

Starts about 15m R of RS and before the track dips to a small off-vertical wall. It's the narrow wall which changes aesthetically from green, the slabby part, to black to orange, the steep part, and then a roof. 6 FH and natural gear; 2 FH's on top.

루트 역사

6월 1998초등들: Nathan Bolton & Andrew Doubleday


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -19.34206, 146.78499

Grade citation

23 공동체 등록 등급들
22/23 A Climber's Guide to Townsville and Magnetic Island


Installation of permanent anchors (eg bolts) is not permitted on City Council land or Department of Defence (Army) land. Take all rubbish with you. - Be aware of loose rocks and other climbers who could be below you.

Mt Stuart으로부터 상속된

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