

Amazing line on great rock. Start sitting to the left of Impossible in Denim, matched on a jug side pull. Climb up left through the thuggish undercling seam before doing a desperate throw off poor feet to a jug side pull ear. Set a right drop knee and reach high to a small but very positive, half pad crimp, which allows you to let your body out and throw for the sloping side pull jug. A desperate shoulder press out to the finishing horn awaits

Location Start sitting just low and to the left of Impossible in Denim. Beta Video:


루트 역사

초등들: nik vukovich


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: 22.87465, -109.89961

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v8+ 공동체 등록 등급들

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화요일 30 5월
무슨일이 일으나고 있는지 Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement 알아보세요.

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