
Vías en Schollberg

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 80 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
5b Tarzan Deportiva 45m
7a Hummel
1 7a 22m
2 6a 13m

Watch out for loose rock. Stay on the slopers and move left in the top crux. The right part is quite brittle.

Deportiva 35m, 2
5b JoSo Deportiva 12m
5b Falk Deportiva 12m
6c+ Trio
1 5b+ 8m
2 6c+ 12m
3 6c+ 15m

Am zweiten Stand links halten

Deportiva 35m, 3
6a Nest
1 5b 20m
2 6a 15m
Deportiva 35m, 2
7a+ Pilu
1 6a 25m
2 7a+ 8m
Deportiva 33m, 2
6a+ Regen

A slightly demanding start followed by a slab with a couple of excellent rests.

Deportiva 26m
7b Römerweg
1 6c
2 7b
Deportiva 28m, 2
7b+ Mr. Big Deportiva 18m
7c Stern 1 Deportiva 25m
Captain Hook


Deportiva 28m
7b Stern 2 Deportiva 28m
7a+ Orion Deportiva 25m
6c Slayer Deportiva 18m
6a+ Nachtaktion Deportiva 18m
6a Nickelodion Deportiva 15m
6a+/b Wyantotte Deportiva 15m
6a Noamol Deportiva 15m
5b Fruchtwasser Deportiva 15m
6a Lustmolch Deportiva 15m
5c Finöggi Deportiva 15m
6b So Geil Deportiva 15m
6b Hänger

The original way was with artificial hold trough the cave. Because this doesn't really make sense and many holds broke, it's better to traverse from the right.

Deportiva 18m
6a+ Heizer Deportiva 18m
6b Hacken Deportiva 18m
5c+ Grottämolch Deportiva 18m
6a Bhüat Di Deportiva 19m
6a+ Algier Deportiva 18m
6a+ Chrüzoutärä Deportiva 18m
6c+ Klan Deportiva 15m
5c+ Näb d'rAlp Deportiva 15m
6a+ Auf der Alp Deportiva 15m
6a+ Schwangerschaftsabbruch Deportiva 15m
6a+ Buch Deportiva 15m
5c+ Sexy Rexy Deportiva 15m
4c Speedy Deportiva 14m
5a School Deportiva 12m, 7
5b Babyland Deportiva 14m, 6
3a Street Parade Deportiva 12m
4b Kombi Deportiva 13m
4a Balu Deportiva 12m
2c Easy Deportiva 12m
4a Pfüdi Deportiva 12m
4c Lucki Deportiva 12m
5c Alexa Vera Deportiva 12m
5b Brubeni Deportiva 13m
6a Rosmarie Deportiva 12m
6b Herbert Deportiva 13m
Kleine Wand
5c+ Kantä Deportiva
5a Picket Deportiva
4a Globi Deportiva 12m
4c Notfall Deportiva
3a Notfall Variante Deportiva 12m
2a Momo Deportiva 12m
5c Schattä Deportiva
6b+ Ribisä Deportiva 18m
6a+ Hoppla Deportiva 20m
4a Steinbruch Deportiva
5c Spinnä Deportiva 20m
5b Muggi Deportiva
3a Ohrwurm Deportiva
3b Lärmi Deportiva 12m
5c+ Plattä Deportiva
5c+ Slick Deportiva
5c+ Päng Päng Deportiva
5c+ Lizenz zum Klettern Deportiva
4b Max und Moritz Deportiva
3c Julia Deportiva
3c Bruno Deportiva
4b Asterix Deportiva
4b Obelix Deportiva
4c Idefix Deportiva
4c Hase

Beginnt links etwas versteckt zwischen den Bäumen.

Deportiva 30m, 2
4c Gams

Beginnt links etwas versteckt zwischen den Bäumen.

Deportiva 30m, 2
4c Reh Deportiva 30m
4c Steinbock Deportiva 30m, 2
4c Milan Deportiva 30m, 2
4c Krähe Deportiva 30m
4c Elster Deportiva 30m

Mostrando los 80 vías.

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