
Ascents in North Cohiba

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 111 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Sat 20th Jan 2024 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Universal Basic Income Boulder 5m
Kai Buckman
Spooky so was very nice to have company for this

V0 Offwidth in Kaputar Boulder 3m
Kai Buckman
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m
Kai Buckman
Sun 8th Oct 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m Classic
Mark Shorter
V0 Sneaking in North Korea Boulder 3m Good
Mark Shorter
VB Mantled Away. Boulder 3m Good
Mark Shorter
V1 Good morning Cuba Boulder 3m Good
Mark Shorter
V2 Skin in the Game Boulder 3m Good
Mark Shorter
V1 Inshallah Boulder 7m Very Good
Mark Shorter
Thu 28th Sep 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V7 The Cohiban roof crack - with Timmy Wong, Sienna Rhazouani, hiroki, wyatt Boulder 5m Classic
5 sessions, so sick!

Wed 6th Sep 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V0 Offwidth in Kaputar Boulder 3m Very Good
Sun 13th Aug 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Cracked Voudee - with timmy Boulder 5m Very Good
V3 Neon Moon - with timmy Boulder 4m
V2 Universal Basic Income - with timmy Boulder 5m Very Good
V7 The Cohiban roof crack - with timmy Boulder 5m Classic
Thought it would be easy one I got to the Dihedral... many attempts

Sun 1st Jan 2023 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V0 ~V0+ Offwidth in Kaputar — 6 attempts - with Henry Orton Boulder 3m Very Good
Slabby Abby the Tenacious Tabby Cat
Tabby cat's first outdoor crack boulder.

Mon 3rd Oct 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Universal Basic Income Boulder 5m
Scary, how do I get down?

Tue 13th Sep 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
VB Opalite Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
V6 Opal Slab Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
V0 Opal Crack Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m
Ethan Parkes
V6 Opal Slab Boulder 3m Very Good
Probably did it a different way than the description, since there were only 1-4 hard slab moves the way I did it... still up the same wall, maybe a soft v6 the way I did it

V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m
Mostly just layed back on the crack, instead of ring locking... probably should come back and climb it with ring locks one day...

V0 Opal Crack Boulder 3m
Sun 11th Sep 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V1 The Flanagan Box Boulder 4m
Ethan Parkes
V0 Flavour Country Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
V0 Sneaking in North Korea Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
VB Mantled Away. Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
V1 Biscotti Boulder 3m
Ethan Parkes
Fri 2nd Sep 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V0 Sneaking in North Korea Boulder 3m
VB Mantled Away. Boulder 3m
V1 Biscotti Boulder 3m
V0 Flavour Country Boulder 3m
V1 The Flanagan Box Boulder 4m
VB Opalite Boulder 3m
Took a long time to find this rock...

Tue 9th Aug 2022 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V6 V5 Kickin' like a Boss Stand Boulder 5m Classic
Matt Schimke
First try today. Tried the sit start as well but kept on falling off the last move. Its surprisingly far harder as a sit.

Sat 7th Aug 2021 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Vampire Slayer Boulder 7m
Stuart McElroy
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m
Stuart McElroy
V0 Offwidth in Kaputar Boulder 3m
Stuart McElroy
Sat 22nd May 2021 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Ivy He
I love crack

Wed 21st Apr 2021 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V7 The Cohiban roof crack Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Awesome bitter, sweet feeling. 3rd ascent? Happy to have played my part in the development of this area and feels like the end of an era Sent it twice!

Thu 15th Apr 2021 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V3 Neon Moon Boulder 4m Good
Ryan Macpherson
made a cheeky mistake on the FA so didn’t feel so fluent - tough crux up high

Mon 15th Mar 2021 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V3 Drop Dead Fred - with Dave Cook, Ryan Macpherson Boulder 5m Very Good
Matt Schimke
Feels unlikely but climbs nicely.

V6 Kickin' like a Boss - with Dave Cook, Ryan Macpherson Boulder 5m Very Good
Matt Schimke
Doable. Just need to work back some strength.

V7 name tbc - with Dave Cook, Ryan Macpherson Boulder 5m Classic
Matt Schimke
Could barely get my ass off the ground on the starting jams. One for the future for sure.

V0 Inshallah Direct - with Dave Cook Boulder 7m Classic
Matt Schimke
Would be mega classic if the rock was a little better

V7 The Cohiban roof crack (name tbc) Boulder 5m
Matt Clark
The crack is real!

V6 Kickin' like a Boss Boulder 5m
Matt Clark
Definitely struggled to pull more than one move on this...

Tue 22nd Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
V7 The Cohiban roof crack (name tbc) Boulder 5m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Got the beta just need more than one mat 😅 - Anyone heading to this boulder anytime soon??

Mon 21st Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V6 Opal Slab Boulder 3m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Without any doubt the hardest slab I’ve climbed, took me a few sessions just to get the beta Grade is up for debate if anyone finds it and try it please let me know, very awesome movement that I still question how it worked

Good for cooler temps and hard, HARD rubber

Tue 15th Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V7 The Cohiban roof crack (name tbc) Boulder 5m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Mon 7th Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Average
Todd Stewart
V9 Automaton Stand Boulder 5m
Todd Stewart
Sun 6th Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V1 Max Relax Boulder 4m Good
Ryan Macpherson
V5 Arachnotopia Boulder 6m Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
One wild move that took me a while to work out an commit on the rope, you would cop a face full of granite and a 4m fall if you messed up the mantel

Got my heart pumping, nice route to have cleaned up

Sat 5th Dec 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V0 Opal Crack Boulder 3m Good
Ryan Macpherson
Really perfect hands

V4 Redemption Boulder 7m Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
Cool moves & nice and tall - took me so long to clean

Sat 7th Nov 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
VB Bonsai Boulder 3m Good
V1 Good morning Cuba Boulder 3m Good
V2 Jess' Whipping Boy Boulder 3m Good
V5 Xitler Boulder 4m Classic
V6 Kickin' like a Boss Boulder 5m
Wed 23rd Sep 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V11 Automaton Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Bevan Ashby
V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Average
Bevan Ashby
V1 Good morning Cuba Boulder 3m Average
Bevan Ashby
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Training for project

Sun 6th Sep 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V1 Inshallah Boulder 7m Classic
Damien Ayers
Great. Maybe easier if you like to jam your feet.

V1 Inshallah Boulder 7m Classic
A great easy highball - the traverse in adds some good value

V3 Drop Dead Fred (Happy Place) - with James Lister Boulder 5m Good
Brendon Jones
Fun little drive by!

Sun 30th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Skin in the Game Boulder 3m Don't Bother
I found this really awkward and sharp

V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Good
Maybe it was just the name, but I expected more...

V2 Jess' Whipping Boy Boulder 3m Average
Obvious and slightly hard to avoid eliminate, but otherwise quite fun

V2 V1 Good morning Cuba Boulder 3m Don't Bother
Nick White
V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Average
Nick White
V2 Jess' Whipping Boy Boulder 3m Don't Bother
Nick White
V6 V5 Xitler - with Pete, James Lister Boulder 4m Good
Nick White
Felt much harder than 4/5 to me! Probably about the same difficulty as the steep part of "name tbc." Nice moves although painful on the heel.

Seems like the obvious heel hook block might come off at some point so might change a lot then.

V7 The Cohiban roof crack (name tbc) - with Pete, James Lister Boulder 5m
Nick White
Climbed the steep section as a layback because I can't jam. Didn't feel too hard as a layback.

Wimped out and didn't top out the tenuous slab section. Soft.

V5 Xitler Boulder 4m Good
Todd Stewart
V5 Kickin' like a Boss Stand Boulder 5m Very Good
Todd Stewart
V6 Kickin' like a Boss Boulder 5m Classic
Todd Stewart
Deserves the stars. One of the best at Pierces!

V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Good
Todd Stewart
Sat 29th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V3 Vampire Slayer Direct Boulder 7m Good
Bevan Ashby
V5 Slab-Abduction - with Bevan Ashby Boulder 7m Very Good
Ryan Macpherson
Nice slab - 2 distinct cruxes, cool moves

Tue 25th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V3 Vampire Slayer Boulder 7m Good
Ryan Macpherson
V5 Xitler - with Ashby Cooper, Dave Cook, James Lister Boulder 4m Very Good
Brendon Jones
Very compressiony. Harder if you're short (or average) height.

V1 18 Star Mega Classic Boulder 3m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Great moves a must do

V6 Kickin' like a Boss - with Ashby Cooper, Dave Cook, James Lister Boulder 5m Mega Classic
Brendon Jones
A perfect boulder problem with a perfect name!

V1 Good morning Cuba Boulder 3m
Ryan Macpherson
V0 Offwidth in Kaputar Boulder 3m Very Good
Ryan Macpherson

V2 Universal Basic Income Boulder 5m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
A classic crack climbers highball - nice move up high

Mon 24th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V9 Automaton Stand Boulder 5m Very Good
Bevan Ashby
Sun 23rd Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Jess' Whipping Boy Boulder 3m Good
Sun 16th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V6 Kickin' like a Boss Boulder 5m Classic
Bevan Ashby
Fri 14th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V5 Kickin' like a Boss Stand Boulder 5m Very Good
Bevan Ashby
Thu 13th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V3 Drop Dead Fred Boulder 5m Very Good
Bevan Ashby
Tue 11th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Cracked Voudee Boulder 5m Classic
Ryan Macpherson
Mon 10th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V2 Skin in the Game Boulder 3m Good
Bevan Ashby
Thu 6th Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V5 Xitler Boulder 4m Very Good
Bevan Ashby
Sun 2nd Aug 2020 - Pierce's Creek
Western Area North Cohiba
V4 Xitler RHV Boulder 4m Good
Bevan Ashby

Showing 1 - 100 out of 111 ascents.

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