

This is a wild swinging ride up the overhanging arête on the extreme left-hand side of the crag. This superb line with a technical crux, relies on a cunning series of heel-hooks and side-pulls to fight your way to the top - put your thinking shoes on!

루트 역사

1991초등들: Roger Nattrass


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -29.76015, 30.83291

Grade citation

27 공동체 등록 등급들
Marc dM
27 [5B;C] Dave


Kloof is home to animals and therefore general crag rules apply such as no littering, loud conservative noise, etc. please do not feed the animals if you happen to see any. Kloof is mainly sport climbing and as such, bolting is allowed. However there are some crags that are considered to be mainly for trad climbing and as such it's generally accepted to not bolt there however it is still permitted and you won't be punished. retrobolting is not accepted, but their is potential for more routes.

Krantzkloof Nature Reserve으로부터 상속된

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