
Vías en Booderee National Park

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Mostrando los 85 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
White Whale
V1 Pseudoscience

Rock looks poor. Yet after laps, 0 breakages. Committed moves on big holds. Bring spare skin this rock will grip to your bones. The first boulder you come to on the platform. Begging to be climbed. 3 stars for positioning and outlook. Moves are great fun. Just the quality question in the back of your mind keeping it fun

PA: jarvis strand

Búlder 5m
project Quantum theory

Sit start sharp holds. Will become a classic line on science boulder for sure.

BúlderProyecto 6m
VB Catalyst

Easy way to the top. just right of arete. Again rock looks poor quality, After testing rock scientifically by climbing, 0 breakages have occurred. This result is not expected after further tests.

PA: jess roden

Búlder 5m
V4 Seaspray

Traverse left to right. The top of the boulder is not allowed. Rubbish feet, ok hands.

Búlder 3m
V5 Tashtego

Undercut dyno. Good hands (very wide and low though...), rubbish feet.

PA: Brett H, 28 En 2017

Búlder 2m
V1 Man Overboard

Sit start left hand on big undercut and right on sidepull/crack. Move up and top out left side of small nose.

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 2m
V0 Just Call Me Captain Ahab

Sit start with both hands in the crack. Move up and top out in small scoop.

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 2m
V11 Shepard's Warning

Stand-start with LH on sidepull and RH on undercling. Move up and exit left.

PA: Sam Healy, En 2022

Búlder 4m
V7 Soft Option

Start as for Shepard's Warning for a couple of moves but pike via a span right to finish as for Shepard's Pie.

Búlder 6m
V10 Shepard's Pie

Stand start on a flat left hand edge and a low right hand pocket. Smear feet and move up dynamically then up again and exit left.

PA: Sam Healy, En 2022

Búlder 6m
Women and Children First

Starting on the slopey rail, move up to the big jug hole. Tackle the roof and top out without shitting your pants. Bring pads and spotters... Possibly double digits. Various links abound.

BúlderProyecto 6m
V3 Assume Crash Positions

Stand start and follow the rail up and left. Top out before the roof. Bring pads and spotters.

PA: Jack Folkes, 28 Mayo 2017

Búlder 5m
V6 Poseidon's on a Mission

Sit start to the right and follow the prow out and around the roof. Bring plenty of pads and spotters.

PA: zachary vertrees, 4 Oct 2020

Búlder 6m
V5 Warm Down

Sit start on wide sidepulls at far right, topping out high on the left as for Shepard's Pie.

Búlder 8m
V4 Between Choss and Desire

Sit start on wide sidepulls. Head straight up and top out onto the big slab. Use caution with the flake over the lip.

Búlder 5m
V5 Davis

Sit start matching on the lowest rail and up through the slopey features and the slab.

V1 About To Take On Water

Sit start on good holds. Move up and left to a big top out on the high slab.

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 5m
V4 To Take on Davis

Start as for About to Take on Water and traverse left, mantling onto the slab using the distinctive double pockets as for Davis.

V3 All Hands On Deck

Sit start from flat jug. Up through big holds to high top out.

Búlder 5m
Here Be Monsters

Compression left of the roof.

BúlderProyecto 5m
V3 Shelf Life

Crouch start on the slopey ramp and traverse left from under the roof. Move around the lip and traverse back right on good holds. Top out as for "Crab Nebula".

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 4m
V5 Crab Nebula

Crouch start on the slopey ramp and take on the roof on the left side. Couple of pads and a large tarp suggested! There is a 2ft diameter pool under the roof!

Dan Stephenson

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 4m
V11 Belly of the Whale

Sit start on good holds down to the left, move up and right through the roof, then up arête to top out.

PA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Dic 2021

Búlder 4m
V3 Tour de Jugs

Nice warm up. Start as for Belly of the Whale and traverse left, topping out as for About to Take on Water.

V1 High Seas

Sit start on the arete. Top out to the left.

PA: Jack Folkes, 2 Jul 2014

Búlder 2m
V9 Sleep Orca

Stand start. LH juggy gaston or flat crimp, RH undercling. Go up a few moves and head left on good holds after the mega jug. *Big boulder at the base has tipped over as of May 2022, considerably changing the start.

PA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Dic 2021

V10 Sharknado

Sleep Orca exiting direct via a committing throw. Absolute classic.

PA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Dic 2021

V10 Crabs Have Feelings Too

Start low on flat edge and big pinch. Do a few moves and exit to the lip as early as possible. OG beta didn't use the pocket but probably same grade if you need to use it.

PA: Mattias Braach-Maksvytis, Dic 2021

V1 Down To The Depths

Low start down in hole with RF up high. Follow slopey shelf and arete up and left to top out. Bad landing, at least 2 pads recommended.

PA: Jack Folkes, 6 Jul 2014

Búlder 3m
V1 Free Willy

Sit start on the crimpy rail. Move up via slopey arete to top out to the left over the hole.

PA: Jack Folkes, 6 Jul 2014

Búlder 3m
V0 Sinbad

Sit start on big jug. Move straight up via both aretes to top out. Also the quickest way back down.

PA: Jack Folkes, 6 Jul 2014

Búlder 2m
V3 Keelhaul

Start with LH on sloper, RH on pocket/pinch and RF on jug out right. Move up and left via small crimps. Bad landing, at least 2 pads recommended. Weird to grade.

Búlder 2m
V3 Powder Monkey

Start with LH on pocket/pinch and RH around the arete on pocket, heel hook up high and move up the arete. Bad landing, at least 2 pads recommended.

PA: Jack Folkes, 6 Jul 2014

Búlder 2m
V2 The White Slab

Only white when it's sunny... Stand start on shallow pockets.

PA: Jack Folkes, 28 Mayo 2017

Búlder 5m
V1 Death Crab For Cutie

Sit start on the edge of the block and climb the arete on it's left side.

PA: Jack Folkes, 6 Jul 2014

Búlder 4m
V4 Here Comes the Sea

Awkward sit start from very low hold, then up.

V11 Moby Dick

10m of roof climbing on pockets and pinches. Starts back left of cave, head out towards the centre of the cave mouth.

PA: George Fieg

Búlder 2m
Arete #1
Arete #2

There are probably a couple of lines to go on this face on small pockets.

V5 Dead Calm

Sit start from low juggy undercling and make a powerful move up, from where the difficulty eases.

V7 Wheel of Hulk

Start on low undercling jug 2 metres left of Dead Calm. Make a move up to flat pedestal jug and continue all through the cave to top out.


V0- Speedy

The quick way up and the quick way down. Handy for negotiating your way around.

Búlder 4m
V4 Suicidal

Stand start at the arete on undercling. Head up to join in to Close Call at the hole.

PA: Jack Folkes, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 4m
V2 Close Call

Stand start on the ledge/corner. Head up and left to top out near the arete.

PA: Jack Folkes, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 3m
V1 Vans on the Wall

Stand start and up the corner. Wearing of vans is optional.

PA: daryl jones, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 3m
V1 Swell

Straight up. Wall to the left is not in.

Búlder 3m
V1 Dad Bod

Up the round section. Good to have a second mat for the little ledge just off the ground.

Búlder 3m
V0+ Boiz

Fun stuff. Avoid the loose by avoiding the right.

Búlder 3m
V1 John 21

Up the left hand features, not using the corner features.

V1 Revelation 21

Up the middle through the balance features.

V0 Get Loose

Easy climb with poor rock quality.

Búlder 3m
V1 Job 40

Sit start, Hands in crack, feet on wall. You are allowed to bridge your left foot to left wall at bottom of challenge, otherwise left is totally out. No using crack at all. Up to good right hand pocket. Then top out without using any left hand or crack features.

BúlderProyecto 3m
BúlderProyecto 3m
BúlderProyecto 3m
BúlderProyecto 3m
V0 Between Sets

Sit start with opposing side pulls. Move straight up to top out. FA done without pad or shoes in between waves crashing onto the platform...

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 3m
V3 Lovely Lady Humps

Sit start under roof. Big move out and mantle. Humping optional.

PA: Some bloke who can't dyno for shit., 9 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 One Hole Wall

Stand start in the groove, head straight up via good hole.

PA: Jack Folkes, 9 Jun 2019

Búlder 5m
V4 Unreachable

Stand start on undercling. Dyno up and left to good holds.

PA: Jack Folkes, 9 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V1 Crab Walk

Sit start as far left on the ramp as possible. Traverse the ramp up and right until you can step off or top out.

PA: Jack Folkes, 2014

Búlder 2m
Smoke n Rainbows
Búlder 3m
V3 Are Ya Ready Kids?!

Stand start on the ledge under the arete. Head out right and then big moves up the groove to top out.

PA: Jack Folkes, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 3m
V2 Buck Off

Stand start on the good crimps, power up to the crack and then thrutch your way to the top.

PA: some bloke without a hat, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 5m
V2 Red Neck Ragle

The terrifying corner. Fa involved no hands stemming to reach for the top.....

PA: Hugh Harrison, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 5m
V5 Slow Down Maurice

The wall left of the corner. Stand start on good sidepull, head straight up via bad slopers to committing last moves.

PA: Jack Folkes, 9 Jun 2019

Búlder 5m
V1 Buck Hunter

Stand start on the ledge, same as $1.36 trend right following the good edges. Watch your back.

PA: daryl jones, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 4m
V1 $1.36

Stand start on the ledge, head straight up with a hint of left.

PA: daryl jones, 8 Dic 2018

Búlder 4m
V5 Whale Watching

Sit start on bulge arete, LH slopey side pull and RH bad slopey pocket. Make compression moves up, then left hand to jug and easy top out.

Búlder 4m
V1 7

Stand start matched on pocket. Big move to jug then easy top out

Búlder 4m
V2 No Pad Life

Stand start matched on big pocket. Big move up with Lh to crimp, RH to slopey side pull, then again to dodgy looking hold.

V1 Champion Saddle

Sit start on bulgy jug. Make some fun moves to mount the saddle, then delicate moves to top out.

PA: bronte doery


Burly, big moves, hard underclings. 10+


Riverbed-esque traverse from back left of cave. 9ish?

Stoney Creek
V1 Coelacanth

Sit start, hands on low holds, move up slightly to the right and top out.

Búlder 2m
V2 Dimetrodon

Sit start on pebbly pockets, up to pebble on middle of face and top out.

V2 Archaeopteryx

Sit start with hands in pebbly pockets, move up and out to the left. Top out.

Búlder 2m
V1 Doedicurus

Sit start in cave, move up and out. No using the low feet to the right outisde the cave. Top out.

V1 Quetzalcoatlus

Stand start in middle of cave, move up and out to right. This climb shares it's ending with Doedicurus so make use of different feet and holds to make it fresh.

V1 Smilodon

Sit start left of cave, stright up and top out

V1 Leptictidium

Crouching/Sitting start (depending on the sand level and mat fatness). Right side up and top out.

V0 Meganeuropsis

No hands, elbows allowed, up middle, top out.

V1 Arthropleura

No hands, no elbows, up middle top out.

V1 Phorusrhacidae

Sit Start, left hand in big hole, right hand in crack. Up the crack to unceremonious beached whale top out. This climb is around the left side of the "Arthropleura" and "Meganeuropsis"


Mostrando los 85 vías.

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