
Ascents in Kipoi left from the bridge

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 126 ascents.

Grade Route Gear style Quality Climber
Tue 8th Jun 2021 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Classic
jim bean
Endurance training

Thu 8th Oct 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Very cold today with very good friction made the difference. It all comes down to a very open sloppery pinch and the low percentage move to get it perfect, two cruxes on top of each other and a hard exit to the beginning of the second part crack. First ascent my suggestion is 7c hard.

Tue 6th Oct 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Saw and did the second part a long and very run-out 6b , also did the first crux and all the moves of the second. 7b+/c imho.

Tue 29th Sep 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Did the crux but couldn't do the first part that seems doable. Very nice route with nice boulder prob at the start with sloppers pinches and crimps.

Sun 27th Sep 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Classic
jim bean
Again lost at the anchor.

Thu 6th Aug 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Classic
jim bean
Endurance training, putting draws also and lost at the last move..

Thu 4th Jun 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Did the first crux and linked it with the start of the second. Did all the moves apart one very hard linking. So fucking hard....

Tue 2nd Jun 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Decided to hop on this one, an old nemesis. I dont think it has seen a free ascent. I know for a fact that when a friend was trying it everything seemed as a freshly bolted route, and many things (specially feet) broke whilst trying. Now that i have the power to see and do all the moves of this first blank wall im sure that it hasnt seen a free ascent and im sure that the grade is wrong. Since im no grade expert when it comes to this kind of grades and since i dont really care about grading anymore i will leave it as it is. But it feels way harder than crazy waters with some really hard moves on 10mm crimps and underclings with bad feet... amazing 😋. Did all the moves and almost all linkings,hard and very sharp.

Thu 28th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Lost it again at the anchor only to learn that there were much easier beta...

7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Finally on the ninth try wasted at least 5 tries with bad beta but u only learn by misteakes. The winter training is paying off, realistically with the proper reading and proper mindset could have gone in 2-3 tries (with the first being the reading one). On to the next.

Sun 24th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
New highpoint one move before the anchor.....

Wed 20th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
2 attempts today in both made the same mistake that cost me in pump. New highpoint though did first second and third crux and pumped out 1 move before the second rest. Very close.

7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Thu 14th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Very bad conditions today very hot and humid, gave one attempt at 19 00 when it was cooler but same highpoint. After that did the second crux and cruised till the last kneebar. Needs cooler temps.

Sun 10th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Highpoint one move before the end of the second crux, after that cruised till the end. Very humid today.

Thu 7th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Did all the moves till the anchor and many linkings. Amazing route, power endurance first part to easier but cunning wall climbing second part and roofy finale.....

Tue 5th May 2020 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c+ Crazy Waters Sport 25m, 10 Classic
jim bean
Saw and did the first harder crux. Amazing power endurance on sidepulls, crimps and sloppers.

Thu 26th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Tried some beta for the crux but was too humid .

Tue 24th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Cleaned till the 5 bolt and did all the moves till the 4 and some of the 5 , easy start then a long hard boulder prob . Very nice route .

Fri 20th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7c Chipping is a Crime Sport 30m, 12 Very Good
jim bean
Cleaning and putting draws . The opener didnt clean anything so needs a lot of cleaning in the crux area . The grade is approximate but after seeing the crux something in that region . Easy start on wall climbing leads to a hard boulder prob and a bit of power endurance. Seems nice .

Tue 17th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Warmup, cleaning holds.

7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
All good really dont know how i fell at that point last time , doesnt matter really beautiful route .

Thu 12th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Mega Classic
jim bean
Did the first crux and the second and fell at the last move before the rest . Very close to send but its ok cause i get to try this beauty again . So so beautiful route after the first 6B/+ boulder crux of the scared spirit (7a+ till there) u have a bad rest and a second hard 6B boulder crux followed by continues moves on sloppy features with no rest in between after that u have a good rest and a 6b+ to the top . One of the best of the crag together with the other 2 variations ( Scarlett and scared spirit) .

Tue 10th Sep 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Remembering moves did everything , nextime .

Sat 17th Aug 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Cleaned everything and saw and did all the moves .

Mon 12th Aug 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Arrived at the anchor cleaned the necessary holds still needs more cleaning at the last part before the anchor but now is doable. Also saw and did all the moves.

7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Sun 11th Aug 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Cleaned and put draws at most of this uncleaned new line . Saw and did the third crux ,not that hard but with a huge runout .

7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Saw and did the second crux ,not that hard but very beautiful long moves on big holds with bad feet really nice .

Thu 8th Aug 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b La Rage Sport 30m, 14 Classic
jim bean
Saw and cleaned the first crux. Nice long moves on big sloppy holes.

7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean

Tue 30th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Mega Classic
jim bean
All good , very pumpy 7b and very beautiful a must of the crag.

7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Went to measure myself with the beast , did the first part and could pull on the small holds of the second ....

Mon 29th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Mega Classic
jim bean
finally found the easier beta (with a help from a friend) and even though its very beautifull its no 7b+ , 7b hard is better. Beatifull long moves on small tufas.

7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Mega Classic
jim bean
almost did it , nextime.

7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
did the first part.

Fri 12th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Classic
jim bean
Did find some beta that might work but didnt have time to test .

7b+ Scared Spirit (Scared spirit extension) Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Warmup seeing moves

7b+ Scared Spirit (Scared spirit extension) Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Not sure about the grade i think most 7b+ i ve seen were similar but could also be 7b hard , either way very beautiful with very pumpy finale nearly fell at the last move .

Tue 9th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ 7b Scarlett Sport 25m, 11 Classic
jim bean
Bolted this one today after i bolted/fixed the scared spirit ext. Has the first crux and endurance of scared spirit (7b till there imho) and then a good rest and a very beautiful crux on a sharp small tufa . Cleaned a bit and saw the first and last part of the variation now i need to see the crux , endurancy with a cherry at the end.

7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Went to see if its possible to bolt an extension.

7b+ Scared Spirit (Scared spirit extension) Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Scared spirit is undoubtedly the prettiest route of kipoi . It doesn't see so much traffic cause of the anchor situation . The anchor was put in a place where another harder crux started and with a big distance between the 2 bolts . So everybody put a long sling at the first bolt of the anchor and avoided the last part . I decided (after discussions with the bolter) to move the anchor lower with 2 permanent draws and put another bolt higher so that if someone decides to do the second crux as an extension of a 7b+ . The extension is also very beautiful with a tufa and good holds on overhanging terain and a last hard move to reach the finishing jug . Saw and did all the moves , amazing route.

Sun 7th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Putting draws.

7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (5) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
First try best try , i dont endorse chipping but this is a very beautiful long route with a mountain like second part.

Thu 4th Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (5) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
Putting the draws , really crappy bolting .

7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (5) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
Last move of the crux, really close . In reality the thing that stopped me from moving is that the last bolt of the crux is put in a really bad place that the rope goes around u and u risk falling with ur back and i was almost gassed out and didnt want to risk,now i fixed it with a long sling. Sometimes crappy bolting ruins a beautiful route, very chipped but beautiful nevertheless.

7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (5) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
Last shot almost night too tired and too humid to send just for the training.

Tue 2nd Jul 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (4) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
New route a would be classic if it weren't for the first chossy part. Starts with a chossy ramp that gets better and then a very beautiful traverse crux with small holes and big moves . After that u have a 15 meter 6b to the anchor . Saw and did all the moves freely .

7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (4) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
Lost it at the last move of the traverse .

7b 7a+/b Mr. Chipman (4) Sport 35m, 15 Very Good
jim bean
Lost it cause i couldn't clip a draw , some bolts are placed badly . After that saw and did all the moves - clippings freely nextime.

Tue 25th Jun 2019 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
A friend is projecting it and went to show my beta . Surprisingly did the crux and all the moves . So beautiful route , but hard with my beta almost 7c.

Sat 20th Oct 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Went to the grab the draws, found some moves at the crux, nextyear

Sun 9th Sep 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Finally some progress , did the first part of the crux now remains the clipping and the second harder part of the crux.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
One stop to the anchor.

Tue 21st Aug 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Seeing moves,some progress...

Sun 19th Aug 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Saw some moves

Wed 8th Aug 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Hot and humid bad combination for crimps...

Sun 24th Jun 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Decided to hop on this one as a side proj. As far as i know this route hasnt seen a free ascent yet . Its a strange route as it has 10 meters of hard wall climbing (6B boulder to 7A+ b. prob) with 5 bolts and 15 meters 6b+ crack with 2 bolts and then shares anchor wity scared spirit. So u need 2-3 friends or u runout as hell.

7c Plastic Fantastic Sport 25m Classic
jim bean
Saw the first part ,did the first b. prob. and tried the second one. On the guide says 7c but i think its a solid 7c+ .

Thu 14th Jun 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Warmup - cleaning holds .

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Finally ..

Sat 9th Jun 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Did crux and messed up the crack sequence.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Was very tired but decided to gave it a last try . Fell at the last move before the anchor , the last hold was very humid from the rain but i was also very gassed out , new highpoint...

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Warmup .

Thu 7th Jun 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
New higpoint did the crux did another 4 moves and foot slipped before the rest while at the angry ....nextime.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Tue 29th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Very close ,changed some footbeta at the crux and new highpoint, hand slipped at the last move of the crux.

Sat 26th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
New highpoint ,one stop to the anchor.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
One stop to the anchor.

Thu 24th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Found an intermediate beta for the last move of the crux.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
One stop to the anchor, getting there..

Tue 15th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
New highpoint, after that did the crux and foot slipped last move before the anchor.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
New higpoint last move of the crux.

Sun 13th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Warmup seeing the upper part

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Highpoint start of the crux, and cruised the upper part.

Thu 10th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Did the crux .

Tue 8th May 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Did the second crux till the anchor freely ,very close.

Sun 29th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Saw and did the upper part.

Sat 28th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Lowered a lot the hard clip and was able to do it and finally i found good beta at the anchor,getting there.

7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Fri 27th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Tried the first part and saw a bit the upper part ,needs more reading.

Tue 24th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Saw some moves and wanted to see the upper easier part but couldnt see some footholds at night with the headlght.

Fri 20th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Highpoint till the start of the crux ,with headlight.

Tue 17th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Saw some moves and tried the hard clipping at the crux , maybe i found a way .

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
Saw some moves and did the crux ,really long move cant imagine how hard would be for shorter people, with headlight.

Sun 15th Apr 2018 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
Saw some moves and did the first crux ,still remember the moves.

7b+ Bonzai Sport 15m Classic
jim bean
New project seems harder than 7b+ , really nice bouldery route on small holds that leeds to a small crack. Did the first hardr part plus the crux, all moves are hard but doable .

Thu 2nd Nov 2017 - Kipoi
Kipoi left from the bridge
7b 7b+ Scared Spirit Sport 26m, 12 Mega Classic
jim bean
So after i lost it at the crux i broke a crucial foothold and now need new beta , but with only 2 hours in the sun its imposibile to work it so will leave this one for spring , anchor.


Showing 1 - 100 out of 126 ascents.

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