
Els Gossos

  • Contexto de grado: FR
  • Ascensiones: 112




Sector with range of nice shorter (8-10m) routes in the 5s, but some of them quite hard for the grade with holds getting polished, but with great climbing, as well as a couple nice longer climbs


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Nice climbing on the arete and then easy top

Start as Musulma boy, traverse right clipping the draws, and clip chains of Buch to end

The easiest route of Els gossos sector. Enjoyable on good to find holds

Climb straight up between L'ànec lleig and 127, going from small crimps and pockets to some pinches and side-pulls to the ledge

Climb as 127 but stay further left

Hardest of the original lower Els gossos climbs, with many of the foot holds quite polished, but nice climbing

Climb like Buch but stay exactly on the line under the anchor, avoiding bigger holds

Advertencia Equipo fijo: Falta la chapa 6

Climb as On Naman Sibaya but top three bolts go right on the steep overhang, which makes it 6c

Traverse. Start at Melilla and traverse right and jump off when you get to the harder start of 127 or continue further for the extended version

PA: joljols

Traverse. Start from Melilla and move right past all the Gossos routes, making sure not to use the bigger blocks just above the ground, then move around the corner, through the dihedral past the crack of Xemeneia Moritz until the right-hand crack of the start of Kitsune

PA: joljols

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