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Mostrando los 19 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Thaiwand Wall
7a Live and Let Thai
1 5a 15m
2 7a 10m

Climb as one pitch. Not rebolted with titanium. 6 stainless steel glue-in bolts, 3 slings.

Equip: Will Hair, 1994

Deportiva 25m, 2, 9
7a Healthy Shake

Right of 'Equatorial'. Hard crux into the small roof. Grade not confirmed. Titanium bolts.

Equip: Rock and Sun

PA: Rock and Sun, Mar 2019

Deportiva 12m
7a Circus Oz
1 6a+ 25m
2 6b+ 25m
3 7a 45m
4 6b 28m

Popular and will get you as far of the deck as you will get in this area. Take 14 quickdraws and two 60m ropes. Be aware that the upper pitches are not rebolted with titanium!

  1. Same first pitch as 'Lord of the Thais', straight up on the right side of the big cave. 7 titanium bolts, 3 slings.

  2. Stay left of the bolts, up into the cave. Find the anchor just right above the anchor of 'Continental Drifters' P2. 4 titanium bolts, 5 slings.

  3. Crux pitch. Quite fun if you have the means. Move left, then up over the bulge. 7 stainless steel glue-in bolts, 4 slings.

  4. Sharp rock to the anchors of 'Lord of the Thais'. Take care. A fall on the last bit of the last pitch could be very dangerous, because there is some sharp rock and you're falling into a dihedral. 7 stainless steel glue-in bolts, 4 slings.

Descend via the anchors of 'Lord of the Thais'. Three raps to the ground with two 60m ropes. Backclip to stay on the wall!

Equip: M. Matheson, G, R. Smith & G. Tempest

Deportiva 120m, 4, 41
Wee's Present Wall
7a Milky Way

Direct start of 'Same Same, But Different', straight over the crimpy face. 5 titanium bolts, 2 slings. Share anchor with Hello Christine.

Equip: Thomas Arnold, 1997

Deportiva 20m, 7
7a Give Me a Break

Shares the second half with 'Shit Rest Days', start a bit further to the right. All titanium bolts.

Equip: Thomas Arnold, 1997

Deportiva 25m, 8
Muay Thai
7a Nam Dtah See Som

Reachy move over the bulge at the start. 5 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Equip: Francois Burnier & Dominique Potard, 1990

Deportiva 16m, 6
Duncan's Boot
7a Lost Lek

The leftmost route on 'Duncan's Boot', up the thin crack. All titanium bolts.

Equip: Max Dufford, 1992

Deportiva 20m, 8
Hidden World
7a Red Dwarf

Shares the first four clips with 'Banana Ship', then right along the crack. Not rebolted with titanium, stainless steel glue-in bolts.

Equip: S. Beverage & Ian Turnbull, 1995

Deportiva 18m, 8
Jungle Gym
7a Viola
1 7a 22m
2 6c 10m

Old expansion bolts. Do not climb!

Equip: Mario Waser, 1998

Deportiva 32m, 2, 16
Jungle Gym South Face
7a Gym Bean

Old glue-in bolts. Do not climb! Share anchor with Monkeys in Gym.

Equip: Thomas Arnold & Maik Urbzat, 1998

Deportiva 18m, 8
The Keep
7a Lom Mon

Watch out for the crux - photo says it all... Beautiful long run afterwards. 11 titanium bolts, 2 slings.

Equip: Greg Collum & Trevor Massiah, 1995

Deportiva 29m, 13
Low Tide Wall
7a The Narsilion

All titanium bolts.

Equip: Sam Lightner & Jacob Valdez, 1991

Deportiva 22m, 9
Diamond Cave
7a Keep the Jam, Man
1 6a+ 20m
2 6a 15m
3 7a 35m

Old multi-pitch climb. Rusty expansion bolts and old slings on the upper two pitch. Only climb P1, which is therefore listed as a separate route.

3 titanium bolts, 4 threads.

Equip: Nick Blaise & Martin Carstens, 1995

Equip: Nick Blaise & Martin Carstens, 1995

Deportiva 70m, 3, 15
7a Bar You Tee Nai? Deportiva 50m
Phra-Nang Beach
7a Titanium from Hell

Just left behind the tufa hanging down to 2m off the sand. Juggy rail to some tricky moves around the bulge then stem up the left side of the hanging tufa system. All titanium bolts.

Originally named 'Tales of Power' at grade 7c. Rebolted a little further right to an easier line. Some guidebooks kept the original name.

Equip: Volker Schoeffl, 1991

Deportiva 10m, 5
7a New Way

Linkup. Shares the start with 'Don't Buy Toys', then continue right into 'Mekong Haze' after the 3rd bolt. Titanium bolts.

Equip: Local Thai climbers & KRFIC team, 2010

Deportiva 10m, 4
Happy Island
7a TV Route
1 7a 27m
2 6a+ 13m

Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb! Share start with Razorback.

Equip: Jack, 1996

Deportiva 40m, 2, 14
Escher World
7a Nasty

Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb unless rebolted!

Equip: Wee Changrua, 1998

Deportiva 15m, 5
7a Napalm Babies

Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb unless rebolted! Share anchor with As Far as Siam and Mekong Crazy.

Equip: Jim Schwalbach, 1992

Deportiva 15m, 6

Mostrando los 19 vías.

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