
Routes in Oceania for selected grade

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 7,135 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity
V5 - 10
Australia Tasmania West Mt Lyell For A Few Dollars More Area Little Buddha
V5 - 10 Arete project

Start low on the arete and head up laybacking the arete and avoiding rocking over onto the easy slab.

VB- - 10
Australia Victoria North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Andersens Unknown Problems (to be sorted)
VB- - 10 Unknown/Unticked - to delete

FA: Gav Portier/ Gilli Helbig

V5 - 8
Australia Tasmania North East Launceston (Cataract) Gorge The Gorge - Bouldering Trevallyn Car Park Cars Boulder
V5 - 8 Too far to walk - Project

Stand start project on the right of the boulder finishing as for Car Parks. Right hand on good hold, left hand on nothing good

BoulderProject 3m
Australia Tasmania North East Brady's Lookout Undertow Boulders
V5 - 8 Tow Truck Arete - Project

Sit start with right hand on slopey arete, left hand low on bad crimps, harder than it looks

Australia Tasmania North East Brady's Lookout Cricket Pitch Boulder
V5 - 8 Wicket Project

The right arete.

Boulder 3m
V5 - 8
Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Northeast Boulders Northeast Group Spiderskin
V5 - 8 Project

Start as for Spiderskin, but climb the obvious feature to the left where it ends. Then a very long reach to the left onto an slopey sidepull, then up to edge and then mantel finish.

BoulderProject 2m
V4 - 8
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin Quantum Field Map 27 Convictor & Diesel
V4 - 8 13

Jerry-start v4 Sit-start V8

Australia Tasmania North East Brady's Lookout Undertow Boulders
V4 - 8 Under the Toe Project

Sit start on good horn hold in the centre of the wall, make some big moves to mantle

BoulderProject 2m
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Lost Boys Santa Carla
V4 - 8 Something here (project - open)

Sit start then up the crimpy edges.

V3 - 8
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane Toohey Forest Hill top area Ant Boulder
V3 - 8 Project (open)

Sit start. Right hand on slopey lichen rain just above overhang. Left hand on crimp 30cn diagonally up and left. Feet in break. Move straight up on crimps then mantle. Do not traverse left into jug of Ant Man. Beware that 4th hold is flexing. Likely needs to break then send with what remains. Grade likely to end up around V5 or V6, but would be higher or lower depending on how things play out.

Set: Jack Mullaly, 19 Mar

26 - 28
Australia Tasmania North East Launceston (Cataract) Gorge The Shady Side Hot Mess Buttress
26 - 28 Zombie Project

Right side of arete to DBB

SportProject 6m, 3
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Perry's Lookdown
26 - 28 Blind to Context

Incredible rock, incredible climbing and incredible position. Take plenty of draws (18ish), especially for pitch 2. Generously bolted (I think). Interested to hear what people think .

  1. 25m (20) - Easy slab, face climbing. Up corner, flakes and crack. Some fragile rock. Take care on top out. There is loose rocks your belayer won't want on their head. DBB for P2

  2. 40m (26-28?) - Insane pitch up crack and arete to upper bulge. The crux at 2/3 height is very cool. Come out of the corner, onto arete and face and span to a committing pop. Then easy and to ledge and TBB (18ish bolts?)

  3. 25m (26-28?) - Pull mini roof to some balancy face climbing. Scoot around little prow then up and right, then back left and up to ledge and TBB. (Not sure what is happening with old rope, gear. Needs taking out).

  4. 30m (26-28?) - Easy off ledge to little roof boulder. Airy and committing through roof. FA involved swinging wildly off the jug to establish toe hooks and heel hooks on lip then hands follow. Up balancy prow to ledge and TBB.

  5. 30m (25) - Fantastic swooping pitch across vertical wall. Could be a sting in the tail. Up to ledge and DBB.

  6. 15m (10) - scramble through vegetated corners out left to topout. Clip bolt on small exposed slab after top out then belay off big gum tree out right. 120cm sling or use your climbing rope as anchor.

FA: Tom O'Halloran, 26 Sep 2022

Sport 170m, 6, 80
Australia New South Wales and ACT Illawarra and Shoalhaven Kiama Bombo Quarry Bollocks wall
26 - 28 Quarryman open open open project

Open open open! Someone come a tick this classic crack! Bring your A game. It's propa hard.

The double bolts at the bottom of the line should be chopped as the line goes on gear the whole way.

Set: Simmo

Trad 18m
26 - 28
Australia Western Australia Wheatbelt Dreaming Frog Hundred Acre Wood Sector
26 - 28 Sunshine Project

Open project. Needs bolting. Could be great!

SportProject 8m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Illawarra and Shoalhaven Nowra Big Red
26 - 28 Look To The West

S1. Start on the triangular ledge, move up and left through roof to top just right of arete/nose.

FA: Jack Folkes, 26 Mar 2016

Deep water solo 12m
V5 - 7
Australia Queensland North Townsville Magnetic Island Rocky Bay Left Side
V5 - 7 Full Charge

A harder line the traverses the crackli

Boulder 6m
24 - 28
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Blackheath Area Big Top
24 - 28 Funnel to Oblivion

The route is all too obvious - a bottomless chimney hanging over your head like gaping dinosaur jaws. A unique experience, not soon forgotten.

FA: S.Grkovic, 1999

Sport 30m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Closed Beulah Western areas Goat Dome Main Wall
24 - 28 Project

Abseil down from tree with sling at top of dome down about 15m towards dead tree. Look for 2 bolt anchor with rings beside tree on small ledge. Abseil again from anchor 20m to slab.

Route takes the orange vertical face on thin crimps to a slight bulge with incipient seam through it. Once through bulge angle eases to anchor.

No bolts are in place yet, just the anchor.

Set: Todd Free & Liam Jackson, 2008

SportProject 20m, 2
V4 - 7
Australia Tasmania West Mt Lyell A Fist Full Of Dollars Area A Fist Full Of Dollars
V4 - 7 A Fist Full of Coffins

Sit start at the left of the low face and finish at the top of arete.

Australia Tasmania West Mt Lyell Main Area Wild Bill
V4 - 7 Wild Bill Project

To the left is a steeper harder feeling project. Getting off the ground might be the crux.

Australia Tasmania West Mt Lyell Main Area Hell Or High Water
V4 - 7 Project

Start as for Reverse Mortgage but head right to finish on the bulgy arete, could be a scary finish above the slope.

Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Murihiku / Southland Fiordland Airport Wall
26/27 Mile High Club
1 15
2 16
3 24
4 26
5 15
6 23
7 15
8 16
9 17
10 20
11 24
12 16
13 17
14 20
15 25
16 26/27
17 22
18 25
19 18
20 20
21 23
22 26

Pitch1:15m, Pitch2:16m, Pitch3:40m, Pitch4:30, Pitch5:20m, Pitch6:25m, Pitch7:50m, Pitch8:35m, Pitch9:35m, Pitch10:20m, Pitch11:50m, Pitch12:35m, Pitch13:32m, Pitch14:40m, Pitch15:37m, Pitch16:27m, Pitch17:30m, Pitch18:22m, Pitch19:30m, Pitch20:40m, Pitch21:37m, Pitch22:20m

FFA: Karl “Merry” Schimanski & Daniel Joll, 2020

FA: Karl “Merry” Schimanski & Daniel Joll, 2020

Mixed trad 700m, 22, 14
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū / Banks Peninsula Te Oka
26/27 Orbital Smash Direct SportProject
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Jane Fonda Workout Wall
26/27 Tantra

FA: Martyn Clarke, 1995

Sport 28m, 11
26/27 Joint Enterprise

Originally graded 25, sources now say this line is 27. Regardless of the grade, it climbs good quality stone up an arête to a ledge rest, then a thin slab headwall crux. Quite nice!

FA: Roland Foster, 2016

Sport 29m, 11
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Ngā Kohatu Whakarakaraka o Tamatea Pōkai Whenua / The Port Hills Britten Crag The Alcove
26/27 The Great White Wombat Hunt

Climbs the obvious big corner / roof. Traverse right under the roof, into the V niche, then trend left and up to chain anchors

FA: Richard Kimberley, 2000

Sport 15m, 5
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Lake Taupō Kinloch Whangamata Bay (K2)
26/27 Chapel of Roof

Climb the chapel of ghouls then at the roof head left to a pumpy and burly finish up to the anchors of dans project. Watch out for rope drag and extend the draws in the roof and just below. Adds difficulty and brilliant roof moves onto the original line.

FA: Chris Hailey, 11 Oct 2020

Sport 25m, 11
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Coromandel Peninsula Tairua Crag
26/27 Boulderer's Day Off

Straight up from the anchors at the top of Are We Tramping Yet? to an anchor in the middle of Space Ape.

FA: Edwin Sheppard, Feb 2019

Sport 12m, 4
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Coromandel Peninsula Maratoto Upper Tier
26/27 The Great Skittles Tragedy of 2023

Climb "Taste The Rainbow" and keep going through a more challenging sequence of moves after the anchors at half height. Start right and traverse left into the first bolt, best to pre clip 1st and 2nd. A 70m rope should get you to the ground with rope stretch or have your belayer step right onto the ledges under "following the sun"

Set: Chris Hailey, 1 Jun 2020

FA: Chris Hailey, 9 Jan 2023

Sport 38m, 15
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Coromandel Peninsula Maratoto No Fly Zone
26/27 Save The Human Babies

Start up the ramp (clip the first bolt of "Pneumothorax" then climb through the over hanging face, easy climbing before and after the crux. Shares anchors with "The Odyssey"

FA: Chris Hailey, 9 Oct 2022

Sport 25m, 9
Australia Tasmania North East Launceston (Cataract) Gorge Trevallyn Reserve/Hoo Hoo Hut areas Willow Jungle
26/27 D&W Companion Route
Sport 10m, 5
Australia Queensland South East Scenic Rim Flinders Peak (limited access) Sanctuary
26/27 Good Energy

Start as for FS or CE. Climb FS to the 2nd last bolt (long draw here) and keep trucking right, across the colourful face. The anchor is under the lip of the Thunderdome; top out and check out the second cave above. “Good energy opens projects”!

Set: Jimmy Blackhall, Mar 2023

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Apr 2023

Sport 25m, 10
Australia New South Wales and ACT Australian Capital Territory Mt Coree area Mount Coree Wind Wall
26/27 Thunk

Short and punchy. A main crux hold broke off in about 2005. It is now about 26-27.

FA: Chris Warner

Sport 15m, 5
Australia New South Wales and ACT Central Tablelands Blue Mountains Black Site Crags Adventure Park
26/27 No Country for Old Men
Sport 32m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Illawarra and Shoalhaven Kiama Bombo Quarry Closed Sewerage Treatment Plant
26/27 Altered States

The name aptly describes the style of climbing at the quarry. Whilst cleaning this route Ferret was heard to mutter 'I don't like frigging climbs, I just do it out of habit.' This baby rears it's ugly bum with the major problem of not having any footholds where it counts, i.e. on the rock. Apart from that little drawback it's quite a good climb up a very thin finger crack, creeps with fat digits: better pound them down with a hammer or blow them off with explosives if they want to get up this unit.

(1) The next crack in the wall to the right of SS.

FA: Captain I. Ferret

Trad 25m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Hunter Valley Bulahdelah Hoppy's Cave
26/27 Vulcanian

Start in the back of the cave, out to rooflet and up via interesting holds to the sting in the tail and double bolt anchor.

FA: nathanual hebbard, 25 Sep 2022

Sport 12m, 9
Australia Victoria North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Lake Bellfield Little Joe Hill
26/27 Katara

Beautiful line taking the centre of the perfect orange wall. Delicate, slippery face climbing. Much harder if you’re short. Probably classic

Sport 13m, 5
24 - 27
Australia New South Wales and ACT Northern Tablelands Gara Gorge Upper Gara Gorge Central climbing areas Shooting Star Block
24 - 27 Summer waterfall project

Water level needs to be fairly low. Fantastic juggy start then progressively harder through the face, a big dyno, then probably head left up the arete.

Top ropeProject 9m
Australia Tasmania South East Hobart and surrounds Taroona Beaches Mary's Grange Boulders
V5/6 E7

Start from edge, up and right on small holds in seam.

Boulder 5m
Australia South Australia Adelaide Gulls Rock
V5/6 Mr. Cranky Pants

Stand-start matched on the same blocky starting hold of 'Popping Bubbles Traverse', traverse into the beginning of Blowtorch, and top-out overhead.

FA: Toi Suriyasenee, 26 Jan 2016

Boulder 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Australian Capital Territory Queanbeyan area Black Range bouldering Atlantis Carpark Sector
V5/6 Shield Right

Stand start and up the right side of the shield using slopers.

FA: Josh, 2013

Boulder 5m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Australian Capital Territory Canberra Cooleman Ridge Bouldering Split Cherry
V5/6 Raw Beauty RHV

Sit start right of Raw Beauty and throw to the incut or alternatively, use thumb press to progress. Need a big reach.

Boulder 4m
Australia New South Wales and ACT Illawarra and Shoalhaven Nowra Bomaderry Creek Lot 33 Bouldering
V5/6 Apparently They Can

Stand start at the slot and the slopey break, head up to the flake then dyno high to the pocket. Obviously, shelf to your left is out. 148cm

FA: Jack Folkes, 2 Jan 2016

Boulder 4m
Australia Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Black Hill The Northern Group Middle Tier Middle Tier Bouldering
V5/6 The Dragon Sit

Reach dependent sit start at right end of dyke. V4 if you stack to reach jug, V4/5 if you can reach the good edge mid height on the dyke, V6 from slimps at base of dyke.

Boulder 7m
Australia Victoria Melbourne and Surrounds Inner Melbourne Burnley Bouldering Wall Wall 3- 45 degree wall
V5/6 Long Moves

Pink(?) holds

Boulder 4m
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Ōtākou / Otago Ōtepoti / Dunedin Wharewerawera / Long Beach Long Beach Bouldering Archie's Playground
V5/6 Manicure

Hard start on small and sharp holds in the middle of the wall. One mover dyno to mantle top out.

FA: Mischa van B., 2023

Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Aoraki / Mount Cook Mt Cook Bouldering Hooker Valley
V5/6 Counterstrike

Lip traverse, starting on righthand end, topping out at the highest point on slopers.

Boulder 5m
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Waitaha / Canterbury Kura Tāwhiti / Castle Hill Basin Quantum Field Map 25 Odyssey and Oracle
V5/6 Big Balls
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Waipounamu / The South Island Te Tai o Aorere, Whakatū / Tasman, Nelson Paynes Ford High Rocks Boulders
V5/6 The Acid Test

Prominent roof boulder over the Takaka river. The roof is like honeycomb Every time you climb it you find a new sequence! Loads of people have made it across the roof, but it is rare that someone makes the difficult move pulling over the lip. This is what gives it its V5/6 rating. Legend has it that the first ascent was done by a dude on acid listening to a walkman!


Boulder 4m
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara / Wellington Turakirae Head The Bronx Rotund Boulder
V5/6 Crema

FA: John Palmer, 2005

Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Waitomo District The Airstrip The Pillars
V5/6 Bigger Bicep Burner

Start as for Bicep Warmer, stay low and climb into the start of Bicep Burner to finish as for BB.

FA: Marco Lefebvre, 22 Jun 2022

Boulder 4m
Aotearoa / New Zealand Te Ika-a-Māui / The North Island Waikato Waitomo District The Airstrip Grot View Cave
V5/6 Franks Met Maestro

Start with Franks Route, climb up to the plate and finish with Maestro

FA: Ashkan & Marco Lefebvre, 21 Jan 2023

Boulder 6m
V5/6 Frank's Route Direct - Reverse Du Hast

Start on Frank's Route, go directly to the shelf and reverse Du Hast to its start.

Boulder 7m
V5/6 Dirty Maestro

Start with four points of Dirty Dancing, climb Du Hast and finish with Maestro

FA: Ashkan & Marco Lefebvre, 21 Jan 2023

Boulder 7m
Australia Tasmania North West Cradle Mountain Lodge area Cyclops Wall
V5/6 Trojan Horse - Open Project
BoulderProject 6m
Australia Tasmania North East Distillery Creek Prohibition Hill
V5/6 Slap the Bag - Project

Left side of nook. Sit start at large undercling and slopey rail, also using the low block for feet. Up then mantle?

Australia Tasmania South East Bruny Island Hewnstone Point
V5/6 Honey Comb

FA: Jack A, 2022

Australia Tasmania South East Hobart and surrounds Waterworks Quarry
V5/6 Local's Dinner

Traverse the entire cliff from left to right.

Boulder 60m
Australia South Australia Fleurieu Peninsula Carrickalinga Beach Secret Cave
V5/6 Angelina's PHD

Everybody loves a good long problem. Starts on a box shaped hold that has a good undercling at the bottom and a good incut on top. Dyno a bit right for half a hueco feature (reachy) with your right hand. From here follow the weakness (big holds) of the wall all the way to the top. 5 moves before the top there are a couple of jugs. Left and right exits initially considered same grade. Left hand exit is the original line and is quite hard. The more common exit is right with a much easier sequence.

FA: GC, 2016

Boulder 6m
Australia South Australia Murraylands Reedy Creek The Gallery
V5/6 Le rocher explosif

Start low on the obvious rail. Follow the line of semi-decent (semi-exploding) crimps to the lip. RH Arete is out.

Set: Nick Miguel Ducker, 19 Dec 2016

FA: Felix Binns, 12 May

Boulder 3m
Australia South Australia Murraylands Raetjen's Gap Boulder Cluster
V5/6 The Ruthless

Start deep inside the boulder cave on two good hand jams at the start of the crack. Climb the crack to the very top. Choose your own nightmare!

FA: Petey, 1 Aug 2021

Australia South Australia Mt Crawford Area The Enchanted Forest Wonderland Northern Field Three's A Crowd Boulder
V5/6 The Milkman

Sit Start at base of arete. A hard move off the ground does not let off until good holds at the top of the boulder. Sent back in the day but never written up or repeated since. Grade to be confirmed.

FA: 2013

Boulder 3m
Australia South Australia Mid North Neagle's Rock
V5/6 Neagles Traverse

Sit start on left hand side arete. Traverse right into the start hold of the V3. Keep traversing right and one on the good hold on the slab had up and out. Tricky first half leads to a cruisy finish.

FA: pamelalansbury, 7 Aug 2021

Australia South Australia Eyre Peninsula Port Lincoln Bouldering Carcase Rocks
V5/6 Gluten Free Doobies

Sit start on small side pull and crimp below Gluten Free Doobies. Make hard first move to big jug on gluten free doobies and finish up this

FA: Kelly Thorpe, 2017

Australia South Australia Eyre Peninsula Port Lincoln Bouldering Curta Rocks Chasm Area
V5/6 Chasm Swing Ding

Sit start as for Chasm Spasm, traverse all the way across left and keep going to finish out through Chicken swing ding

FA: Kelly Thorpe, 2018

Australia Queensland North Townsville Magnetic Island Rocky Bay The Middle Boulders
V5/6 The Beast In The Boulder

Open Project. Scary and feeling exposed with rock below. Undercling up to a left sloper and right pinch then undercling to a fist jam crack climb.

BoulderProject 6m
Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The West Bank The Dark Side
V5/6 No Redemption
Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Bus Shelter The Grill
V5/6 Sorbet
Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Little Boulders
V5/6 Bubblewrap

Sit start just right of ‘effervescence”, (just left of tree), using the flake embedded into the ground for your left Hand and feet, and the edge for your right Hand. Steep start up into “Effervescence”.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

V5/6 Effervescence

Slopey pocket mantle L of the big tree and prominent nose (opposite side of boulder to above problems), not using the flake embedded in the ground. V12 if you use Madoc's original sequence and stick your R Foot above your head!

FA: Madoc Sheehan, 2003

Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Upper Terrace
V5/6 Of Mice and Men

Short wall just L of the above problem. Starts off a small edge and then up via some slopey dishes. Desperate.

FA: MS, 2002

Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Cow Paddock
V5/6 Whining Shorties

Essentially Nasty Knob, without the right-hand sidepulls. Sit start below the horn, with the slopers at the base of the vague arête. Now go straight up via some small divots and slopers to gain the horn. Reachy last move.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland North Townsville Harvey’s Marbles The Inner Circle The Embankment
V5/6 Spring Loaded

The face and arête just left of tree. Start standing on the flake embedded in the ground, with slopey sidepull for left-hand and incut tooth for right-hand. Reachy and hard move up and right to the sidepull and up. Reach dependant start.

FA: Steve Baskerville, 2003

Australia Queensland North Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Northern Retreat
V5/6 Magical Monday

Direct finish to Coccyx. Move straight up through fingery holds. A hold broke, potentialy harder now.

FA: Oliver Rickford, 24 Mar

Australia Queensland Central Bowen Murray Bay South Side Boulders
V5/6 Amphetamemes

Sit start on the lower bloc. Traverse L to gain obvious sidepull jug and dyno to holds up high. Probably nicer as a stand start.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Oct 2018

Boulder 3m
V5/6 Irukandji

Small and stings.. A two move problem up the steep 50* roof, starting low on obvious sidepull in middle of face. Big move to lip and top out.

FA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Oct 2018

Boulder 2m
Australia Queensland South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest Yuri's Place
V5/6 Anti-Gravity Project

The offwidth roof crack formed between the boulders of the Gravity Project and Brahe's Bubble. Start on the other side in the hand crack, then through the roof offwidth to fist crack, and find your way up

BoulderProject 5m
V5/6 Marzipan Fuselage

A short but burly sequence up the bulge. Start in a sit with the crimp rail.

Oliver Rickford Jsbc

FA: Peter Crane

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Granite Belt Passchendaele State Forest Middle Sector
V5/6 Labour Of Love

Stand start with horizontal crack and improbable feet. A very reachy move straight up

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane White Rock Conservation Area The Underground
V5/6 I choo choo choose you

Start as for 'Shinkansen' but blast straight across the gap, linking into 'Metro-Papineau' at the drop down.

Tough for shorties, easier for those with albatross like wingspans. Adds a good hard move for the start of metro and gets the pump flowing early on!

FA: Rhys Phillips, 21 May 2017

Australia Queensland South East Brisbane White Rock Conservation Area The Bat Cave
V5/6 The Joker

Sit start underneath the right side of the cave (looking from the outside of the cave). Pull on with a cool little ironstone crimp LH and a RH sloper rail. Do some powerful moves up into the steep tube, finishing on the central juggy flake, inside the cave. The rock on the back of the cave is all out, on the ground. Think about bridging across.

FA: sam Bowman, 9 Feb 2015

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane Springwood Conservation Park The Prow Area
V5/6 Baby Bonus

Start this crag classic, on the left side of the big tree- matched on the predominate jug. Traverse the big bulge to a powerful, morpho slap. Finish up and left.

FA: Dan gordon, 2012

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane Rocks Riverside Is it worth it? Is it worth it
V5/6 Right in your back yard you Dowg
Australia Queensland South East Brisbane Northbrook Gorges Eclipse Wall
V5/6 Spacewalk

Sit start on side pull and undercling, shoot out right then traverse left to top out standing on the right side of the boulder

FA: Brosnan Degenaar, 7 Sep 2023

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Sunshine Coast Constellation Quarry
V5/6 Capricornus

Stand start right hand shallow sidepull, left hand on the arete.

FA: Oliver Rickford, Nov 2022

Boulder 2m
Australia Queensland South East Sunshine Coast Yabba Creek
V5/6 Compound V

From the same low start of Bacon and Ooffs, crank straight up into the V corner. Chicken out with a traverse right when established to finish up Bacon and Ooffs.

FA: John Newby, Nov 2023

Boulder 4m
Australia Queensland South East Sunshine Coast Brooyar Lost Village The Lost Boulders 50 Matches Boulder
V5/6 A Jar Of Bitter Fruit

Sit start with LH on side pull, RH on large sidepull. Follow the rail to a exciting top out over the lip.

FA: Oliver Rickford, 8 Oct 2021

Boulder 3m
Australia Queensland South East Wide Bay Burnett Auburn River National Park Bonsai Sector
V5/6 Sensei John

Sit start for Gakusei, small crimps and a big sloping slap.

FA: Damien Rua

Australia Queensland South East Wide Bay Burnett Auburn River National Park The Terrace Boulders
V5/6 Murder Mystery

Squat/stand start matched on the slopy pinch, move left through small crimps to a large throw to the lip. Mind the drop.

Oliver Rickford

FA: John Newby, 24 Apr 2022

Boulder 2m
Australia Western Australia South Coast Esperance Twilight Beach Road Salmon Beach Panorama Boulder
V5/6 On Top of The World

Sit start low then up and right

FA: Unknown

Australia Western Australia South Coast Denmark Lowlands Bum Rock The Jumbles
V5/6 Restraining Order, sit.

Sit start with flake into the stand. Adds a hard move to the stand.

Australia Western Australia South Coast Albany Salmon Holes Salmon Holes Boulders Northern Sector
V5/6 Catching Waves, Right

Sit start on the juggy hold in the back and then out trending right. Strenuous mantle to finish.

FA: Unknown

Australia Western Australia South Coast Albany The Gap The Ampitheatre Bouldering
V5/6 Barnacle Bill

Sit start on flat edges. Tricky starting move.

FA: Andy Lampard

Boulder 3m
V5/6 The Mega-Futuristic All Time Epic Problem

Sit start with slopers and good feet. Awkward moves traversing right and to get around the corner and join the east crack of ‘split’

Boulder 4m
V5/6 The Amphitheatre Traverse

Sit start on the far left as 'Count Your Blessings' and traverse right to finish up 'Toe the line'.

FA: Simon Nadin & Scott Camps, 1992

Boulder 6m
V5/6 The Hurricaine

Sit start on flat rail (doesn't make much of a difference, but the original start is from the lowest of the two horizontal rails with a long-ish move up the the higher rail). Up through the roof with the flake system. Finish matched on the underclings (boulder problem is a drop off).

Can be linked into the the trad route 'Crosswords' - making 'Local Anaesthetic'


FA: Unknown

Boulder 5m
Australia Western Australia South Coast Albany Mutton Bird Barefoot and Pregnant Sector
V5/6 Chicken-Wingin'

Start right in the back of the roof. Wrestle the wide crack out of the roof and top out.

Australia Western Australia South Coast Albany Mutton Bird Main area Junior Area
V5/6 The Nautilus

Start far under the fridge roof with right hand on the good edge and left hand as low as possible on the slopey arete. Slap your way to glory! Great little compression low ball

FA: Michael Taran, 20 Feb 2022

Boulder 4m
Australia Western Australia South Coast Albany Mutton Bird Main area Ridge
V5/6 The Windmill

Sit start on blocky rectangular feature on the right. Dyno out left to the jugs. Top out around the corner or straight up for a bit of extra scare factor.

Boulder 4m
V5/6 Occam's Razor

Sit start as for ‘The Arete’ climb up then link right with a long move to the jugs and top out as ‘High Times’

Boulder 5m

Showing 1 - 100 out of 7,135 routes.

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