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The Kingdom of Tonga, in the South Pacific ocean, consists of 169 islands, of which 36 are inhabited. The island of Eua has a rapidly growing sport climbing scene which began in 2016.


The island of 'Eua ("aye-wah") is part of the Kingdom of Tonga. This small, rugged paradise offers steep limestone cliffs near the sea. A (very) adventurous, exotic destination for sport climbers

Fangatave Beach

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

Eua Fangatave Beach
Descent Gully wall

About 20m North of Whale Wall

Eua Fangatave Beach Descent Gully wall
15 Descent Gully

The descent gully from a signposted lookout point above, down to the base, some 100M north of Whale wall. Has now been equiped with bolts and rebelay stations for safe ascent when ropes are not fixed.

18 Vine wall

The wall to the left of the Descent line, snaking with vines and roots, was climbed in an exploratory style for potential beginners routes, but lowered off from a small tree about 9m up, unimpressed.

Eua Fangatave Beach
Whale Wall

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

Eua Fangatave Beach Whale Wall
20 Marina la Linda

shares first bolt with "Pepe el Loco" then take right hand line toward tan rock

17 Pepe el Loco

20m uphill from main whale wall

19/20 Three Boys

A short easy pitch to a belay ledge at 12m where the real climbing begins

P1: a groove on the right side leads to the dark featured rock above P2: continue up and right to a small overlap, above this and further right to the second anchor

21 Great Expectations

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

22 Tafu'a'a Puna

A high first bolt and cruxy climbing getting past the next two. The rest of the line follows holds up the center of the panel between the two highly featured cave features on either side of the central panel of quality rock.

P2 finishes the line to a shared anchor with "Great Expectations" P2

16 Whale Access Pitch

Shared by several routes above. Climb the easiest line up the corner just left of the "Hounds Head" rock feature obvious on the ground at base of the Whale wall.

23 Breached As Bro

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

21 Tavake

Tavake are the white-tailed tropic birds that frequently soar past the cliffs of Fangatave, and the namesake of this climb, in honour of the long white streak this climb ascends, high above the forest. The first pitch is a bit dirty, but well worth enduring for the stunning pitch above.

19 On Some Far Away Beach

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

18 Blowhard

Have slings to extend draws on p2. When lowering off p2 be careful not to lose the wall, a 70m doubled over will NOT reach the ground with rope stretch. You must re abseil from p1 anchors to reach the ground.

21 Double Indemnity

2 pitch (16, 21) access via shared "Whale Access Pitch"

20 Indemnity

long grade 20 climbing above shared "Whale Access Pitch"

19 Thirty Four (years)

climbed on an anniversary, typical featured pockety climbing up the height of the wall, starts just left of the low cave left of "Whale Access Pitch"

16 Beginners Wail

Best to start using the tree where it is closest to the wall. Climb up into the groove feature. Easiest line on the wall, hardest right off the ground. possibly best to start with first two bolts of the line to the left.

21 Beginners Flail

Continuation of the line left of Beginners line, although makes for a an easier start. Starts behind some Fa trees, staying just to the right of a ledge/alcove system in the corner further to your left. above find a tufa and chimney system. (Route name suggested by Josh Merriam)

Eua Fangatave Beach
Anokula Wall

This wall is located further left from Whale Wall.

Eua Fangatave Beach Anokula Wall
Left in Jail

An alternate line, utilizing the hanging start from "Peka's Jail" but climbing up via the left into the easier rock above, perhaps accessing the jail from the rear? evidently two pitches of dubious quality

21 Peka's Jail

2 pitches: 19,21. After an interesting start climbing onto the hanging rock, need a stick clip for 1st bolt. endure a bit of sharp dirty rock to access the ridiculously steep and super fun 2nd pitch. An interesting cave in the middle after a biscuity tufa. The anchor is a challenge to clip.

23 Dreadnaughty

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

23 Blind Faith

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

22 Purple Pincer Pocket Puller

Once above the tree, enjoy long pulls on hero holds on a slightly but consistently overhung wall. Pitch two turns the arete, which has been bluntened somewhat, before firing up the orange rock. For the best experience: stay in the orange, avoid the temptation to cop out left, and solve the crux! Move right a bit at the end and clip from under long, avoiding the black munge.

Up for grabs

Starts from its own belay stance, three metres left and down from the "Trust me.." belay. Bolted by Paul Rogers who had to wait for the glue to set and didn't have time to send it. I asked him if its a project and he said it was "Up for grabs".

24 Trust me, I'm a Mountain Guide

3P (17, 22, 24) Shares start with 'The White Shield', then diverts to a belay inside the scoop. P2, climb the roof and right arete of the giant scoop, veering left to an anchor above the bulge. The last pitch climbs directly up to finish at the original white shield anchor.

25 The White Shield

3 pitches: 16,17,26+ or 25. Climb highly featured rock up the left edge of the central column feature. Most will link the first two pitches. The third pitch climbs direct past bolts on clean scalloped rock and slopers, to the mega jug. Very nice, but currently unsent. An easier alternative is to move left at the second bolt, then up steep black pockets and pinches, staying left of the bolts. Note: black rock gets slippery on humid days.

27 Fakamalu Tevolo

Access the belay stance by sliding left from the top of 'Kina', or right at last bolt of P2 'the White Shield'. Climb steep mostly juggy rock for several bolts through minor cruxes to a great rest pod, then through the last roof via a hand jam to arrive at the base of the headwall. There is a distinct and mandatory crux getting to the last bolt (just right of the white shield anchor). Grab the victory feature mega hold, clip the last bolt, then finish at the tip of the grey water streak.

20 Lei Kina

Named after Kina Taufa. Scamper up to high first bolt on good holds then pass the tufas to a corner system, onto face, into and back out of the dirty black groove, to gain a ledge and belay.

22 Freeloader

Endure a few mungey holds down low, then blast straight up this long, spacey route, negotiating an interesting corner and arete before arriving at the anchor in a recess.

14 Tani Tappman

this was originally explored ground up on fairly spaced but nearly adequate threads and other gear to the spacious ledge. A belay anchor is installed. Any future developers may use the belay ledge at the top as access to the roofs above, and feel free to add bolts for a proper lead.

22 Whetu Marama

You'll need some Polynesian navigation skills to get to this one! Starts from belay of third pitch of Skywalker. Clip the first Skywalker bolt, then veer left, cross the crack and head up steep wall on jugs.

23 Skywalker

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

Eua Fangatave Beach
Mânava Wall

Sector starts 40m south of the water pipe and extends to chossy wall with huge slabby open book hanging corner which starts at half height.

Eua Fangatave Beach Mânava Wall
23 Mr Jones

Starts on a ledge in an open cave. P1 is steep and juggy. See if you can find the good holds before you pump out! There is a free purple Black Diamond nut for whoever can dislodge it. Head out left to continue upwards. Double bolt belay immediately after you gain the headwall. P2: Keep climbing up and you'll eventually reach the top.

19 96 Degrees in the Shade

P1. Start up beautifully featured stalactites, columns and flowstone and continue up face before trending right to belay in cave. Extending 3rd RB recommended. P2. Head through stalactites and continue up face trending right to belay in cave.

Descent: Single 30m abseil/rap to ground.

23 Room with a View

Climbs the obvious hanging curtain of stalactites. Start by climbing unprotected up past the brain to a belay which will help decrease drag. out right and up the ramp to the first bolt and access to the first of the flow. Use a double draw on the fourth bolt (inside the room with no floor) for optimal rope running. The harder climbing begins as you exit out the window and find your way up the final overhangs on great full hand pockets to finish at the base of the headwall. (name changed from Enlightenment)

20 Generosity

P1. 19 - Start up a series of ledges and bulges tackled direct to belay at cave and ledge. P2. 20 - Head left from belay clipping hidden 2nd RB after 4m. Continue up beautifully coloured pocketed face and finish steeply up crack and pockets to belay at ledge and cave. A 3* pitch. P3. 20 - Head left from belay through small roof into some sharpish rock and precarious moves to small alcove and ledge. Continue up right side past RB to an exciting finish clipping the chains.

Can be linked to make a great 2-pitch or single megapitch route.

Descent: It is possible to abseil/rap off from the top anchors with a 60m rope perfectly centralised with stretch. Use tree at bottom to push yourself into ledge at base if not quite down!

Eua Fangatave Beach
Lovely Wall

A white overhung wall with a remarkably flat area at the bottom.

Eua Fangatave Beach Lovely Wall
16 Pacific Lumboo

Start as for pepe's Jungle Jam. Climb this for 4 bolts then right to great looking arete passed another 4 bolts to DBB

16 Pepe's Jungle Jam

Mostly jugs. Anchors to the right of the ledge

20 Flower Power

Climb the tufa, go right, then up

22 Lovely Day

Climb through overhang at the start, then go up. It's steep and fun!

Eua Fangatave Beach
Fa Wall

Mostly a single pitch area at the southern end of the Fangatave Beach crag. Curently the only two pitch climb on the wall is a trad line.

Eua Fangatave Beach Fa Wall
29 Welcome to the jungle

Located just on the left of the downhill prow of Fa wall. Start below Heavily featured tufa groove, continue up for 8m. Follow sparse pockets up through very steep bouldery terrain to lip.

18 Twice Marooned

Starts just right of Blade Runner in the next corner line. Easy start leads to thin crux in left facing corner up to DBB.

17 Blade Runner

Long varied climbing, quite consistent at the grade. Cleaned and sanitized well, but still sharp in places. above the midway anchor, the route veers left at the top to meet the anchor of "Cosmos"

18 Cosmos

Starts a few meters to the north of Gita. P1 - start up the corner seam placing medium size wires and cams as you go. Over the bulge to double bolt belay. P2 - start up the crack placing med wires and cams. When the crack disappears keep going a few more meters to gain the double bolt belay. Rap back to P1 anchors and re- rap, a 70m doubled over with rope stretch will NOT reach the ground from P2 anchors.

Fangatave is a sport climbing area, however it would be a crime to bolt this line as it can be entirely protected with trad gear. Please respect the wishes of the first ascensionists.

23 Wear Clothes

Quality, thin, technical climbing. Very worthwhile. On pitch two, go up and right after the 4th bolt. You won't be able to see the next bolt from where you are, but it's there, don't worry. Both pitches grade 23

22 Gita

A thin technical section near the top makes this route unique

18 Fa Starter

Two pitches make for a long, fun route

19 Undone

One of the easier routes on the wall. Juggy and a bit pumpy

23 the Last Tango in Tonga


19 The Fa Tufa

Very low first bolt. Climb the sharp easy stuff, then move right and go up the tufa system

23 Maelstrom

Sharp at the bottom, gets tricky higher up

21 Lobster Claws

Quite tricky and sustained with interesting moves past a tufa and over a bulge

19 Ferry to 'Eua

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

21 Ferry to 'Eua Direct Start

A one bolt variation start leading into B3 of the original upper climbing.

22 Rubiks Pocket Pulling Puzzle

There was a T$20 climbers registration fee and an admin fee of T$5. But this fee has been postponed until a local operator is organised to collect it. Please remember that climbing is on the Kings estate and access is a privilege granted by the Kings Office, not a right. We are guests on their land - please act accordingly. Some areas are accessed via private farm land. Do not pass padlocked gates - find another way.

20 Seasick Sailors

An interesting technical start with some big moves followed by a pump-a-thon

19 Tricerabolts

A tricky start followed by a pump-a-thon with a sting in the tail!

Eua Fangatave Beach
Ni'a Wall

The rock contains typical limestone features such as tufas and stalactites. There is room for a few more routes here, possibly second pitches of about 10m. Sun till about 1:30 pm.

Eua Fangatave Beach Ni'a Wall
21 Wherever You Are

Goes through a rooflet that's somewhat tricky. Low first bolt is to protect both climber and belayer from falling off the belay ledge.

18 A Niu World

Up and under the stalactite then up to a seam which leads to the anchor. Best to stick clip the first bolt.

22 A Tufa Too Far

Third line of bolts. The first bolt is difficult to spot and was placed for a stick clip. Start up the seam to the right.

Open project

Open project for anyone that has not done an FA before. Starts in the overhang. Stick climb the first bolt to protect both climber and belayer. Grade around 19.

Northwestern Beach crags

A cliché paradisiacal beach with a few choice lines (so far).

Eua Northwestern Beach crags
Elephant's Foot Rock

12-14m high crag towards the North end of Houma-Tahi Beach with a distinctive Elephant's foot stalactite at it's centre.

Eua Northwestern Beach crags Elephant's Foot Rock
23 The Elephant's Foot

Boulder up to high 1st RB (extend) and go direct steeply through the niche, mantelling onto the elephant's foot stalactite via a 2nd hidden RB (on top of the foot). Continue past 2 more bolts to carefully clip the chains slightly to the left.

Eua Northwestern Beach crags
Houma-Tahi Arch

Beautiful cave and natural rock arch set just back from the beach approximately 500m south of Elephant's foot rock.

Eua Northwestern Beach crags Houma-Tahi Arch
20 Moko

Climb the tufa, keeping an eye out for moko (geckos). Veer right, up steep pockets to finish.

24 Dirty deeds

Up tufa to stalactite, avoiding dirty holds, then solve the crux.

21 Girls on tools

Climb stalactites and tufa on the steep face left of Faka'ofa'ofa. Stay left instead of turning the arete for maximum pumpy fun. There's a few mungey holds, but these can be avoided.

14 Faka'ofa'ofa

Climb beautifully featured flowstone arête trending left to final bulge and anchor.

Eua Northwestern Beach crags
Olu sea cliff

A small but high quality cliff, to the north of Olu beach and south of Houma Tahi beach. Faces west, so shady in the morning and sheltered from the SE trade winds. Great snorkelling if its calm enough to get across the reef below. A shelf across the bottom of the crag stays dry even through high tide, but you may have to wade a bit on the way in or out. A great whale watching venue!

Eua Northwestern Beach crags Olu sea cliff
22 Kontiki

Climb up and left, pass a double bolt anchor and continue up the fat tufa to a ledge above. A 60m rope probably won't get you all the way down, thus the lower anchor.

24 Showtime

Quality face climbing up the immaculate brown face. Just slightly overhung. First ascended while a parade of whales performed below.

19 Pacific Lines

A fantastic, varied line, between 'Kontiki' and 'Prince of Whales' climbing the upper half of the Olu wall. Traverse in (easy but run-out) from the Kontiki access pitch.

20 Triangle Ledge access

Placeholder for new routes access pitch to triangle ledge

26 Prince of Whales

Inspired by President Trump meeting the Prince of Whales. P1. Up fossiliferous steep rock then follow corner to DBB. P2. Face climbing on the immaculate rock of the upper half of Olu Crag

22 The fine art of Muppetry

Climbs up the inside left edge of the Muppet cave, one long reach gets into the steep where there's an obvious kneebar alcove before the turning the overhang to the top.

Access by traversing over from P1 of Prince of Whales to independent belay ledge (DBB).

19 the Muppet Show

An access pitch leading up into the Muppet cave. Starts off the farthest right point of the tidal ledge system, 3 bolts up the steep featured rock past the right edge of the smaller cave and into the dihedral feature. Use long slings here to avoid rope drag above. The climbing eases as well as the route angle, finishing with a DBB at the spacious and comfortable Muppet ledge.

23 Gonzo

Climbs the stalactites on the right side of the Muppet cave. The first bolt is high off the Muppet ledge, but easily reached from the comfortable stance among the stout pillars. pinch and pull the plentiful gonzo noses of stalactites through the roof. A good rest can be had by swinging left of the bolt line before the last steep section. Finish at the roof with installed lower off rams-horns for easy cleaning. Then take the big swing out from the rear of the cave and enjoy the view!

the Lost Walls

Inside 'Eua National park, which is located on the East side of 'Eua, South of Lokupo beach. The jungle is mature and full rare creatures. At the base, a freshwater stream tumbles out from the jungle into the sea.Spectacular, and shadey.

Eua the Lost Walls
the Lost Wall

The main largest cliff, rising 100m from the jungle at sea level, leaning slightly left at the top and generally overhung if only slightly. The rock is very high quality and has slightly less of the large features , lending to harder cleaner climbs

Eua the Lost Walls the Lost Wall
18 Genesis

The access route for the main cliff, climbs black spikey flake/groove feature up to the "Genesis Ledge". Locate a single belay bolt behind a tree growing on the ledge system at the base. The obvious crux comes at the last 2 bolts as you pull over onto the ledge.

24 Forbidden Fruit

4 Pitches (18, 24, 23, 19) starts with "Genesis" for the first pitch.

Pitch 2 [grade 24] - Forbidden Fruit above the belay on the left side of "Genesis ledge", directly up steep clean pocketed rock. Good rest after 3rd bolt, crux between B5 and 6. Crazy jugs at bolt 7 that are too good to believe. Interesting corner system to the top. 9 bolts to DBB on the "footledge"

Pitch 3 [grade 23] - the Tree of Knowledge Straight up the corner above the belay, then sliding across the face on wild sculpted holds, to access a stalactite and undercling flake on the prow. You may partake of any of the holds on the wall, but grab not onto the tree of knowledge, it is Forbidden! Go left above the shrub, avoiding the sharpest rock to DBB on the grey prickly slab. 11 bolts

Pitch 4 [grade 19] - Exodus Up the slab onto well pocketed face, head right at the 6th bolt and traverse down around then up tufa at the top to a DBB immediately below the vegetation line. 7 bolts. Strongly recommended to belay second up from here for communication. then exit over the roots and bushes to a three trunked tree on the summit.

24 Original Sin

Face and Tufa climbing directly above the access pitch off of Genesis ledge. Strangely improbable flat holds lead you to the large incut feature at which point you have to slide around right onto the black tufa system. Climb this along with a selection of face holds on the left, until a sneaky slide to the right just below the headwall and glory pulls between great holds.

Above the DBB, a vegetated traverse on the jug flakes system leads left past two bolts to join "Forbidden Fruit"

27 Armbury

The most climbers-left line on the Lost Wall cliff. The star of this route is the pitch 4 (27, 30m) on very good quality, yellow rock. The bolts to develop this climb were sponsored by Armbury Company.

  1. (18, 20m, 6 bolts) (Bolting and FA by: Greg Jack and Joshua Merriam, July 2019) First pitch of Forbidden Fruit and Genesis. Climb spikey flake/grove feature up to the ‘Genesis Ledge’.

  2. (16, 18m, 5 bolts) Easy climb traversing left to the anchor located on the second ledge.

  3. (25, 18m, 6 bolts) Straight up easier terrain to committing bouldery sequence before the anchor.

  4. (27, 30m, 11 bolts) Beautiful pitch. Very sustain climbing in steep terrain. Bolts are getting more apart on the easier terrain close to the top. Finish at the anchor located 3 meters below the top of the cliff to avoid the rope-drag on sharp rocks.

Eua the Lost Walls
the Ships Prow

A prominent prow of rock between the descent and the main Lost wall. The norther side appears to have good quality rock

Laku Fa'anga

There's only a few hard routes here, but lots of further potential.

Eua Laku Fa'anga
Bowl of Cliffs

A collapsed area down to sea level surrounded by huge walls

Eua Laku Fa'anga Bowl of Cliffs
Bikini Bottom

The north end of the Bowl of cliffs

Eua Laku Fa'anga Bowl of Cliffs Bikini Bottom
30 Kaka Maka Faka Haka

Unrelenting route up the sparsely featured steep wall. Starts off beautiful flowstone pedestal growing at the base of the wall with nice looking plant growing out of the wall just left of the line.

27 Tamatoa

Steep pocket pulling. The first route established at this crag.

25 Crusty Crab Cafe

Steep with long moves between large pockets. Climb up and left into a small niche. Don't clip the bolt inside this niche, as there is now a better positioned bolt to the right.

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