
Ascensiones en Australia por Peatey teniendo sport-cpr o ascent-date

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Mostrando 701 - 800 de 1,401 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad
Mar 16.º En 2018 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Cucumber Castle Deportiva 18m, 4 Muy buena
16 Anonymous DS Deportiva 18m, 6 Medio
Mar 16.º En 2018 - Kangaroo Point
KP North
14 Smooth Sailing Deportiva 15m, 4
Well bolted moderate route, worthy addition. Will clean up nicely.

15 In The Middle Of A Dream Deportiva 15m, 4
Well bolted moderate route, worthy addition. Will clean up nicely.

16 Dynamite Deportiva 15m, 4
Well bolted moderate route, worthy addition. Will clean up nicely.

Vie 5.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area The Soft Parade The Right Hand End
14 Flyby Deportiva 8m
17 Cast Iron Lullaby Deportiva 12m, 6
13 Squeeze Here Deportiva 6m
Bolted chimney. A tough move to get established up in there. Would get Frog gr 12 for sure

15 Sensitive Freight Deportiva 8m, 5
14 Your Choice Deportiva 10m, 5
14 The Last of the Jelly Beans Deportiva 10m, 5
Vie 5.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
24 Goosebumps Deportiva 10m, 4
Was very hesitant to get on this on this trip because it looked super reachy. Turned out the long moves aren't too bad. Will come back to this.

Vie 5.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
17 Hermione Deportiva 25m, 8
Good warm-up option. 1 or 2 longer draws handy for over the rooflets.

Jue 4.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Megalong Valley Crags James Bond Main Wall
21 Dr No Deportiva 10m
Barndoored off between 1st and 2nd. Cool route. Just bridge and call it a 21.

Jue 4.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Megalong Valley Crags James Bond Mr Big Area
16 Mr Big pitches 1 & 2 Deportiva 55m
Good easy fun.

16 Cold Finger Deportiva 12m
17 Casual Assassin Deportiva 12m
Considerably harder and cooler than CF. A couple of sweet slab moves.

Mié 3.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Sweet Dreams Walls
20 21 Smack My Pitch Up Deportiva 120m
Fun ironstone mileage, had the odd pitches. Well bolted, couple of pumpy pitches at the grade. Summer sun hit at midday.

Mar 2.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
17 Good Fortune Deportiva 18m
Mar 2.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Centennial Glen Wave Wall
25 Rubber Lover Deportiva 20m, 5
Got all the moves first burn with plenty of rests and running beta commentary. Linking through the crimp crux finale will be another story.

Mar 2.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper War Babies Wall
17 Pluck the Duck Deportiva 12m
Good warm up.

20 Scramble Syndrome Deportiva 20m
Thought I was getting on War Babies but it was this instead. Balancy rockover saw me punt. Not bad route but then the sun hit.

Mar 2.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Blackheath Area Shipley Upper Grey Slab
17 Stormy Monday Deportiva 18m
Lun 1.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Main Wall (Ferris Cave)
23 Lyptus Deportiva 23m, 8
Good fun steep stuff to a long move. Bit seepy off the ground.

Lun 1.º En 2018 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Boronia Point Ancient Mariner Buttress
21 Cowboy Clip Deportiva 10m
Repeat. Always fun. Similar to Brooyar's Celluloid Hero

17 Mr. Curly Deportiva 10m, 3
Dom 31.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath Reservoir Dogs
18 Let's Get a Taco Deportiva 36m, 12
Two pitches of really good fun rest day jugging in a cool position. Summer sun hit wall about 1.

20 Bohemiath Deportiva 37m, 14
P1 Solo aid. Don't ask. P2 Clean second.

Dom 31.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Medlow Bath The Sunbath
11 Go Back To Switzerland Deportiva 12m, 6
Approach shoes. Jugs for days.

18 Old Salt Deportiva 18m
Cleaning up a very old dog.

17 Mainly Fine Deportiva 16m
Reasonable arete jugging.

Sáb 30.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Bell Supercrag Duck Wall
22 Barbra Streisand Deportiva 15m, 9
25 Darkwing Duck Deportiva 15m, 5
Got one go in before the sun hit. The business is well crimpy but short. Cool.

17 How Much Is A Duck Worth Deportiva 15m
Really good warm up. Huge flakes through the roof.

16 Rabbit Season, Duck Season Deportiva 12m, 7
Sáb 30.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Jean Genie Area
23 Scheme of Things Deportiva 12m, 5
Powerful couple of moves in the middle. One shot

23 Puppy Fat Deportiva 10m, 4
OS attempt ended at the big throw. Wasn't keen to dyno so moved on.

Sáb 30.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Bardens Lookout Little Triggers Wall
17 Monkey Girl Deportiva 23m
17 Solvin Puzzle Deportiva 15m, 10
Committed to an awkwardly high step and fell off.

Jue 28.º Dic 2017 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area The Soft Parade The Middle
9 J Meister Deportiva 8m, 4
TRs for the family.

11 Bob's Breakfast Deportiva 8m, 5
TRs for the family.

8 Who's Bob Deportiva 8m, 5
TRs for the family.

Lun 11.º Dic 2017 - Mt Ninderry
Enter the Ninja Sector
19 Enter The Ninja Deportiva 27m, 6
Lun 11.º Dic 2017 - Mt Ninderry
Ocean Vista Area
22 Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique Deportiva 18m, 7
Well 'ard for 22, depending on how much of the chimney out R you want to use.

21 Choke On Your Sushi Deportiva 15m, 5
Fun slightly steep jugging into cool crux, top has loose stuff but all avoidable. Second shot.

Lun 6.º Nov 2017 - Mt Tibrogargan
Slider Wall
10 The Fires of Jealousy Deportiva 25m, 7
25 Madder Deportiva 15m, 5
24 Howler Deportiva 16m, 5
23 Squealer Deportiva 21m, 6 Clásico
22 Slider Deportiva 16m, 7 Clásico
Mar 31.º Oct 2017 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
22 Lord Drool Deportiva 6m
Not a bad route, just not a remotely safe lead. Quite reachy, beta for both crux sections is just to pounce to the rail.

Dom 29.º Oct 2017 - Frog Buttress
West of the access track
23 Baby Staysharp Deportiva 7m, 2
Wicked crimpy. Hard move out left and then sustained (can I call a 6m route sustained?) to the top.

Lun 9.º Oct 2017 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
The Secret Cave
25 Terminus of Desire Deportiva 15m, 7
25 Wet Jigsaw Puzzle Deportiva 15m, 7
Dom 1.º Oct 2017 - Mt Ngungun
15 Alien Encounter Deportiva 18m, 4
When your girlfriend puts your draws up for you. Life goals right here.

18 Graviton Deportiva 15m, 4
18 Mars Deportiva 15m, 5
7 Nay Nay The Magical Green Medicine Man Deportiva 10m, 3
5 TJ Rothschild Deportiva 18m, 5
11 8 Do Not Shit In The Woods At High Traffic Crags Deportiva 12m, 4
Mié 27.º Sep 2017 - Flinders Peak (limited access)
The Secret Cave
25 Wet Jigsaw Puzzle Deportiva 15m, 7
End of day (Un)fitness lap.

27 Entergalactic Ceiling Deportiva 13m, 6
Jumped back on. Mooched some better beta from Kurt. Not enough power to pull some of the cross through moves atm.

25 Wet Jigsaw Puzzle Deportiva 15m, 7
Welcome back to Flinders warmup. Fitness gone.

Lun 25.º Sep 2017 - Pages Pinnacle
18 Flat Caps And Whippets Deportiva 12m, 4
Always good.

14 The Bogan from Logan Deportiva 28m, 10 Medio
Better than its neighbour but still has loose stuff.

25 Quick Draw McGraw Deportiva 28m, 11
Had a quick play after the sun hit. Better than average rock for this wall, one techy crimp crux section for 2 bolts then more rambling to the top. Reminiscent of lower slider crimping. Will come back in shade.

21 Snakes and Ladders Deportiva 28m Medio
Well bolted, movement is fun but several sections of v loose stuff. Will clean up one day.

12 Viewpoint Deportiva 12m
15 Seeker Deportiva 16m, 11
Not bad. Loads of bolts

Mié 20.º Sep 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
16 Frontier Psychiatrist Deportiva 16m, 5
Mié 20.º Sep 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
19 Plunging for Mudbunnies Deportiva 18m, 4
Mié 20.º Sep 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
14 Spooge In A Glove Deportiva 15m, 4 Buena
Dom 20.º Ag 2017 - Pages Pinnacle
18 TOS Deportiva 12m, 8 Buena
17 Rock n Surf Deportiva 10m, 5
Pumpy for a short route. Reasonable movement on mostly ok rock.

18 Nerangutan p1 Deportiva 25m, 11
Not slab but not a bad route. Rock mostly good.

22 Strip Clubs Deportiva 18m, 12 Muy buena
Managed to get up this without aggravating the ribs too much. Only one unavoidable long stretch

15 Attack of the Marshmallows Deportiva 15m, 7
Loose and dirty. Will clean up though.

Lun 14.º Ag 2017 - Pages Pinnacle
17 Boganville Deportiva 28m, 10
This was unpleasant and dangerous. I'll preface this by saying that I have an unusually high choss tolerance and am no stranger to loose and adventurous routes.

It started well bolted on less than average rock, I broke off a foot or hand on at least every other bolt. Then it traverses L almost straight into The Bogan From Logan to avoid a patch of unboltably terrible loose rock before wandering back R up into an equally awful few metres of loose and fractured rock. The anchors would have been better placed at the last bolt (the R most one of the two) where the rock quality is better. All rock within 1.5m of the anchors is dangerously loose and fractured.

It's a bit beyond the new route standard of 'this will clean up with a few ascents'. It will clean up with a fixed line and a session with a prybar.

Wear a helmet and keep alert.

14 I'm Lichen It Too Deportiva 20m
A few nice actual slab climbing moves.

16 Tinka Deportiva 13m, 8
A few fun little moves pulling up the headwall on crumbly pockets.

18 TOS Deportiva 12m, 8 Buena
Easy mileage day

13 Sundae Slab Deportiva 20m, 6
Mié 9.º Ag 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
23 Cucumber Castle Deportiva 18m, 4 Muy buena
The struggle was real. A good measure of how much fitness I've lost

25 Bufo Marinus Deportiva 8m, 1 Buena
A few shots, got the start sorted. Just so brutally sharp.

24 Honed And Buffed Deportiva 17m, 4
Had a crack at this for something new. Good med nut placement to protect 1st to 2nd bolts. Crux is a baffling move that I can't even imagine...

17 Pterodactyl D Deportiva 17m, 4 Muy buena
Lun 31.º Jul 2017 - Mt Tibrogargan
Carborundum Wall
20 Into Darkness Deportiva 18m, 7
Ignoring how weak I was that was really good climbing. Would certainly fit in on upper slider wall. Lots of good movement on just-good-enough edges.

Lun 24.º Jul 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
26 The Olos Slab Deportiva 20m, 5 Muy buena
Not in the full sun.

22 Crimes and Misdemeanours Deportiva 20m, 5
Felt unpleasantly contrived but the forced slab sequences out left were good.

19 Surrender Deportiva 20m, 5 Buena
Repeat lap.

Jue 20.º Jul 2017 - Mt Tibrogargan
Caves Route Sector
5 Modern Traverse to Cave 4 Deportiva 15m, 2
Jue 13.º Jul 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
24 Punks in the Gin Deportiva 17m, 5
24 Punks in the Gin Deportiva 17m, 5
17 Pterodactyl D Deportiva 17m, 4 Muy buena
Jue 29.º Jun 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Nursery Cliffs
10 Climb Twelve Deportiva 10m
TR Solo. Every route once.

14 Climb Eleven Deportiva 10m
TR Solo. Wasn't terrible.

Mié 28.º Jun 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Right Main Wall
10 Stonehinge Deportiva 12m, 3 Buena
23 Gangbang Wall Deportiva 18m, 5 Muy buena
Really nice sequence up the headwall.

Lun 19.º Jun 2017 - Kangaroo Point
Left Main Wall
14 Malcontent Deportiva 18m, 5 Ni te molestes
TR Solo. Tougher than Crap.

16 Razor Deportiva 18m, 3 Ni te molestes
TR Solo. A few more done that I never have to come back to.


Mostrando 701 - 800 de 1,401 ascensiones.

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