
Ascensiones en Farside

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Mostrando los 5 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Jue 1.º Jun 2023 - Cape Horn
Farside Maple Tree Cluster
5.10b Good Vibrations Clásica
Tim Scott
I would NOT lead this on trad. super suspect gear in fractured rock. TR only or bolt the damn thing. harder than it looked but also jeebus it was dirty

5.9 Closeout Clásica
Tim Scott
wow. interesting moves for a 5.9 for sure. maybe a little sandbagged? maybe this place is gross and inspires zero confidence. YOU DECIDE! in order, .75, .75, bolt, #1

5.10a Boo Coup Clásica
Tim Scott
some short interesting moves down low, not really very protectable, again TR until properly bolted.

5.10c Sharpen Your Teeth Clásica 18m
Tim Scott
super high first bolt after the crux, not great for a lead but easily TR'd. best route at farside so far for me. also not gross or dirty until the top.

5.10b Full Metal Jacket Clásica 23m
Tim Scott
actually a rarity that you COULD lead with relative safety. fun but it was too dark to get max enjoyment.


Mostrando los 5 ascensiones.

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