
Vías en Artful Dodger

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Mostrando los 9 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
V5 Lama's V5

Jump for the small slanting sidepull on the arete with your right hand. Get established on the large rail above before topping out over the upper arete

PA: Martin Lama

V8 Artful dodger

Possibly the best line in the area. Climb the gorgeous arete using small but positive holds. Stand start using the big undercling with the right hand.

PA: Simon weill

V9 Swallows and Amazons

Stand start with left hand in the open corner and right hand on a low crimp. Punch up for better holds on the arete with the right hand, then technical moves allow a crimp on the front face to be got with the left hand. Carry on directly up the face/arete (still tricky). A fantastic climb.

PA: Peter Reynolds & Peter Reynolds, 2014

V1 Lama's V1

Climb the arete/slab on the slabby left-hand side. Eases at the finish.

PA: Martin Lama

V3 Lama's V3

Climb the arete on the steep right-hand side. A tricky stand-start eases after a few moves

PA: Martin Lama

V4 Pink Wafer

Stand on the large boulder to the right of Lama's V3, pull on to the wall and grab the large ledge below the top. Top out. Height dependent. A bit weird really.

V2 Bison

Overhanging arete on the boulder right of the main boulder. Short. Opposite Lama's V1. Not on the bolus boulder.

V2 Ruby Chewsday

Start on the boulder to the right of the Bolus boulder. From a good hold on the right arete, traverse from R to L (tricky move in the middle) ending up on the Bolus boulder. Finish easily. I was there. The rock was there. I thought I may as well climb it. It may well have been done before. Most probably by me!

PA: Peter Reynolds, 22 Jul 2018


Various problems and eliminates up to V4


Mostrando los 9 vías.

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