
Ascensiones en Quincy Quarries

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 163 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Zona Calidad Escalador Fecha
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Good good lead

5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries Clásico
Tom S
Lun 13.º Jun 2005
One of the most popular routes at the Quarries. Don't miss it.

5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries Medio
Steve Marr
Mié 16.º Ag 2006
Two cruxes, 1/3 and 3/4 way up route

5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries
Gary Doyle
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
fun hard start

5.6 layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.6 layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries Buena
Vie 16.º Mayo 2008
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Medio
mark tanguay
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
big moves at the bottom and delicate moves at the top.

5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Sáb 9.º Ag 2008
5.9 Pins Clásica 16m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Max Besen
Lun 28.º Ag 2006
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Sáb 9.º Ag 2008
5.6 layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Tom S
Lun 16.º Ag 2004
Awesome introduction to laybacks, powerful for grade.

5.5 Albatross Clásica Quincy Quarries Medio
Sáb 21.º Jun 2008
5.6 5.6 PG Layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Steve Marr
Mié 16.º Ag 2006
Crux final moves at the top

5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Tim McGivern
small nuts at bottom, big at top

5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Tom S
Sáb 2.º Jul 2005
One of the first climbs you see walking into the quarries

5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Sáb 9.º Ag 2008
5.6 layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries Buena
Colin Flaherty
Lun 10.º Mayo 2004
A solid easy crack

5.6 5.6 PG Layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries Medio
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Slippery, eats gear

5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Buena
Sáb 9.º Ag 2008
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 22.º Jun 2020
5.6 Layback Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 21.º Sep 2020
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 21.º Sep 2020
5.8 Outside Corner Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries
Corban Swain
Sáb 20.º Ag 2022
made it further than my first attempt during the rock program. Could not find good footholds to make it past the piton about 2 m up.

5.8 Outside Corner — 2 intentos - con luciano lima Clásica 17m Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Corban Swain
Vie 30.º Jun 2023
Made it farther than my last attempt. Couldnt get past the crux.

5.12a Thank You Scott Clásica 14m Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Jue 15.º Jul 2010
got all but the last move

5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Colin Flaherty
Vie 14.º Mayo 2004
5.5 White Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.5 White Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Nice V0 highball

5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.5 White Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Colin Flaherty
Vie 14.º Mayo 2004
Nice easy flake

5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Spooky low down (?)

5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Sáb 6.º Jun 2020
5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 22.º Jun 2020
5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 21.º Sep 2020
5.5 White Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 21.º Sep 2020
5.5 White Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
Corban Swain
Sáb 20.º Ag 2022
5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
Corban Swain
Sáb 20.º Ag 2022
5.6 Black Knight Clásica 11m Quincy Quarries
Corban Swain
Sáb 20.º Ag 2022
Top rope
5.9 Blood Streaks Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Worth the trouble to lead

5.7 Satisfaction Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.2 Pink Face Left Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.9 Brown Sugar Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Sáb 21.º Jun 2008
5.9 Blood Streaks Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Jonathan Williams
Lun 1.º Jul 2002
5.7 Gray Spot Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Jonathan Williams
Lun 1.º Jul 2002
5.7 Satisfaction Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Steve Marr
Sáb 21.º En 2006
Polished start

5.9 Blood Streaks Top-rope Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Tom S
Mié 6.º Jul 2005
Start under red streak, Very hard start, easier start to the left.

5.5 Double Traverse Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Steve Marr
Sáb 21.º En 2006
Easy flake.

5.5 Gray Spot Top-rope Quincy Quarries Ni te molestes
Dom 18.º Mayo 2008
5.6 Pink Face Center Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Michael Spinney
Mié 1.º Jun 2005
5.8 Ceaseless Turmoil Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010
Good gear, tough clips

5.9 Sour Grapes Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Jonathan Williams
Vie 1.º Nov 2002
5.6 Double Overhang Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Steve Marr
Sáb 21.º En 2006
Right side of roofs

5.7 Palm Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.5 Gray Spot Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
5.6 Double Overhang Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Dom 18.º Mayo 2008
5.9 Sour Grapes Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.6 Double Overhang Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.8 Barbara Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Steve Marr
Sáb 21.º En 2006
Slightly contrived.

5.8 Ceaseless Turmoil Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Dom 18.º Mayo 2008
5.6 Pink Face Center Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.8 Ceaseless Turmoil Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
5.6 Pink Face Center Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Ed Dillon
Mar 13.º Abr 2010

5.6 Double Overhang Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.7 Palm Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Sáb 21.º Jun 2008
5.6 Ceaseless Turmoil Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
5.8 Split Pea Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.7 Gray Spot Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
5.6 Double Overhang Top-rope Quincy Quarries Muy buena
Tom S
Mié 8.º Jun 2005
Fun Route, little hard for the grade.

5.7 Palm Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Aaron Applebaum
Mié 11.º Mayo 2005
5.7 Satisfaction Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Dom 18.º Mayo 2008
5.9 Blood Streaks Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Andrew yost
Jue 31.º Mayo 2007
5.8 Leap Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Sáb 21.º Jun 2008
5.7 Palm Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Dom 20.º Abr 2008
5.6 Mingled Measure Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.6 Ceaseless Turmoil Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.6 Double Traverse Straight Up Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Steve Marr
Sáb 21.º En 2006
The good climbing is short.

5.7 Thin Spot Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.3 Friction Pitch Top-rope 20m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Dom 14.º Jun 2020
5.3 Friction Pitch Top-rope 20m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Dom 14.º Jun 2020
5.3 Friction Pitch Top-rope 20m Quincy Quarries Buena
Andrew DeChristopher
Lun 21.º Sep 2020
5.7 Hang Left Top-rope 11m Quincy Quarries Buena
Sergey Komarov
Dom 14.º Nov 2021
#4 top rope solo flash

5.11a Sloping Staircase Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Dom 11.º Jul 2010
5.6 Flake Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries Medio
Dom 20.º Abr 2008
5.5 Yellow Spot Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.8 Orange Peel Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.10 Flake Direct (var.) Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Dom 20.º Abr 2008
5.7 Teepee Variation Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.8 Teepee Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.8 Manic Depressive Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.7 Orange Peel Easy Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Jeff Morrison
5.10 Lurch Direct Top-rope Quincy Quarries
Sáb 9.º Ag 2008
5.10+ Bombay Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.7 Lurch Top-rope Quincy Quarries
ben reardon
Mar 20.º En 2004
5.5 Yellow Spot Top-rope Quincy Quarries Buena
Jonathan Williams
Vie 1.º Nov 2002
Death Metal Top-rope 14m Quincy Quarries
Mar 13.º Abr 2010

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 163 ascensiones.

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