

A real eye-popper with a history of evolution, The first pitch originally involved a tension traverse and climbing over a dangerous spike and loose rock above, Subsequent parties have eliminated both these hazards and in doing so have made it a better climb. Start: A clean corner crack that curves over to the right at its end.

  1. 40m Clean jambing with some off-width up to below the spike, Step out right onto the wall, then continue up a thin scam to the roof. Undercling/jam the roof right to the tree. Bolt and wires belay.

  2. 35m Traverse right along the grassy ledge to a flakey layback groove. Up this carefully to below roofs, then move across right lo exit crack. Belay.

  3. 12m Up over scrub into chimney to top.

루트 역사

First free ascent: Paul Bayne & A. Legler
7월 1978초등들: FA J. Friend, R. Thomas & R. McClymont


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -30.63003, 151.81055

Grade citation

21 공동체 등록 등급들
21 John Lattanzio

완전 구식
안하는 것이 좋음

Overall quality 83 from 1 ratings.

완등 형태

온사이트 1

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