
Nodos en The Ruins

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Mostrando los 31 nodos.

The Ruins
5.11- Hole Shot
5.10b No Excuses
5.10 Oregon Trail
5.9 Dry County
5.8 If We Bolt It They Won't Come
5.10a The Quick One
5.10a/b The Relic
5.9 One Green Spot
5.11a You Call It
5.10a/b Parallel Ventures
5.11a Duh Bulge
5.11b Crossed Up
5.11+ Fear Of Intimacy
5.10- Techno Savage
5.10b Medicine Bag
5.10c Black Feather
5.11- Lost Feather
5.10c/d The Big Pow Wow
5.10b/c Crooked Sky
5.12- Jug Hunter
5.11b The White Eyes Arrive
5.10+ Kaboom
5.11 Before Limitations
5.10b One
5.10- Calf Rustler
5.10c Four Crows
5.10c/d Eating Crow Direct
5.10a Home On The Range
5.10 Primal Sledge
5.10 Too Far Gone

Mostrando los 31 nodos.

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