
Nodes in Nuevo León

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La Huasteca La Martha
5.10b El año del mono

P1: 10a, 11 bolts, 17 mts + 2 bolt anchors with rappel rings P2: 10b, 22 bolts, 38 mts (anchor left of palm tree) P3: 10a, 16 bolts, 30 mts

Last rappel to be made from route on the right or left. Cannot reach first anchor with 70 mts rope.

Grieta a la derecha del pilar. Crack right of the flake.

5.10d Paisano express

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Caminando y meando

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Escaladora de topsito

Comparte primer plaqueta con ruta de la derecha. Shares first bolt with route on the right.

5.11a Viejo pedorro

Las placas se protegen a la altura del pecho.

5.11b R Sin nombre 3

Ruta hebrada. Runout.

5.10c La Martha

Diedro con placas viejas. Dihedral with old bolts. Recently rebolted.

5.10d Jackie Chan

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Piedritas en el riñón

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Sin nombre 5

Ruta re-equipada. Recently re-bolted.

5.10b Pucheros

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Viejo gandalla

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Golden Showers

Comparte reunión con la ruta de la derecha. Shares anchor with route in the right.

5.10a R Unknown

Muy bonita ruta. Hebrada. Hebra muy larga de la última plaqueta a reunión. Long Runout from last bolt to anchor

La Huasteca
Juan de Dios

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Juan de Dios
5.10a Ruta 1

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Por la zurda

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Ruta 3

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a Ruta 4

La primera sección del crux se puede hacer por la derecha dándole un 11b. Si haces esa sección por el centro entonces sería un 11d/12a.

5.10c Ruta 5

La primera sección del crux tiene una hebra donde la caida puede ser riesgosa, hay que ir con confianza.

5.10b Ruta 6

Ruta a la derecha de pequeña cueva, justo al subir la vereda de acceso

La Huasteca
La casa del Doctor

right under the house built on the mountain. justo debajo de la casa del doctor que fue construida justo en la montaña.

La Huasteca La casa del Doctor
5.11b Chorros de Mierda

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.8 Ginecólogo

La primera ruta emplaquetada de la izquierda.

5.9 Después del Salto

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.7 Enamorado de la segadora

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.8 Doctor Seuss

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.6 Estetoscopio

Va en diagonal haca la izquierda y termina a la derecha de la construcción, las cadenas están encima de unas letras amarillas.

La Huasteca
Lagrimas y Sonrisas

It's a small area with a few climbs. Cracks, face. Great area to avoid having to cross the river when there´s water flowing down from the Presa Rompe-picos (not very often).

Es una área pequeña con unas cuantas rutas. Grietas, placa (con goteritas). Excelente para no mojarte cuando el río tiene agua y no puedes llegar a la extrema o navajas sin tener que cruzar el río.

La Huasteca Lagrimas y Sonrisas
5.11b Los Comediantes

Comienza a la izquierda del diedro.

5.10c Viruta y Capulina

Va por el diedro. Hay plaquetas después de la reunión, pero no le seguí para saber cuantos largos son o qué sigue arriba.

5.10b Lagrimas y Risas

La ruta a la derecha del diedro. Hay plaquetas después de la reunión, pero no le seguí para saber cuantos largos son o qué sigue arriba.

5.11b Experiencia Religiosa

Esta ruta tiene mallones de abandono en varios puntos porque no tiene reunión a menos de 40 metros. PARECE SER que esta ruta hace cumbre, pero no estoy seguro. Si suben vayan preparados para abandonar.

5.11d Fabrica de Piñatas

La primera ruta de las que cruzan por el desplome negro diagonal.

5.11d Monaguillo Extremo

La segunda ruta de las que cruzan por el desplome negro diagonal.

5.11b Sin Aguacate por favor

La tercera ruta de las que cruzan por el desplome negro diagonal.

5.11d Take

Última ruta con plaquetas nuevas. La reunión de esta son 2 plaquetas, sin mallon o cadena, y estaban las bandas de alguien ahi, pero no son permas.

5.11 X Unknown1

Plaquetas viejas

5.11 X Unknown2

Plaquetas viejas

5.11a Te voy a pedir un favor

Termina abajo de un techito después de un desplomito.

La Huasteca
Torre Diablos

Has routes both on the south and north face. Tiene rutas en la cara norte y cara sur.

La Huasteca Torre Diablos
5.8 Arista Zorros

Ruta clasica de la vieja escuela, muy aerea y con muy buenas vistas, muy pocas protecciones y ya muy viejas, clavos y barrenanclas, bastante vegetacion espinosa, roca floja, cuidado con las serpientes. Classic old school route that follows the ridge, minimal and very old protections, a lot of bushes and cactus, watch for snakes! Club alpino Zorros, primer ascenso por la Arana Villacobos

La Huasteca
Los Gatos

Wall to the right of the cattle guard. La pared que esta a la derecha del guardaganado.

La Huasteca Los Gatos
Pared Inferior/Lower Wall

A la mayoría de las rutas de la pared inferior les quitaron o robaron las plaquetas y no pueden ser escaladas en deportiva. Algunas sí tienen protecciones pero muy viejas.

La Huasteca Los Gatos Pared Inferior/Lower Wall
5.10c Dedos de Hierro

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Grieta

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Plaquetas con Argollas

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Transversal

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Vota Pam

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a La Pileta

Tiene unos clavos doblados que encierran un aro delgado, los primeros dos anclajes estan me dio hebrados y luego ya llegas a la reunion que le pusieron un bolt y placa modernos.

it has OLD, REALLY OLD, sketchy nails with rusty and thin rings. The first two bolts are a bit run out and exposed and then you make the last step to the "anchor" which does have a modern bolt and hanger.

5.10a Pasos en Exterior

La ruta comienza en una grieta tipo fisura (muy pequeña), abre un poco a la izquierda y llegando a un bloque obvio, se reincorpora a la derecha. No puntear, se debe poner el top rope subiendo por un lado.

La Huasteca Los Gatos
Pared Superior/Higher Wall

Area on top of the lower wall, belay from ledge. Area por encima de pared inferior, se da seguro desde la repisa.

La Huasteca Los Gatos Pared Superior/Higher Wall
5.13a Ilusion O Suplica

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12c Principe

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a Angel Confesor

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a La Puta de Maria

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Confiesate Con El Angel

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Nueva Era

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Los Gatos
Pared Sur/Southern Wall

Located on the other side (south side), on back of lower and higher wall. Situado en la parte de atras (lado sur), detras de la pared superior e inferior.

La Huasteca Los Gatos Pared Sur/Southern Wall
5.11a Despegando Del Piso

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Poder Sin Limites

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Sentirse Acrobata

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Aunque Sea Justicia

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a 10 De Mayo

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a Moby Dick

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.7 Pico Paty

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11c Minero 94

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Minero 80

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12b Jefe Escarabajo

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Escarabajo

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca
La Navaja

Escalada en placa, una excelente zona para aprender a pisar bien.

Face climbing, excellent place to learn footwork.

La Huasteca La Navaja
5.10b La Sorda

Ruta dentro de un pequeño cañón, de lado izquierdo y a espaldas de navajas.

Subir un aproximadamente de unos 25m rumbo a una canaleta.

5.7 Volver a Nacer


5.9 Violator

La entrada esta buena y algo pulida.

5.8 La Bizet

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10 Brazotes

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.8 Mac & Cheese

Plaquetas por la izquierda del hoyo/puente/cuevita. Muchas repisas.

5.9 Mojojojo

Dos plaquetas y reunion.

5.9 Alpacar

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.11d Rush

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.11b Patas

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.11a Escalera al Cielo

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

La Flaca

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.9 Chup My Ver

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.11c Justicia Para Una Muerta

This route has been rebolted with stainless 1/2" 5-piece bolts and durable lower off hardware courtesy of the ASCA. To support work like this donate today at

5.11a Cristina

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10c La Tuna

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10b Principiantes

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10d Mamer

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.11b Fuera de la Ley

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.8 8 Plaquetas

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10b El Infarto

Ruta inmediatamente después de 8 Plaquetas. Inicio sencillo, llegando al crux entre la 4 y la 5.

5.11d Sexorcista

Acceso por "el infarto" u "8 plaquetas"

5.10d Tres Huastecos

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10b La Inconclusa

La reunión esta a la izquierda de la ruta

5.12c Sr Pulpaestrelo

Cuerda de 80 metros necesaria para bajar y aún así el asegurador tendría que subir tantito. Con cuerda de 70 llegas hasta la primera reunión del multi de la derecha y puedes bajar de ahí. Con cuerda de 60 no alcanzas a bajar, pero se dejó un mallón como en la 6ta o 7ma plaqueta para poder bajar, aunque sea de un punto. favor de no quitarlo, pues no muchos acostumbran cuerda de 80 en mty y podría requerirse

5.12b Tridente

primer largo 5.10C con 6 plaquetas, segundo largo 5.12C con 12 plaquetas

5.10a Templo del Morbo

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

5.10a La Viga

La ruta comienza en una ligera saliente, que termina en una ranura horizontal para comenzar un pedazo de placa. Movimientos muy fotogénicos.

The route starts off on a belly to a horizontal edge, followed by a flat slab climb. It has very good photo opportunities.

5.12c Agarrotes

Cuando entren en auto, cuidado con la roca suelta, no cualquier vehículo puede pasar por ahí. En los domingos puede haber mucha gente local que va de paseo, pero solo es en las primeras rutas.

When parking, watch out for loose rock, not all vehicles are able to ride on it. On Sundays, it could get a bit crowded with local people on picnics, but only at the beginning of the crag.

Showing 101 - 200 out of 2,175 nodes.

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