
Vías en Roadside boulders

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Mostrando los 38 vías.

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V2 Avoidance

Stand-start and make a one-move-wonder to the good large hold where the arete flattens out. Mantel to finish. So named because the slabby arete above is where the real problem should go.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V5 Dune

Stand-start and reach a small positive edge using crimps. From here, better holds lead to a big move to a large blob, and then the top.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V0+ Dinky's traverse

Start on the left most juggy rail to the right of "Ghanima". Traverse right, use the sidepull on "I touched his face, I felt the gift", into gaston out right. Pull onto the jugs out right, then kick across to right detached block and finish right of "The face beyond the groping hands".

PA: Liam M, 16 Abr 2022

Equip: Liam M & Sam, 16 Abr 2022

Búlder 9m
V5 Ghanima

Stand-start. Climb directly up the scoop, and then head out left via a small crimp on the face. From here, finish direct.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V6 I touched his face, I felt the gift

Climb the arête from a stand-start. Pinchy moves lead to a throw to a good hold. From here head left to finish up the slab.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V4 Spot or Die

AKA I touched the holds and hope they stayed on the face. It’s actually really cool and the holds held 4 ascents up front so that’s a start! Stand start via the pedestal then up via edges and the worrying looking layaway to finish direct or slightly right from the epic jug up high. Get a spot to keep you from breaking your back and or head on the lurking boulder of justice.

Búlder 5m
V3 Moisture for the dead

Sit-start avoiding the large detached blocks to the left and right. Climb the obvious line of broken features to gain better holds and the top. Easier from a stand-start.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V0 The face beyond the groping hands

Sit start on the detached block to the right of Moisture for the dead. Climb up the detached block only, keeping left and close to the crack separating the blocks.

V0 Ash's Arete

Sit-start and climb the arete using the diagonal crack.

PA: Ash Sankey, 2010

V4 Deja Vu

Sit start and climb the wall directly to top out via Sidney Crosby. Big foothold at start of SC is out.

PA: Peter Reynolds, 11 Abr 2022

V6 Extended Moon

First move as for de ja vu then right reversing Sidney Crosbie and finishing up Babymoon. No use of the top until exit up BM. Will also have an extension into LOR.

PA: Zach Azeez, 13 Sep 2022

V7 Extended LOR

Start as for DJV, traverse right reversing SC, get established on vertical rail start of LOR and finish as for LOR (big foot ledge being in).

PA: Zach Azeez, 13 Sep 2022

V8 Extended Pain

Start DJV, finish up Pain and Persistence. The added climbing provides extra spice for the finish and a nice twist on the name.

PA: Zach Azeez, 7 Nov 2022

V5 Sidney Crosby

Sit-start using the undercut with the right hand. Lean a long way leftwards to use a pinch on the diagonal crack. Use this to cross over for a crimp above with the right hand before topping out on the far left arete. Stretchy and powerful

PA: Pete Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V4 Death to Tyrants

From undercling rock up and left to high diagonal incut in crack. Then straight up to top out. Reachy and grade or two harder if short arms.

PA: Zach Azeez, 29 Nov 2021

V4 National Park

Sit-start on the undercut to reach a poor hold on the face. From here, a lunge up and leftwards gains the top. Feet stay on the block for the lunge.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V7 Pain and Persistence

Start as for National Park using the undercut and side-pull below. Right hand goes to a hold on the face. Hold the tension (feet on block) and get a higher hold with the left hand. From here, get your left foot up, steady and then go to the top with the left hand. Top section is a lot easier for the tall. Use the block for feet at the start but you get established with a higher left foothold prior to going for the top (unless you're a giant).

PAL: Peter Reynolds, 9 Mayo 2017

PA: Peter Reynolds, 9 Mayo 2017

V3 Babymoon

Sit-start just right of National Park with a lefthand undercling and righthand sidepull. Use the huge blocky foothold. Climb up through the nose on big holds via big moves.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2011

V8 Lindy, Oatey and Rushdie

Start as for 'Babymoon' (or even better matched on the big sidepull) but do not use the huge blocky foothold. Climb up and rightwards without using the nose via a sharp round pocket and a cut loose move to finish direct. This can be climbed using the huge blocky foothold at around V5/6.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2011

V6 Nature's Nation

Sit-start on the lowest two side-pulls and climb the overhanging face on positive holds. Holds right of the arête (on the slab) are out of bounds for hands and feet. Low square notch on the arete is in. Top out to finish.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V0 Toby's slab #1

PA: Toby Roberts, 2010

V0 Toby's slab #2

PA: Toby Roberts, 2010

V0 Gyroscopic Flop

Sit-start and climb the low rounded arête

Opposite the boulder with St James, etc. facing away from the road.

PA: James Reynolds, 2010

V1 St Alia V1

Use the crack of St Toby to climb the slab to the left of that problem

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V3 St Toby

Stand-start and climb directly up the discontinuous crack. Avoid holds on the surrounding climbs.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V0 St James

Check the crack before sticking your fingers in! Funnel webs (possibly trapdoor spiders) have set up home in this crack (July, 2018). Inspect for circular, tube like webs in the crack

Sit-start and climb the crack

Climb is facing the road, on the boulder opposite Gyroscopic Flop.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V1 Shufflington

Sit-start and climb up the slab. Don’t stray too far left.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V3 The Railway

Start L on the big two handed jug and traverse R-wards along the rail it is attached to. Burly moves lead to the bottom of Crowbar not required. Smack a heel under the flake and shimmy your way up the sketchy flake to top out

V1 Crowbar not required

Sit-start and climb the arete using the large loose flake. Don't stray too far left

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V5 My Brother's Idea

Sit-start and make a big move left to a crimp around the side of the bloc. Use this to rearrange your feet to allow a direct finish up the left-hand arête. This problem can be climbed from a stand-start at an easier grade.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V4 My Idea

Sit-start on crimps and then reach rightwards to the arête which is climbed to finish. This problem can be climbed from a stand-start at an easier grade.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

VB Frog in the Fog

SDS with two hands on jugs - finish to the right.

PA: Jamie

VB Albert the Elephant

SDS on same holds as "Frog in the Fog". Head to the top and traverse left around the arete. Head up once you are established on the good jug foothold on the left.

PA: Jamie

V6 Armchair Tourist

Sit-start on the largest holds in the low break (not quite at the far right-hand end). Traverse leftwards, slapping and heel-hooking, until better holds permit a reachy rock-over to finish. Nice line but tricky to keep your feet off the ground.

PA: Pete Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2010

V1 Sit in the armchair

Sit start using any hold you want and head straight up.

PA: Jason Moody, 15 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 Sick skink and the ham

Climb the slab from a small ledge. Stand-start.

PA: Charlie Creese, 2004

V2 Disappearing spider

Stand-start to the right of SSatH. Climb the slab directly via some thin moves

PA: Charlie Creese, 2004

V2 Farmer Daniel

Stand-start and climb the arête which eases at the top. Since tree fell against arete start now considerably more awkward and more like V2.

PA: Charlie Creese, 2004


Mostrando los 38 vías.

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