
Vías en Hoot Bluff

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 4 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
5.10a Bad to the Bone

The farthest climb to the left on the main wall. Its the easiest route too, but it is in the shade in the morning, so its a cold warmup.

Deportiva 9m, 4
5.11a Liberal Tendencies

The second climb from the left on the main wall. You go up through the Hueco and then traverse left and up towards the chains it shares with Bad to the Bone.

Deportiva 9m, 5
5.11d Caution when Flashing

The next climb to the right of Liberal tendencies. The anchors are hidden over the bulge.

Deportiva 9m, 5
5.11b Deer Crossing

The next climb to the right of Caution when Flashing. Its a fun sustained climb on big jugs.

Deportiva 9m, 5

Mostrando los 4 vías.

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