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등급 루트 장비 스타일 등반가
일요일 7번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Box Canyon Cobble Roof
5.13b Meat Eater — 2 attempts 미상 21m
Lee Cujes
Two goes. All moves done. Such a slippery kneebar, my god. Felt like a kneebar noob. Need to tape L index.

토요일 6번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Box Canyon Ammo Dump Wall
5.11b Maple Pickles 미상 아주좋음
Lee Cujes

5.12b Point Blank - 누구와 Sammi 미상 15m 아주좋음
Lee Cujes
I onsighted this today. Until thecrag told me I did it last year. 🤦‍♂️ #oldage

토요일 6번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Box Canyon Entrance (EFS Wall)
5.10a ~5.10b Michael Fitzpatrick - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 좋음
Lee Cujes
Repeat in slippery Nikes.

5.7 Illustration Arete - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 좋음
Lee Cujes
Nice romp with crux at top

토요일 6번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Box Canyon Impact Zone Wall
5.12c Bolts Not Bitches - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 아주좋음
Lee Cujes
Really good. Confusing on the onsight. [2]

금요일 5번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Box Canyon Impact Zone Wall
5.12b Lucky Boy - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 좋음
Lee Cujes
Lucky indeed

5.12c Halloween Parade - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 아주좋음
Lee Cujes
Jet lagged OS. Very lucky to stay connected.

금요일 5번째 7월 2024 - Maple Canyon
The Upper Road The Schoolroom
5.8 Hot 4 Teacher - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 6 좋음
Lee Cujes
5.10b The Big Kahuna - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 9m 아주좋음
Lee Cujes
5.10b Teacher has a horn - 누구와 Sammi 스포츠 클라이밍 27m 아주좋음
Lee Cujes
Continuous bulges

목요일 20번째 6월 2024 - Zion National Park
Upper Zion Canyon Temple of Sinawava
5.8 Ashtar Command - 누구와 Roberto Fernandez
1 전통등반
2 Second ~에 의해 선등된 Roberto Fernandez
혼합 고전등반 32m, 12 클래식
Guillermo Merino Jiménez
토요일 15번째 6월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Big Cottonwood Canyon The Dead Snag Crag
5.6 Steorts' Ridge 전통등반 76m 클래식
David Koiter
토요일 15번째 6월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood Canyon Kermit's Wall
5.8 Cranial Prophylactic 미상
David Koiter
토요일 15번째 6월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood Canyon Waterfront
5.7 Losing My Religion 전통등반 62m 클래식
David Koiter
My first multi-pitch climb! Did it with guide from Red River Adventures.

일요일 2번째 6월 2024 - St. George
Lamb's Knoll Mutton Block
5.11d Beastiality 스포츠 클라이밍 6 아주좋음
일요일 2번째 6월 2024 - St. George
Lamb's Knoll Ewe Wall
5.11a Ewe-topia 스포츠 클라이밍 8 아주좋음
5.11b Ewe-bonics 스포츠 클라이밍 6 아주좋음
5.11c Screw Ewe 스포츠 클라이밍 6 아주좋음
토요일 제 1 6월 2024 - Zion National Park
The Confluence
5.11 Smashmouth
1 전통등반
2 Second
3 전통등반
4 Second
전통등반 120m
월요일 27번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Big Cottonwood Canyon Storm Mountain Picnic Area Reservoir Ridge
5.5 ~5.6 War Clamor - 누구와 Maxine bardavid 스포츠 클라이밍 18m 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
일요일 26번째 5월 2024 - American Fork Canyon
Membrane Area The Membrane
5.11c License To Thrill - 누구와 Maxine bardavid 스포츠 클라이밍
Manolo Ruiz
Got confused, thiught it went across the arch, so I took. It goes straight up. Bottom was very wet

5.10a Caress Of Steel - 누구와 Maxine bardavid 스포츠 클라이밍
Manolo Ruiz
5.10a Drop Zone - 누구와 Maxine bardavid 스포츠 클라이밍
Manolo Ruiz
금요일 24번째 5월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Campground King Kong
5.11d ~5.10d King Kong - 누구와 Maxine bardavid
1 스포츠 클라이밍
2 스포츠 클라이밍
3 스포츠 클라이밍
4 5.11d 스포츠 클라이밍
스포츠 클라이밍 91m 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
Good multi overall. Rock quality not great on last pitch, but the summit makes up for it. Grades are soft I thought

목요일 23번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Donnelly Canyon
5.10a Chocolate Corner 전통등반 18m
first time leading this - only had my rack and had to fiddle with gear so a bit pumpy, but a good measure of progress since this time last year!

목요일 23번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Battle of the Bulge Buttress
5.10 Unnamed 5.10 전통등반 21m
수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Scarface Wall
5.9 Fertile Crescent 전통등반 18m
EoD after loads of scouting, head wasn't there so backcleaned the pillar

수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.8 Twin Cracks 전통등반 12m
수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Donnelly Canyon
5.9 Binou's Crack 전통등반 16m 아주좋음
still super fun

수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Maple Canyon
The Upper Road The Bridge Area
5.11b 쉬움 Taking The Bullet 스포츠 클라이밍 24m 클래식
Manolo Ruiz
수요일 22번째 5월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Left Fork The Pipeline
5.10b Dynobone 스포츠 클라이밍 6m, 5
Manolo Ruiz
화요일 21번째 5월 2024 - Maple Canyon
Left Fork Orangutan Wall
5.10c The Angels Share 스포츠 클라이밍
Manolo Ruiz
5.10c Kissing an Angel 스포츠 클라이밍
Manolo Ruiz
5.8 Turbo Fly 스포츠 클라이밍 21m, 9
Manolo Ruiz
5.9 Don't Touch the Monkey 스포츠 클라이밍 26m, 9
Manolo Ruiz
월요일 20번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.10b Gorilla Crack 전통등반 34m
EoD lap to clean, felt smoother, worked out alternate beta to fist stack

5.11d Pringles 전통등반 34m
fun, strenuous layback with tenuous smear. it's kinda all there but would never lead this, I like having fingers attached and intact. logging as 11+ having stemmed to Gorilla where they join up

5.10b Gorilla Crack 전통등반 34m
first route of the trip! was slow, still not confident on yellows to blues

일요일 19번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Donnelly Canyon
5.11c Naked and Dead Alt Start 전통등반 15m
Manolo Ruiz
5.9 The Naked and the Dead P1
1 전통등반
전통등반 45m
Manolo Ruiz
일요일 19번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Ferguson Canyon The Watchtower Watchtower Tiers
5.11b/c Drunk Punk Oi 스포츠 클라이밍 27m 좋음
Bob Green
5.12a Condor 스포츠 클라이밍 24m 좋음
Bob Green
5.10b Uncensored Society 스포츠 클라이밍 21m 아주좋음
Bob Green
일요일 19번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Ferguson Canyon The Watchtower Watchtower Main
5.10a Extreme Unction 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Bob Green
5.6 The Confessional 전통등반 15m 좋음
Bob Green
금요일 17번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.10 Incredible Hand Crack 전통등반 30m 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
Hung once. Gnarly roof!

5.10b Gorilla Crack 전통등반 34m 클래식
Manolo Ruiz
Estrenando cams!!!

목요일 16번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood Canyon Boulders Secret Garden All Thumbs Boulder
V0 Direct North Face Of Shothole 볼더 3m 아주좋음
Bob Green
V1 Where Have The Holds Gone 볼더 3m
Bob Green
목요일 16번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood Canyon Boulders Secret Garden Goldy Area
V0 The Offwidth 볼더 좋음
Bob Green
목요일 16번째 5월 2024 - Salt Lake City
Little Cottonwood Canyon Boulders Secret Garden Copperhead Boulder
V6 Lances Dihedral 볼더 5m 아주좋음
Bob Green
V4 Twisted 볼더 3m 아주좋음
Bob Green
V0 Slab 2 볼더 6m
Bob Green
V0 Slab 볼더 6m
Bob Green
수요일 15번째 5월 2024 - Potash Road
Wall Street Reflector Post #5
5.11b ~5.11c Fernando 스포츠 클라이밍 17m, 6 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
5.10a Nervous In Suburbia 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 4 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
수요일 15번째 5월 2024 - Potash Road
Wall Street Reflector Post #6
5.10a ~5.10b Ananab 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 5 아주좋음
Manolo Ruiz
Onsight and then #barefoot

5.11b Static Cling 전통등반 21m 클래식
Manolo Ruiz
수요일 15번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Trick Or Treat Wall
5.10 Q 전통등반 아주좋음
Bob Green
화요일 14번째 5월 2024 - Castle Valley
Castleton Tower
5.9 III North Chimney
1 Second
2 전통등반
3 Second
4 전통등반
전통등반 120m
Bob Green
토요일 11번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.8 Twin Cracks 전통등반 12m 아주좋음
Bob Green
5.10b 3 A.M. Crack 전통등반 34m 완전 구식
Bob Green
Fucken banger

5.10b Gorilla Crack 전통등반 34m 아주좋음
Bob Green
5.10 Supercrack of the Desert 전통등반 30m 클래식
Bob Green
금요일 10번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
The Optimator
5.10 Neat 전통등반 30m 클래식
Bob Green
5.8 Charlie's Pillar 전통등반 18m 아주좋음
Bob Green
5.10- Lady Pillar 전통등반 34m 아주좋음
Bob Green
금요일 10번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Battle of the Bulge Buttress
5.12c Digital Readout 전통등반 15m 아주좋음
Bob Green
Kicked my ass

5.11a Cave Route 전통등반 클래식
Bob Green
Coming back for the send

금요일 10번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Donnelly Canyon
5.9 ~5.10b Generic Crack 전통등반 33m 클래식
Bob Green
Coming back for the send

수요일 8번째 5월 2024 - Zion National Park
Kolob Canyon Namaste Wall
5.12a Namaste 스포츠 클라이밍 38m, 14 클래식
Bob Green
Coming back for the send

5.11a/b Dost Mitra 스포츠 클라이밍 32m, 10 클래식
Bob Green
Took all the rests

5.11b 1/2 Route with extension 스포츠 클라이밍 28m, 11 아주좋음
Bob Green
Fell just before last clip

5.10d 1/2 Route 스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 7 클래식
Bob Green
월요일 6번째 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.10 No Name Crack 전통등반 37m
Will West
Overhung baggy #3s forever with very limited rest opportunities - absolute pump fest

5.8 Twin Cracks 전통등반 12m
Will West
Has everything exactly where you need it to keep it 5.8

5.10 Amaretto Pitch 1 전통등반 18m
Will West
Plunged a #5 into a #4 sized crack. Had to come back for a hammer lap to get it out. Busted the trigger but it's still good! First stuck cam experience, what a treat

수요일 제 1 5월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Battle of the Bulge Buttress
5.10+ Schrödinger's Cat 전통등반 32m
Will West
Indian creek rock up at the car park and ask the first crew you see to climb with you pays off.

Saw a group of 6 fun looking folk hanging around and asked if I could join them, they said they didn't know what they were climbing - just said they were waiting for a friend to arrive and they were doing some of their wide FAs.

Well their friend was Pamela Pack and it turns out I was dropping in on her art of offwidth clinic and she was stoked to have me to mooch off her knowledge. With unmatched stoke and enthusiasm "And who's this guy???? Got a rope? Let's go climb some wide stuff!"

Learned how to tape effectively, how to climb every size on this climb - it tapers (very smoothly) from #1 to #8 - did this on a mock lead, placing #8 cams feels exactly as sick as you think it does. Had Pam spraying me down on. A fixed line from above and Gisely from the ground, doesn't get better than this.

Best climbing day ever? Certainly up there.

5.10 Elbow Vices 전통등반 30m
Will West
Read the offwidth section wrong and struggled, was absolutely cooking by the time the jams came

5.10+ Pigs In Space 전통등반 37m
Will West
Sick climb! Awesome jams the whole way thin hands to fists to fingers, has it all

5.11a Crack Attack 전통등반
Will West
Sick climb, coolum style roof crux moves into thin hands. The start section was cruisy for the big handed but burly

화요일 30번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.12a Coyne Crack 전통등반
Will West
Took the ringlock/thin hands exam way too early. Splitter .75 Crux into splitter 1s. 5.11 in the book, 5.11d on MP, I'm claiming the crag 5.12a with my big hands. Absolutely rinsed getting up this

월요일 29번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 High Horse
5.10+ Not Named 전통등반 18m
Will West
Ringlock school is in

월요일 29번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Donnelly Canyon
5.10 The Thing 전통등반 24m
Will West
Gruntier than expected. A frog esque route to start the creek career

5.10a Chocolate Corner 전통등반 18m
Will West
Rattly 1s

월요일 29번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.10 Keyhole Flakes 전통등반 21m
Will West
Techy flake sections on the bottom and top schooled me,#3 splitter in the middle was the goods though. Maybe one of the best trad single pitches I've ever done?

일요일 21번째 4월 2024 - St. George
Chuckawalla Wall
5.10c Popular Demand 스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5
Sebastian Zapletal
5.10a Dirtbag 스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 4
Sebastian Zapletal
5.10c ~5.10a Solace 스포츠 클라이밍 5
Sebastian Zapletal
10a according to mountainproject.com

5.9 Sands of Blood 스포츠 클라이밍
Sebastian Zapletal
금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Potash Road
Wall Street Reflector Post #2
5.11a Astro Lad 혼합 고전등반 20m, 2 클래식
Aidan Sarginson
Would not have onsighted this at the start of the trip. Fingers corner into arete pulling followed by steep hand/fist crack, what a line.

5.10b Pinhead 전통등반 25m 좋음
Aidan Sarginson
Very funky climbing with heaps of different options. Had to downclimb some sections to figure out the sequence.

5.9 Mini Me 전통등반 15m 평균
Aidan Sarginson
Seems that the theme of Potash road is cruxes getting off the ground due to how polished things are

금요일 19번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Blue Gramma Cliff
5.9 Unnamed 9+ 전통등반 15m 좋음
Aidan Sarginson
Cupped hands corner crack with good feet. Made for a stiff warm up

5.11 어려움 Blue Gramma 전통등반 24m 클래식
Aidan Sarginson
Had to fight super hard to get up this. Slab finger crack that just gets steeper and steeper. My proudest trad ascent to date

5.10b Petrelli Motors 전통등반 16m 아주좋음
Aidan Sarginson
Great slab finger crack to a bulge

목요일 18번째 4월 2024 - Indian Creek Canyon
Along Road 211 Supercrack Buttress
5.10 Bongo Flake 전통등반 27m 좋음
Aidan Sarginson
The extension to Twin Cracks. Quite sport climbing in terms of movement along the flake with large gear

5.8 Twin Cracks 전통등반 12m 아주좋음
Aidan Sarginson
Bomber jamming and good stances to place gear

5.11 Wild Works of Fire 전통등반 아주좋음
Aidan Sarginson
This kicked my butt a bit, thought it was 5.10. Just didn't understand how to move through the upper section


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