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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
10 Unknown on block left
전통등반 8m Bangor West
18 End of the Line

Start as for Grotto Crack, past first bolt to horizontal break. Hand traverse R to ring bolt and up flake as for End of the Century. Cams and bolts.

FA: T Meredith & D Burgess, 2011

혼합 고전등반 12m, 4 Bangor West
10 Tilba Tilba

On the left side of the front of the boulder facing the main crag.

Mantle, then up. No pro.

전통등반 8m Bangor West
18 Voodoo Traverse

Start as for Tilba Tilba. Traverse right to 2nd corner above the finish of Monkey Bars, then up. No pro.

전통등반 15m Bangor West
13 Chicanery Crack

A great beginner trad lead with plenty of bomber gear and good stances for placing. You can even practice your offwidth chicken arm and leg jamming at half height.

The crack located just to the left of Buzz Boys Beat.

Shares anchors with Buzz Boys Beat. If you're tall enough you can reach them from the ledge.

전통등반 8m Bangor West
22 R Djurid Dreaming

Boldly boulder out of the cave and up into horizontal seam to good gear. Continue along and up the 2 horizontal runnels to the next break and onwards to anchors of Death of a Xanthorrhoea.

FA: nathanual hebbard, 6 9월 2021

전통등반 10m Bangor West
18 Can't Stop The Knee Lock

Wide roof crack mini route that requires nearly zero off-widthing!

Can be done either as a trad route (protect with 1-2 size 6s) or as a high ball boulder.

FA: Matthew Robbins, 14 9월 2023

전통등반 5m Bangor West
15 Lean Too

Start: A deep crack approximately 1m left of "Dorothy May" The first 4m direct looks 20 I reckon, probably starts on the jugs of Reno

전통등반 15m Bangor West
18 Active

Crack R of Hobbit Nose with a blank section up high. Take cams

전통등반 10m Bangor West
22 Fire Starter

Climb true direct to the anchors of pyromaniac, through centre of bolts on each side via gaston pocket and flaring vertical seam.

FA: JackRyan, 7 1월

전통등반 9m Bangor West
11 In Depth

Corner crack just left of ALH.

전통등반 10m Bangor West
20 Python Direct

On the right-facing wall just left of In Depth corner. Directly up middle of this little wall, shares anchors with Python. Not exactly a sport route when there is one carrot 4m up . Really runout easy to deck. Dare Devil sports climb.

혼합 고전등반 10m, 1 Bangor West
15 Passive

Flared crack left of Hobbit Nose, can be done entirely on hexes and a few wires, classic! Easier with the tree to start.

전통등반 10m Bangor West
19 Kick Start

Thin crack at the base of the gully on the left wall as you walk down, One hard move then up crack and nose on right to easy top out, good gear all the way (you can put a high cam in the protect the start). Double U anchor, best to abseil to avoid rope wear.

FA: Michael Law, 2017

전통등반 10m Bangor West
20 Dynamic Winter

Start: Marked. On right hand edge of bulging buttress left of P. A hard start to a good fist sized cam in break, then continue up the arete, staying right of AB. Next break is big so clip one of AB's bolts and finish on AB anchor. Maybe 16V2?

FA: H. Wallace, 1992

전통등반 10m Bangor West
16 Skulduggery

Just left of cave for GW. Over bulge and up big crack

전통등반 9m Bangor West
20 glitter

Start about 1m L of Sandstorm by a little layback. Either hard straight up on crimps or (much nicer and easier) up left a move then right following pockets up to break (hand and fist sized cams). Up crack and tenuous slab finish straight above to rings well back. Good gear after start

FA: Michael Law, 2017

전통등반 11m Bangor West
14 Get Tracked

Start: Starts at the crack 0.5m left of 'Andrew's Bulge'.

전통등반 11m Bangor West
20 Bicycle wall

Start on ramp as for Rainman but veer right using pocket, hard move to break (hand and fist sized cams). Hard move left into crack and break then up easily.

FA: Michael Law, 2017

전통등반 8m Bangor West
10 Side Tracked

Start: 0.5m left of GT, Seam (wires)and thread

전통등반 10m Bangor West
17 Pitted Arete

Up crack 1.5m left of ST, then up of blunt arete.

FA: S turcanyi, 1987

전통등반 10m Bangor West
12 Mike's Photogenic Crack

Corner crack left of ZT.

Bouldery start then easy.

FA: Mike Patterson

전통등반 10m Bangor West
15 Ali
전통등반 5m Bangor West
15 Slobbery Dog
전통등반 6m Bangor West
11 Christmas Nuts

1m left of TaB.

The grovelly dirty chimney.

전통등반 10m Bangor West
Somebody Solo'd Your Project

Set: Ryan L

FA: Ollie C

전통등반 7m Bangor West
12 Rockclimber's Waltz
전통등반 7m Bangor West
16 Head Butte
전통등반 6m Bangor West
10 Mekong Buck's Party

The seeping right facing corner around the corner from ER. Twin cracks to Storm water drain.

FA: Shauno & Ryan L, 6월 2018

전통등반 7m Bangor West
Top rope
12 Rainman

Ok trad gear if you look including small cams and a little wire in the 2 vertical cracks, and big cams out left. Start: The ramp 5m left (facing cliff) of the descent gully. Out left and up. easy to set up top-ropes.

톱로핑 6m Bangor West
18 Sleepy Snackdogs

Around the corner from Egg Rings. Grade due to the thin start.

FA: Shauno & Ryan L, 6월 2018

톱로핑 7m Bangor West
13 Nana in the dark

6m left of Whippersnapper

Climb diagonally right & up to the left hand lower-offs.

FA: Luke, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
17 Dollar Drinks

Left most route, facing the cliff. A bit lame, but still fun. Great newbie climb. Beware of soft and lose sandstone. Much deterioration on this climb.

FFA: Leo Stanners

FA: 11월 2018

Set: 10 11월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 2 Bangor West
17 Grandma's Wheelchair Direct

As Grandma's Wheelchair but climb directly through the cave to give it a punchy and fun start.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m Bangor West
13 Whippersnapper

The left hand side of the boulder as you face it with your back to the cliff has 3 bolted routes. Whippersnapper is the RH route. Hard start, then up juggy wall and left to righthand anchor (clip and go).

FA: Luke, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
18 Sloth loves chunk

Up dirty looking crack to slopers. Committing finish.

Set: 6 11월 2018

FFA: 16 11월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 5 Bangor West
19 Karins Loose Stool

Hard undercut start then up on good edges and slopey pockets. Easier for those with gibbon arms.

FA: Mat Hutchins-Read, 8월 2015

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
20 Karate Paintball Dirt Bike Club

Up edges and block, then round left of roof and up. Use long slings or rap down to clean due to rope drag. Beware of soft and loose sandstone in cave under overhang at the finish. Several holds broken off on start making it much more difficult to get going.

Set: Leo Stanners, 6 11월 2018

FFA: Leo Stanners, 16 11월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 6 Bangor West
23 Another kind of rainbow

Pumpy fun. Start through roof as for Death of a Black Boy then left along lip and up to single U lower at top.

FA: Mikl Law, 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
22 Wild Strip Club Bikie Brawl at Bangor Taven

Up arete then through roof to the right. Again, use long slings or rap down to clean. Beware of soft and loose sandstone in cave under overhang at the finish.

Set: Leo Stanners, 6 11월 2018

FFA: Leo Stanners, 16 11월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 6 Bangor West
24 Starfish

Start about 2m L of the corner (Slobbery Dog) and up then big move left. Lungey stuff.

Gabriele G

Jorge Packer

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
21 Death of a Xanthorrhoea

Start from the cave under the big block as for Monkey Bars.

Out right through the roof and up orange wall past fixed hangers to U-bolt anchors.

FA: H. Wallace, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
21 Powdered Toast Man

Jugs, crimps and slopers all in less than 7m of climbing.

Set: Leo Stanners, 11 1월 2019

FFA: Leo Stanners, 12 5월 2019

스포츠 클라이밍 7m, 4 Bangor West
22 Felix

Start up Lucky's Roof to the 1st bolt then right to lip past 2 bolts (not on easy flake), then left to big flake and hard move up wall

FA: Michael Law, 2015

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Bangor West
20 Lucky's Roof

Start on the small pocket with left hand(not some pile of rocks) then to a ok knob before a monkey along the roof of the cave past RBs to lower-offs. 18 if you start on the cairn. Variant top out via the mantle (21).

FA: Luke, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 5m, 5 Bangor West
22 Rhinoceros in a Party Hat

Crimpy and steep.

Set: Leo Stanners, 4 12월 2018

FFA: Leo Stanners, 28 12월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 4 Bangor West
21 Marathon Man

Shortest stamina route in the Shire. Start up Zip then left along traverse line through roof and up. Right to Zip anchors or backjump (easier)

FA: jeff Crass, 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 7 Bangor West
23 My Girl

Bouldery with Bolts. Up wall to giant U lower off.

FA: Trevor Cooper-Williams, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
18 Egg Rings

Fun jug pulling up steep wall on far right end of crag. Four u-bolts. Very well protected but has no lower-off. Easy top out and set up an abseil on the rings 2m back

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
20 B

3 rusty carrots

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 3 Bangor West
22 Go Go Gadget Arms

The original Go Go Gadget route. Start as for Go Go Gadget 2010 Remix then use the better holds to the right to gain the rail and finish directly up. An easier alternative to the 2010 remix on the same line of bolts (might be a bit harder for shorter folk).

Soloed by Jason Lammers before the bolts were in.

Set: Hayden & Jason Lammers, 1992

FFA: Hayden, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
17 The Whorl

Marked TW. Classic featured wall with awesome giant thread in the middle. Up past giant thread (don't thread in case it breaks), then up to clip-and-go lower-off. For the full value tick mantle out onto the top and belay off u-bolts a few metres back. Rebolted 2015.

FA: Dave Humphries

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
17 Reno

start 1m L of Dorothy May. Jump from boulder to jug just right of crack (Lean Too) and up. 3 rings and lower-off. Previoulsy bolted on coach screws, rebolted Nov 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
21 Motivated Mob Confrontations

Just right of ALH, and left of manky BR's of B

FA: Keysar Trad, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
16 Dorothy May

Marked DM. Climb starts approximately 1m left of "The Whorl". Very steep start off cairn into roof then up using handlebar hold then up the juggy arête. 3 ringbolts then right at top to shared anchor with The Whorl.

FA: Dave Humphries

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
16 Racy

Start on right, either hard boulder or jump off block to jugs and up R edge to lower off.

FA: vanessa peterson, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
20 A Loving Hole

Marked, Up wall on new RBs, share RB of D. Just right of corner crack

FA: H. Wallace, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
20 Facy

Left of racy, hard start and up then R to shared lower off with Racy

FA: Michael Law, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
19 Bangor Tiger

RD on Sydney Rockies reads : Start as for ALH, traverse left & up. Given that ALH is 1m right of In Depth corner crack, its difficult to understand where this "route" is.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m Bangor West
20 Shire Riot

The line of very shiny rings on right side of this buttress with an undercut start. Lots of slopers. tenuous top-out then set up an abseil off rings 2m back and left to clean

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
20 Belly Bulge

Start 1m R of crack, up past 2 Ubolts then left to shared U and lower-off.

FA: Michael Law, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
20 The Shire Republic

Great sustained wall climbing up sloping dishes. Tricky rounded top out, or cheat and lower-off the top anchors.

Rebolted August 2015.

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 3 Bangor West
17 The Drum

Start on left of crack and up to lower off.

FA: vanessa Peterson, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
22 Neil's Roof

Start as for Lucky's Roof then take the right leading bolts direct through the roof as for Felix (avoiding the major roof flake), then climb the seam crack up the headwall just right of Felix to shared single bolt lower-off. The headwall is a bit bold with the bolt spacing.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Bangor West
18 NFM

Marked NFM. Up to RB then leftwards past two more Ubolts to lower-off. Harder first moves then easy top.

Start: 5m left of R, just under arete.

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
22 A pinch and a punch

Bolted line 2m L of Shire Republic. Funkies, pinches, underclings.

FA: Michael Law, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4 Bangor West
17 Python

On the left arete 1m left of PD. Up arete past 2 Ubolts to lower-off up and right.

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 2 Bangor West
21 Killer's Kidneys

Marked KK. Middle line on this wall with a couple of funky pockets. Three Ubolts to shared lower-off with 'NFM'.

Start from the ground (don't skip first few moves by standing on the block).

FA: H. Wallace, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
21 Hobbit's Nose

Nose 3m L of A Pinch and a punch. Up and left at 2nd bolt to a tenuous finish.

FA: Michael Law, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
16 New Generation

From under the lip, up the line of rings to double rings.

FA: Luke, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5 Bangor West
22 Pyromaniac Direct Start

Start right of the ring.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m Bangor West
16 Grandma's Wheelchair

Past Python, on LHS of cave.

Up the side of cave, right across the top, then straight up - now fully rebolted.

FA: Dave Humphries

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
20 Pyromaniac

Start well left of bolt then right to lower off.

Start: Starts 3m left of KK.

FA: Matt Portman

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 3 Bangor West
14 Get Walking

Start as for Grandma's Wheelchair, but straight up.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 3 Bangor West
20 Sandstorm

Streno, right arete of gully as you walk down. Sit start and hard top out to rings well back

Set: Michael Law

FA: Jeffrey Crass, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
15 Andrew's Bulge

Climb is marked with a faded AB. Just right of the crack. Rebolted 2009. 3 ring bolts with lower off. A Sydney classic

FA: Peter Faill

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
21 End of the Decade

Start: Below traverse line, 3m left of S. Groovy move to start, then out traverse line and up arete.

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 2 Bangor West
22 End of the Century

Directly up the wall past RBs to lower off. The best rock at Bangor !

FA: Jason Lammers, 2009

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
10 Magic sparkle

Start on boulder 3m R of Belly Bulge, step on to lip of roof and up slab.

FA: Lexi Law & Michael Law, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
17 Grotto Crack

Corner crack just left of End of The Decade. 2BR out right or can be led as trad. Good varied climbing.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 2 Bangor West
22 A crimp and a crunch

Start 3m R of the thin crack (KS) at the base of the gully, 3m L of HN. Can stand on tree to clip first runner. Up desperate start, then hard move left through roof (right is right out) and up to slabby top out. Best to rap off the anchors as it will wear your rope a bit.

FA: Patrick Burr, 4월 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4 Bangor West
19 Buzz Boys Beat

Wall 1m Left of Grotto Crack, hard if you don't use the crack on the left at the 2nd U bolt. Lower off around to left. Beware the old garden seat at the top of this route from which people may throw down rocks and rubbish.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 3 Bangor West
21 Mars Apple

Killer start up to first Ring Bolt. Can be done as a mixed route.

Start: 1m left of Pitted Arete

Rebolted 2009

FA: Steve Turcsanyi, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3 Bangor West
14 Nananapper

Start 1.5m left of Whippersnapper in the squeeze, straight up wall to last bolt of Nana in the dark and on to anchors.

스포츠 클라이밍 9m, 3 Bangor West
18 Zip

Tricky! Start by climbing directly up arete and continue up past 3 Ubolts to lower off.

스포츠 클라이밍 8m Bangor West
13 Zulu Trainer

Starts 1m left of Mars Apple.

Slightly tricky start then up blocky ledges and face. New bolts 2009. 2 carrots on top.

FA: Steve Turcsanyi, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
20 Flash as a rat

Start in corner 3m L of Skullduggery, up and right then up rounded buttress finishing on right. Reachy and rounded. Recently rebolted.

There is a common variant of this route that uses the same bolts, but involves traversing to the right of the bulge towards Skullduggery between the first and second clip, then heading to the top on good holds. This skips the crux of the main route and changes the grade to a 16 or 17.

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 3 Bangor West
17 Unzip

Boulder problem start to Zip from under roof

스포츠 클라이밍 10m Bangor West
17 Pequeña Escalada (Tiny Climb)

Bouldery start with surprisingly tricky top out. Start on ground, not rock on the left. Unless you want to.

FFA: Leo Stanners, 7 4월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 5m, 2 Bangor West
18 Billabong

Start on other side of block near gully. one carrot

스포츠 클라이밍 5m, 1 Bangor West
20 Sports Injury Clinic

1m L of MPC. 2ubolts

FA: Dave Humphries

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
19 Please Dont Piss Here

On the back of The Block, to the right of the 'PLEASE DONT PISS HERE' writing in chalk.

2 ring bolts to double u bolt belay.

FFA: Leo Stanners, 25 4월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 2 Bangor West
21 Tits and Bits

2m left of SIC. 2 rings, shared lower-off with Sports Injury Clinic.

FA: peter farkas, 1989

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2 Bangor West
19 Fixed Steps

Tricky stuff up and around the arete. Probably best to finish on anchors as for GGG. 3 new RBs

Start: On rounded arete

FA: Steve Turcsanyi

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3 Bangor West
19 Please Don't Piss Here Either

To the right of Please Don't Piss Here, on the back of the The Block. And, as the disgruntled boulderer has written in chalk, don't pee here.

FA: Leo Stanners, 17 6월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 2 Bangor West
24 Go Go Gadget - 2010 Remix

Right of MG, at thin vertical seam, battle the bulges, directly up crimpy wall. Originally toproped a bit right at the start.

Keep off the larger holds to the right to earn the grade.

Set: Hayden & Jason Lammers, 1992

FFA: Hayden, 1992

FA: Jason Lammers, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 10m Bangor West
V5 Huge VanLust

Highball arete left of Ali. Sit down / Start lowwww. Hard start, easy but high finish

FA: Eugene Mak, 2019

볼더 8m Bangor West
V9 Arête Problem

A square cut arête 80m right of 'The Whorl'. Surely someone has done the crack.

FA: joe, 2000

볼더 Bangor West
V12/13 Only the Lonely

Sit start LH undercling in the middle of the hueco and RH sidepull. Do a few hard moves up and left to gain the ledge and topout. Bloody Classic. Cheers JH for the vision.

FA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, 8월 2020

볼더 Bangor West
{US} V5 Arachnology for Kids Traverse

From the corner/crack of In Depth (marked 'ALH') traverse right to the arete of Fixed Steps. V4/V5? Technical, very good.

FA: NC, 2003

볼더 9m Bangor West

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