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Author(s): Steve Broadbent

일자: 2018

ISBN: 9780993548666

This is a selective guidebook describing 100 of the very best mountain rock climbs in the Anti-Atlas Mountains, focusing on the longer, trad multi-pitch routes, aimed at climbers who seek a reliably good quality mountain day, with routes from Diff to E2.

지역들: Anti-Atlas

Author(s): Steve Broadbent

일자: 2018

ISBN: 9780993548659

This a selective guidebook describing the superb granite cragging to the south of Tafraout including trad rock climbing, sport climbing, and selected bouldering circuits

지역들: Anti-Atlas

Author(s): Steve Broadbent

일자: 2020

ISBN: 9781913167073

A comprehensive guidebook describing the traditional rock climbing to be found on the north and south sides of the Jebel el Kest massif near the town of Tafraout (Tafraoute), covering more than 1,900 routes.

지역들: Anti-Atlas

Author(s): Emma Alsford, Paul Donnithorne, and Don Sargeant

일자: 2020

ISBN: 9780957366619

A selective guidebook describing the trad rock climbing in the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Mountains near Tafraoute, covering 1,700 routes.

지역들: Anti-Atlas

일자: 2021

ISBN: 9781913167141

A comprehensive guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing in Morocco’s Todra Gorge, covering over 450 routes from F4 to F8.

지역들: Gorges du Todgha

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