrone Bensch Deportiva 7 Buena
Raymond Gates
17 Do not chimney - con Rachel, Tyrone Bensch Deportiva 5 Buena
Raymond Gates
16 Smaug - con Rachel, Tyrone Bensch Deportiva 8 Buena
Raymond Gates
Harder than it looks

17 The Nameless Fear - con Rachel, Tyrone Bensch Deportiva 7 Ni te molestes
Raymond Gates
Terrible climbing on the top

Sáb 20.º Jun 2020 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
22 Harder for Hobbits Deportiva 8 Muy buena
Raymond Gates
Halfway through the roof

18 Brandwag Deportiva 9 Buena
Raymond Gates
Still need to crank the roof

Lun 6.º En 2020 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
18 Quickbeam - con Raymond Gates, Rachel Deportiva 7 Buena
Devin Nyschens
This was quite tough as it was pretty dirty, making the slopers even harder to hold and up top the moss made the footwork super sketchy, but it was still pretty cool. Didn't go that easy.

Sáb 4.º En 2020 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
19 The taming of Smeagol - con Raymond Gates, Rachel Deportiva 7 Clásico
Devin Nyschens
Really fun climbing

19 The taming of Smeagol - con Rachel, Devin Nyschens Deportiva 7 Buena
Raymond Gates
Tricky climb it did not go easy

18 Quickbeam - con Devin Nyschens, Rachel Deportiva 7 Buena
Raymond Gates
Good climb, route was covered in Moss's at the top which made trusting the feet slightly impossible

Lun 19.º Ag 2019 - Sabie Gorge
15 The Magician’s Nephew - con Raymond Gates Deportiva 8 Muy buena
Devin Nyschens
This climb was going well til my harness got stuck in a quickdraw attached to the wall! Got pretty pumped, ended u coming off my onsight and then got the lead jitters, then just top roped it, still enjoyed it.

Sáb 17.º Ag 2019 - Sabie Gorge
19 The Stair Case - con Rachel Deportiva 8 Medio
Raymond Gates
14 Piece of Cake - con Rachel Deportiva 7 Medio
Raymond Gates
15 The Magician’s Nephew - con Devin Nyschens, Rachel Deportiva 8
Raymond Gates
14 Piece of Cake - con Raymond Gates Deportiva 7 Buena
Devin Nyschens
Pretty cool line to start, sketchy stretched out move at the top but nothing too hectic. Enjoyable.

Sáb 18.º Mayo 2019 - Sabie Gorge
The Cauldron
13 For the show of it - con Devin Nyschens, Rachel Deportiva 8 Buena
Raymond Gates
Sáb 20.º Oct 2018 - Sabie Gorge
Routes in the gorge
22 Onnerie Brug - con Rachel Deportiva 12 Medio
Raymond Gates
Sáb 7.º Abr 2018 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
9 Shelob’s Lair Deportiva 5 Ni te molestes
Raymond Gates
Vie 4.º Jun 2010 - Sabie Gorge
Treebeard’s Towers
19 Mello Yellow - con Rachel Deportiva 7
Raymond Gates
14 Jungle Gym - con Rachel Deportiva 7
Raymond Gates
15 After the Piece of Cake - con Rachel Deportiva 8
Raymond Gates
12 Born Free - con Rachel Deportiva 7
Raymond Gates
Vie 4.º Jun 2010 - Sabie Gorge
14 14 - 17 Kid’s Arête - con Rachel Deportiva 7
Raymond Gates
14 Kid’s Corner - con Rachel Deportiva 9
Raymond Gates

Mostrando los 29 ascensiones.

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