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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Ton Sai Wall & Roof
7a Sweating Mekong

Short crux about halfway. All titanium bolts.

Set: Will Hair, 1994

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 7
7a Big Guy Loosing the Cat

The leftmost line on the upper terrace. Shares anchors with 'Silkcat'. 3 titanium bolts, 2 slings.

Set: Wee Changrua & Elke Schmitz, 2004

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 5
7a Silkcat

Shares the first two clips with 'Tom Yum' and anchors with 'Big Guy Loosing the Cat'. 2 titanium bolts, 2 slings.

Set: Shamick Byszewski, 1997

스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 4
7a Tom Yum

Big moves on big holds. Getting polished, but still worth climbing. Shares the first two clips with 'Silkcat', then up right. 3 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Larissa Collum & Greg Collum, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 4
7a Babes in Thailand

Popular climb on pinches and jugs. All titanium bolts.

Set: Will Hair, 1994

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5
Dum's Kitchen
7a By Way of Deception

Starts right of the 'Wake & Bake' corner, shares the same anchor. Original start is hidden behind the shack. All titanium bolts.

Set: Sam Lightner & Volker Schoeffl, 1993

스포츠 클라이밍 16m, 6
7a Fips, der Affe

Shares the first meters into the corner with 'The Day After', then left over the bulge to a technical balancy finish. Shares the anchor with 'Nair Nawn'. 2 titanium bolts, 4 slings.

Set: Michael Hoffmann, 1992

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6
7a Don Quijote de la Mancha

Starts just left of 'Schlingel Moritz'. Technical start, easy middle section and a big move above the bulge. Don't cheat at the start by going too far right. All titanium bolts.

Set: Ernesto Lopez & Pili Llatas, 1995

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5
7a The Sit Spins (Direct Start)

Direct start to 'The Sit Spins'. Starts on 4 slings to cut off traversing, just on the very left of 'Tyrolean Wall'. Face climb on small holds with a big move to reach the ledge.

Set: Ola Brahammar, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 9
Tyrolean Wall
7a The Wrath of Nantawan

The leftmost line on 'Tyrolean Wall'. Don't confuse with 'Remix Direct', which starts on the very left of the wall, but is assigned to 'Dum's Kitchen'. All titanium bolts.

Set: Bjoern Alber, Mon Alber & Robert Baier, 2008

스포츠 클라이밍 22m, 10
7a Schwer und Steil

Now bolted. Thin start, be careful. Crimps to the crux. Keep enough in the tank for the end. All titanium bolts.

FA: Christian Neumeyer, 1997

Set: Alex Klenov, A. Celishev & V. Skripka, 2011

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6
7a Lars & Lars

Balancy and bold. Shares the start with 'Affentanz', then straight up. All titanium bolts.

Set: Lars Jones & Lars Gilberg, 2004

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 9
Eagle Wall Main Face
7a Amazing Thailand

Straight up the overhang, then to technical moves, finishing up at easier grade on the arête. Polished but awesome. All titanium bolts.

Set: Todd Offenbacher, 1998

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 10
7a Kuhn Ba

Reachy crux move to get into the tufas. Slightly awkward finish. 4 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Eilip, 1998

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6
7a Afterburner

Three-bolt extension of '4:20'. All titanium bolts.

Set: Tom Cecil, Todd Offenbacher & Mark Miner, 1998

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8
Melting Wall
7a Climb of the Ancient Mariner

Passes two anchors at 6a level, then climbs diagonally left up the overhang getting increasingly difficult. Crosses over 'Affenhitze'. Designed to be climbed in one pitch. All titanium bolts.

Set: Tom Cecil & Chris Carr, 1996

스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 11
Fire Wall
7a Project

Old project left of 'Flame Thrower'. Rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb!

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 15m
7a Burning down the House

Second pitch of 'For Helga'. Not rebolted. Old stainless steel glue-ins. Do not climb!

Set: Shamick Byszewski, Tanja & Heidi, 1999

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 3
Cat Wall
7a Peyote
1 6c+6c 25m
2 6c 20m
3 6c 22m
4 7a 20m
5 35m

Starts right below the main ledge, between the fixed rope and a tree. Rebolted with titanium. 2nd pitch share anchor with Road to Damascus.

Set: Shamick Byszewski & Mathaeus, 1999

Set: Tom Zappe & Shamick Byszewski, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 120m, 5, 44
7a Musang
1 6a 20m
2 7a 25m
3 6b+ 35m
4 7a 30m
5 6b+ 10m

Musang means "civet cat" in Thai. Rappelling this route is difficult. Take 15 quickdraws. Rebolted with titanium.

FA: Sam Lightner & Scott Morely, 1998

Set: Sam Lightner & Scott Morley, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 120m, 5, 48
Sleeping Indian Wall
7a The Monitor
1 6b+ 28m
2 7a 20m
3 6b 20m
4 6a+ 20m

First pitch gives access to a huge cave with multiple windows, from which all multi-pitch routes on the Monitor Wall start.

  1. Straight up from the ground to the first anchor at the bottom of the cave. From the anchor scramble up left for about 10m into the cave. Follow a fixed rope down the cave and turn left to a cave window, where the belay anchor for P2 is located.

  2. Facing out the cave, climb up left.

  3. Climb up the left side of the huge stalactite.

  4. Straight up to the anchor located in a cave.

Bring two 60m ropes and leave the second rope at the abseil anchor next to the anchor of P2, which is located in a cave behind the huge stalactite. From there it's a 60m rap to the ground.

Set: Tom Cecil, Drew Spaulding & Mark Miner, 2001

스포츠 클라이밍 88m, 4
7a Praying Mantis
1 7a
2 6c
3 6a

Great climbing. Access by climbing the first pitch of 'The Monitor'. Then scramble up and left into a big cave with multiple windows. Climb up right onto a ledge with two cave windows. Take the belay anchor on the right side of the right window.

  1. Facing out the cave, climb up right over a bulge.

  2. Climb up to the anchor behind the huge stalactite.

  3. Up on the other side of the stalactite.

Bring two 60m ropes for rapping down. Fix the second rope at the belay anchor in the cave to pull yourself back when abseiling. Walk back through the cave and rappel from the belay anchor for the second pitch of 'The Monitor'.

Set: Drew Spaulding & Tye, 2004

스포츠 클라이밍 3
Monkey World
7a White Monkey Holding Peach Balm

Starts on the upper belay ledge, left of 'Fung Ling'. Single-move crux. 8 titanium bolts, 2 slings.

Set: James Lombatd & Joel Burli, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 10
Temple Boulder Cave
{FB} 6B Ten Commandments
{FB} 6B The Flash
{FB} 6B B.R.A.T.
FB:6A+ Guillotine
V4 Bai Hai Pon
The Nest & Wild Kingdom
7a Stick like a Tick

All titanium bolts.

Set: Paul Turecki & Kirsten Kremer, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 5
7a Britishly White

6 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Tom Cecil, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 7
7a Trophy Hunter

Second pitch of 'Britishly White'. Old rusty expansion bolts. Do not climb until rebolted!

Set: Tom Cecil, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 5
7a Freedom Safari

7 titanium bolts, 3 slings.

Set: Paul Turecki & Kirsten Kremer, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 10
Marley Wall
7a Pandemic

All titanium

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 8
The Gibbon Roof
7a Rumble in the Jungle

Starts 20m right of 'Infected Mushroom'. Bouldery start to exit the cave, then some easier moves around the tufas and a pumpy traverse to the anchor. Shares anchors with 'N.W.A.'. 4 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Glenn, 10 1월 2016

FA: Glenn, 5 2월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 6
7a Straight out of Tonsai

Must-do climb. Steep climbing on good holds. 5 titanium bolts, 1 sling.

Set: Glenn Smith, Andrew Anderson & Simon Talltorp, 2014

FA: Andrew Anderson, 2014

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 6
7a Half Crunch

Climbs the first half of 'Captain Crunch'. Has lower offs. 3 titanium bolts, 2 slings. Share anchor with Violently Happy and Let some Steam Off.

Set: Glenn Smith, Andrew Anderson & Simon Talltorp, 2014

FA: Glenn Smith, 2014

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5

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