
Nodes in Isolated Buttress

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Isolated Buttress

Popular block with great routes on all sides. Remains in good condition year-round as it is south facing.

2 Isolated Slab Left

Ascend the set of in-cut holds on the left-hand side.

2 Isolated Slab Centre

The most challenging and superior route located at the center of the slab is also the longest one.

2 Isolated Slab Right

Ascend using the set of in-cut holds on the right-hand side.

6c North-West Corner

Ascend the arete, veering a bit to the right when nearing the summit.

7a Diagonal

From the slender second break on the Northwest Corner, make your way horizontally across the face. Conclude as for South West Corner, making use of the right-hand arete if necessary.

7b+ Storming up the Cuvier Remparts

An eliminate climb up the face that excludes the use of holds from neighboring routes.

7b+ Woolly Bear

A finger-intensive start, progressing towards a horizontal ledge situated at the wall’s midpoint. Then, extend your reach to secure the generously sized upper ledge, with an easier finish above.

7a+ Woolly Jumper

Dyno between the breaks of Woolly Bear

7a Woolly Cub

Start as for Woolly Bear, but navigate right to bypass the crux, and then utilise a small, stiff hold to ascend to the higher ledge. Traverse back left and conclude as for the original.

7a Woolly Cub Direct Start

Direct variation of Woolly Cub. Begin by moving left from the boulder, then proceed to ascend the face of the climb. Avoid holds on Woolly Bear and the arete on the right side.

6a+ West Wall

Initiate the climb just right of the arete and ascend to a point just beneath the massive overhang. Execute a bold traverse leftwards to the wall's centre, then complete as for Woolly Bear.

6c+ South-West Corner

A finish that is more straightforward and daring to West Wall. May occasionally be wet and covered with vegetation.

6a+ Apple Crumble

Variation to Isolated Buttress Climb - ascend straight up the middle of the wall towards the overhang, then traverse rightwards to finish.

8a+ Pollet Virtus

Follow West Wall to a position just beneath the overhang. Then, move outward into the open space and ascend following the indistinct groove. Utilising a high heel-toe and a demanding knee move will enable you to conquer the wall above.

4c Isolated Buttress Climb

Swiftly ascend from the wall's centre, angling upwards and to the right, to scale the smoothly curved arete. A historical route - one of the first to be documented on sandstone.

6a+ Isolated Buttress Climb Direct Start

A challenging, direct beginning to the prominent arete on Isolated Buttress Climb.

4c Grand Pic Route

Harrison's Rocks is owned by climbers and is managed on their behalf by the British Mountaineering Council with funding from the English Sports Council. Car Parking is Pay and Display. If approaching from the train station, do not trespass the private property to get to zig-zag wall, instead follow the path to the left.

6b Edward's Wall

A strict eliminate that demands considerable self-control to refrain from utilising holds on nearby routes.

6c Edward's Effort

A robust ascent along a widened fissure, with a challenging finger-jam required at the halfway point. Shift right to finish as for Diversion, or go directly.

6c+ Edward's Effort Direct

A direct ascent above the lower fissure to reach the finish.

7a Alexander Beetle

A direct variation of Diversion, utilising the right side of the fissure on Edward's Effort specifically for the left hand placement. For the entire experience, finish as for Edward's Effort Direct. However, there is an option to traverse rightwards.

6c Diversion

Position yourself to the right of the recess and move horizontally for a few metres, then ascend directly to secure a well-angled grip. Finish direct.

6c Halibut Giblets

A precise ascent through the slim space separating the two Birchden routes, culminating with a challenging finish over the overhangs above.

6b Birchden Corner

Begin ascending the arete and make a leftward move just past the second interruption to proceed vertically up the wall.

6b Birchden Wall

Maybe the best route on this wall, characterized by a series of methodical moves utilising reliable holds.

7a The Wintours Leap Clause

Ascend Birchden Corner until your feet reach the second ledge. Then, perform a foot traverse along the entire ledge to the left corner, and conclude by ascending the Isolated Buttress Climb.

6c+ Frank's Arete

A concise connection into Crowborough Corner, proceeding up the arete where Birchden Corner shifts left onto the face.

6b+ Bad Finger

The grimy and frequently moist wall located across from Bloody Fingers.

6a+ Bolder Route

The wall situated directly across from Powder Finger.

6C Boysen's Effort

Begin at Edward's Effort and ascend to the initial ledge. From there, traverse rightward and navigate around the corner to the East face. Traverse the narrow, crimpy break to reach Boysen's Arete, and then conclude by stepping off.

6b+ Crowborough Corner

Tackle the crack with effort and execute a challenging leftward manoeuver onto the arete. Conclude by heading straight upwards.

7a Mr Spaceman

This variation begins by scaling Crowborough Corner up to the initial ledge. Shift right to ascend the delicate face above. Refrain from utilising the cracks on the neighboring routes.

6c Wailing Wall

An excellent path follows the juggy flake leading to a decisive move. A bit of reach helps.

7a Wailing Wall Eliminate

An eliminate that’s growing more challenging as the grips gradually erode.

6c Boysen's Arete

Ascend the brief right-hand arete, veering left past the wedged boulder to reach the ledge. Use a clip-up to avoid your rope cutting into the rock.

3a Boulder Bridge Route

Despite its secluded setting, this route remains a favourite among beginners.

Navigate the chimney on the face just beyond the wedged boulder and conclude on the side facing the land, near the tree.

6b+ High Traverse

Navigate the upper ledge in both directions. On days with fewer climbers, it's essential to employ multiple rope systems.

4+ Girdle Traverse

Start at the Wailing Wall and move leftward along the lowest break (which ends abruptly) to transition to West Wall.

7a Powder Finger

Ascend the face about a metre away from the arete, which frequently features a slick upper portion.

6c Green Fingers

Scale the face with small, sharp holds, positioned about a metre to the left of the Northwest Corner. Conclude to the left of the block.

7a+ Krypton Factor

Ascend the section of the face situated one metre to the right of Bloody Fingers, culminating in a challenging finale.

6c+ Bloody Fingers

Begin your climb slightly to the right of the prominent in-cut hold, and proceed directly up the face.

7a Bloody Staircase

Initiate on the left side of the prominent in-cut hold on the lower section and ascend directly, veering slightly right as you finish.

6b+ Plumb Line

Ascend straight to the aged step. The route has altered slightly but remains viable as the rock solidifies.

Showing all 45 nodes.

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