
루트들 Utah에서 선택된 등급들을 위해서

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도 암장
5.10 Incredible Hand Crack
전통등반 30m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Supercrack of the Desert

FA: Earl Wiggins, Ed Webster & Bryan Becker, 1976

전통등반 30m, 3 Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Stolen Chimney
1 5.10 35m
2 5.8 30m
3 5.10 10m
4 5.8 20m

3 pitches of crappy climbing to lead to the most spectacular summit ever!!!

  1. 35m (5.8 A0 or 5.10) Up the easy boulders (5.5). Some parties belay here with cams to reduce rope drag. Move left to steeper climbing up a thin face, 4 bolts, pull on draws for 5.8, or go free for 5.10. DBB.

  2. 30m (5.8) Mud Chimney - The only real climbing on the route. Plenty of cam options plus one old manky bolts. TBB on spacey ledge.

  3. 10m (5.7 A0 or 5.10) Short pitch to gain the summit area. 4 bolts well placed to pull through, climbing free it's slightly easier on the left at the top. Top out on the start of the walkway. TBB.

  4. 20m (5.8) What you came here for!!! Balance your way across the unprotected walkway, with 600ft of air either side! Mantle awkwardly onto the diving board to find your first bolt. 5.7 moves up the skinny tower lead to 2 more bolts out to the right. Awkward move over bulge or pull on draws, then top out and get an awesome photo!!! The last pro is the multitude of slings/ropes, but 3rd/4th class terrain to the top.

Protection: single set of Camalots #0.5 to #3 (double 0.75 and 1 optional), some quick draws, and four to six long (24") slings.

To descend, get lowered from the summit block from the multitude of tat, then walk back to the belay. Rappel back to the top of the chimney. Then, 2x60m ropes reach the ground from here, or, with 1x60m rope just rappel reversing the route.

FA: Paul Sibley & Bill Roos 1969

혼합 고전등반 95m, 4, 12 Fisher Towers
5.10 Blue Sun
전통등반 20m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11- Scarface
전통등반 20m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Keyhole Flakes
전통등반 21m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d 1/2 Route

The first route on the left with huge huecos up to the first anchor. Find nice rest positions and pull big holds all the way up.

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 7 Zion National Park
5.11a/b Dost Mitra

The line in the orange part of the wall with big huecos. One jug bigger than the other - find an awesome rest in a big hole!

스포츠 클라이밍 32m, 10 Zion National Park
5.11a Cave Route
전통등반 Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Toxic Potatoes
스포츠 클라이밍 11m, 6 Maple Canyon
5.10d Inside Information 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10d Steel Monkey 스포츠 클라이밍 American Fork Canyon
5.11a Devil's Plaything
스포츠 클라이밍 15m Maple Canyon
5.11a Crack Attack
전통등반 Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Monkey Meet 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10d The Wave
전통등반 33m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Black Monday 스포츠 클라이밍 Salt Lake City
5.11a Deep End 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.11- Coyne Crack Simulator
전통등반 15m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Teenagers in Heat 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10d Liquid Zipper
스포츠 클라이밍 Maple Canyon
5.11a The Minister

Almost vertical line on the left side

스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 7 Maple Canyon
5.10+ Tom Cat
전통등반 28m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Remote Control 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.11- Out Piece of Real Estate

Climb a slabby block to thin hands, slowly widening to thinish hands inside a flare. Final 15m is hands to wide-hands. Chain anchor.

Cams: 0.5-3.0

전통등반 34m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a III Fine Jade

Classic route on the southern end of The Rectory.

FA: Chip Chace & Pat Ellingwood, 1984

전통등반 110m, 4 Castle Valley
5.10d Madision Avenue 스포츠 클라이밍 Salt Lake City
5.11- Pente
전통등반 49m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Body Bag 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10d Bourbon Street 스포츠 클라이밍 Salt Lake City
5.11a Bicycle Man

Same anchor as 245 North

스포츠 클라이밍 24m, 11 Maple Canyon
5.11a Half Hearted
스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 10 Maple Canyon
5.11a Director of Humor Affairs

A masterpiece with a glue in bolt as second bolt

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5 St. George
5.11a Riptide 스포츠 클라이밍 American Fork Canyon
5.11a Dixon Butz
스포츠 클라이밍 9m Maple Canyon
5.10 Warm-up Handcrack

Start on top of a pillar - hands in a left facing corner.

전통등반 32m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 C2 IV Spaceshot

FA: Ron Olevsky & Dave Jones

인공 300m Zion National Park
5.11 Wild Works of Fire
전통등반 Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Amaretto Pitch 1
전통등반 18m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 No Name Crack
전통등반 37m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11 The Sicilian
전통등반 15m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Skeet Shoot
스포츠 클라이밍 9m Maple Canyon
V1/2 Warm me up Scotty

Sit start with big jug. Move up mini-roof on jugs and mantle on slopers and crimps. Be careful when topping out.

볼더 6m Joe's Valley
5.10 The Monk
전통등반 Indian Creek Canyon
5.10+ Wounded Knee
전통등반 30m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Zen Master
스포츠 클라이밍 20m Maple Canyon
5.10+ Black Uhuru
전통등반 30m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Crime Scene
스포츠 클라이밍 21m Maple Canyon
5.10 Dr. Carl

Thin twin crack system.

Cams: 0.3-2 Chain anchors

전통등반 15m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Impossible Dream 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.11a Skid Row 스포츠 클라이밍 Salt Lake City
5.10d Talk of the Town 스포츠 클라이밍 The Bear River Range
5.10d Midnight Cowboy

Solid 10+ climbing using tension moves and solid crimps to pull roof.

스포츠 클라이밍 3 9th Street
5.11a Pocket Change 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10 Black Rose 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.10+ Unknown 5.10+

To the right of a prominent pillar, climb over a large wedged chockstone and into the ever thinning corner

전통등반 18m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Tofu Crack
전통등반 34m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Mr. Numbers 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.10d Unnamed 4
전통등반 16m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11 Blue Gramma
전통등반 24m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Unnamed 1
전통등반 12m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Dang Awesome

Outside the cave, up the hill on the right. Fantastic quality slab.

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 10 Maple Canyon
5.11a I Astro Lad - Astro Champ
인공 61m, 3 Potash Road
5.10d Drop Anchor 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.10 Perestroika 미상 27m Salt Lake City
5.10 Winds of Fire 미상 American Fork Canyon
5.11 Rock Lobster
전통등반 35m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11- Big Guy

Shares start with Brown on Butter. Scramble up the block to an awesome crack. Gear: 0.75 to 6, heavy on 4

전통등반 37m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Think Pink
전통등반 Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d I Tequila Sunrise 전통등반 24m Potash Road
5.10d The Garden of Eden
스포츠 클라이밍 14m St. George
5.11 Jupiter crack
전통등반 30m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Beer Quester
미상 Maple Canyon
5.10d/11a Mission 스포츠 클라이밍 The Bear River Range
5.10 Unknown 5
전통등반 15m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Erase Your Face 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.11a I Gunsmoke 전통등반 34m Potash Road
5.10+ Where's Carruthers?
전통등반 20m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Necrobeastiality 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.11a Goat Debris 스포츠 클라이밍 The Bear River Range
5.10+ Steve's Whimpout
전통등반 15m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Bong Eater 전통등반 24m Salt Lake City
5.10d Touch of Teflon 전통등반 15m Salt Lake City
5.10 A Rose is a Rose 미상 Rock Creek Canyon
5.11- 4x4
전통등반 25m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11- Soul Fire
전통등반 27m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Got-Ewe? 스포츠 클라이밍 7 St. George
5.10 R Jolly Rancher
전통등반 45m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Times Square 스포츠 클라이밍 Salt Lake City
5.11a Blind In The Water
스포츠 클라이밍 Maple Canyon
5.10+ In Search Of Suds

Washer Woman Tower is named so because it looks like a woman bent over an old fashion wash tub doing laundry. The route seeks suds up the Southwest face then climbs straight up the woman's head to one of the most spectacular summits in the desert.

In Search of Suds is a very high quality climb with good rock, wild exposure and an amazing view. The adventure has only begun once you reach the summit.

The route begins on the right side of the Southwest face, there are several ways to get there. It is best to begin the route from the saddle between Washer Woman and Monster Tower. The best approach is from the South via steep talus slopes.

Approach pitch; scramble up to saddle and base of corner system.

Pitch 1:5.10, 85 feet. Start up hand crack in a corner, over a bulge. Continue up corner system and belay at a bolt anchor with slings. You should be able to see daylight through a small eye piercing the tower.

 This pitch can be linked with the next with a 70m rope and some long runners to reduce drag.

Pitch 2 5.10, 90 feet. Climb up to an airy stance near the Eye and sling a chockstone for pro before moving into the crack left of the eye. Make some 5.9 moves and continue up to easier climbing in the crack above. Pass an offwidth section (#5 Camelot makes this a little nicer, though not necessary) and traverse under small rooflet on sloping holds and onto the belay ledge. Belay at 3 bolt anchor with slings below a roof.

Pitch 3: 5.10+, 70 feet. From the comfortable belay ledge move directly right and into a good hand/fist crack or left on chalky crimps. Power through the roof with decent gear and make one more move up and right to a stance and easier climbing to ledge and ridge line. Gear belay.

Pitch 4: 5.6, 70 feet. Traverse along the ridge towards the summit and belay where it steepens. This can be combined with the next pitch (recommend sound understanding of gear and rope systems if doing this).

Pitch 5: 5.9, 20 feet. Face climb a short steep section with an old pin, Belay at bolt anchor on large ledge below final headwall.

Pitch 6: 5.10+, 80 feet. Face climb up past some loose rotten bands (5.9R) to a beautiful black varnished face with four drilled pitons. Face climb on small holds up and past the bolts to a mind blowing summit and belay at bolt anchor.

 At time of description edit, summit register contained a pencil and 2 condoms.

Rap down from summit block to ledge. Descent: 2 70m two-rope rappels from ledge below summit block Rap 1: Rappel through the arch! Carefully thread anchors just over the edge of the South side and make a wild free hanging rappel down the face to a set of rap chains an arms length out from corner system. Getting over the edge to start this rappel is tricky and way spooky. This is one of the most incredible rappels in the world. Be very careful of loose rock when you pull the ropes after this rap.

Rap 2: down corner system to ground.

전통등반 140m, 6 Island in the Sky Mesa
5.10+ Catmandu
전통등반 25m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11- Fat Cat
전통등반 25m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10d Bad Rad Duality Crack
전통등반 34m Indian Creek Canyon
5.11a Megalopolis 스포츠 클라이밍 18m Salt Lake City
5.10d Babe-a-licious 스포츠 클라이밍 The Bear River Range
5.10 Neat

Starts in the corner right of Charlie's Pillar (about where the approach trail hits the wall). Shares the start with Hayutake.

전통등반 34m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10+ Pigs In Space
전통등반 37m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 The Thing
전통등반 24m Indian Creek Canyon
5.10 Unnamed 5.10
전통등반 21m Indian Creek Canyon

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