1 20 9m
2 10 14m
3 12 9m


Starts in an overhanging recess opposite 'Grandpa's Choice', about 18m upstream from 'Cedarberg Corner' .

  1. [20] 9m
    Climb to top of overhanging recess, move out 2m to left and ascend to stance above overhang in crack.
  2. [10] 14m
    Follow crack to ledge with large tree. Traverse right about 30m.
  3. [12] 9m
    Ascend open book to summit.


Crux poorly protected by peg. A choice of several routes is possible for the last pitch.


루트 역사

10월 1962초등들: Merv Prior & O. Oppler


GPS 위치 찾기

위도/경도: -25.84453, 27.48285

어떤 내용들은 ~로부터 허가아래 제공되었습니다. © MCSA (MCSA)

Grade citation

20,10,12 공동체 등록 등급들
Marc dM
20 SACIN - South African Climbing Info Network

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