
Ascensiones de Shugar

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Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

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Sáb 16.º Oct 2021 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
18 Shugar - con Ben Taylor Clásica 45m Muy buena
james ritchie
18 Shugar - con james ritchie Clásica 45m Muy buena
Ben Taylor
Dom 6.º Dic 2020 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Pindari
18 Shugar - con james ritchie Clásica 45m Clásico
Jenny Gao
Loved this. More of a whole leg and a half jam than a fist jam for me.

18 Shugar - con Jenny Gao Clásica 45m Muy buena
james ritchie
Take one or two #6's. This is off width with no other option for protection from ground fall. I climbed on without and lived to tell the tale 😂


Mostrando los 4 ascensiones.

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