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위도/경도: 48.58235, 9.47104

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7+ 공동체 등록 등급들


Since 1999, the entire Teckberg has been designated as a nature reserve. This means that all actions that could lead to the destruction, damage or alteration of the nature reserve or its components or to a lasting disturbance are prohibited in accordance with more detailed regulations.

So take your rubbish home again and stay on the paths! No fire, no camping.

Gelber Fels으로부터 상속된

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Author(s): Achim Pasold & Ronald Nordmann

일자: 2021

Der Kletterführer beschreibt viele Klettermöglichkeiten am Steilabbruch der Schwäbischen Alb / 72 Kletterziele - 2500 Routen.

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