
Vías en Fire Wall para grado seleccionado

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
6b Chicken Muscle

Shares the start with 'Tuna Meltdown', but traverses right. All titanium bolts.

Equip: Greg Collum & Larissa Collum, 1996

Deportiva 33m, 12
6b Fire Show (Variation)

Start variation, skipping the bold start by traversing to the right from 'Up in Smoke'.

Equip: Drew Spaulding, 2001

Deportiva 17m, 8
6b Boobtube

Another great long line with a tricky 3D crux in the small roof. 7 titanium bolts, 5 slings.

Equip: Shamick Byszewski, Tanja & Heidi, 1999

Deportiva 30m, 12
6b Polish-Czech

Second pitch of 'The Groove Tube'. A few meters straight up from the belay ledge then traverse to the left. Rarely climbed and not rebolted with titanium. 2 stainless steel glue-ins, 7 slings, which might need replacement.

Equip: Shamick Byszewski, 1999

Deportiva 20m, 9

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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