1 20 40m
2 19 35m
3 21 35m
4 19 40m
5 21 R 42m
6 18 40m
7 19 R 42m
8 19 R 48m
9 17 40m
10 16 20m


Starts up the obvious left-leaning diagonal break about 30m left of THE RAZORS EDGE (i.e. just right of the pile of huge boulders that one has to crawl through or climb over).

  1. 40m 20 Climb the break, passing two bulging to a small stance.

  2. 35m 19 up the break for 8m to where it steepens. Traverse left to break in left skyline with spike. Traverse 5m left to small stance.

  3. 35m 21 Move up and left a few metres to a small, vague corner and up a few metres to a roof. Up to a nail (originally aided on 3 points), then left 2m to a break. Climb up and diagonally left to a stance.

  4. 40m 19 Up from stance then diagonally right to rejoin the diagonal crack at the base of the grey pillar. Climb up the left-hand side of this to a large stance.

  5. 42m 21 [R] Straight up to the right-hand edge of some roofs about 15m up. Pass these on the right and climb up and right to a crack to the left of some more roofs. Climb this to a stance, passing right of an aloe and bush.

  6. 40m 18 Move up and left into a corner. Up the corner and up gnarly rock to semi-hanging belay where the rock steepens.

  7. 42m 19 [R] Straight up through bulge (2-3m right of thin crack). Move slightly right to a crack, up this for a few metres then diagonally left to a long grassy ledge. Stroll 15m left to below a crack splitting a yellow, lichen covered face. This is a few metres left and below MOONRAKER's 19 (crux) pitch.

  8. 48m 19 [R] Straight up the crack to top and straight up bulging wall above to join MOONRAKER for the last few metres to a stance common with LAST MOON as well.

  9. 40m 17 Straight up the jug forest above the stance and move slightly right onto the slab above. Climb straight up and finish left of some aloes to a long ledge.

  10. 20m 16 Climb up on the right hand side of the huge boulder to an undercling flake. Move out left and up to the bundu ledge.

  11. Bash across the ledge and climb the chimney of your choice to the top.


  1. Pitches 5, 7 and 8 are not abundantly well protected

루트 역사

1989초등들: Clive Curson, Stewart Middlemiss & Mike Hislop


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -23.06532, 28.98423

어떤 내용들은 ~로부터 허가아래 제공되었습니다. © Hector Pringle ()

Grade citation

20,19,21,19,21 R,18,19 R,19 R,17,16 공동체 등록 등급들
Marc dM

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