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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 532 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Cooktown Finch Bay By Hook or By Crook Boulder
V0 By Hook

Around the corner from Descent, layback the easy corner.

PAL: Chris Glastonbury, 9 Ag 2014

V0 Descent

Easy right tending crackline.

PAL: Chris Glastonbury, 9 Ag 2014

Daintree & Mossman Cape Tribulation Little Bluff
16 Boiled Lobster

Up offwidth crack at right end of wall. Protection becomes a little sketchy at the top unless you have seriously BIG cams.

PAL: C Firth, 2008

Clásica 11m
Cerrado Mt Mulligan
16 Unnamed 1 Clásica 3
16 Unnamed 2 Clásica 3
16 Unnamed 3 Clásica 3
Cairns Barron Gorge The Boulder Field
V0 - 1 Point Blank Slab

Stand start at pocket and good undercling, smear up to good crack and edges to work to top lip. Also an easier variation left of the line.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 26 Mayo 2019

Búlder 4m
V0 - 1 Locked In Hard

Stand start low with two positive underclings and good low feet, slap for lip and mantle

PA: Jared Tyerman & Andrew Dawia, 26 Mayo 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 Trigger

Stand/squat start with low edge, gain sidepull and lip and topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Andrew Dawia, 26 Mayo 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Day's End Send

Short easy corner near the waterfall's location on the right side of the gorge.

V0 Huey

Establish on the slab with RH edge and work your way up.

Búlder 3m
V0 Dewey

Establish on slab with LH edge and work your way up.

Búlder 3m
V0 Louie

Stand up to crimp rail and work your way up.

Búlder 4m
V0 Evil Arete

Sit start at the base of the arete, do a couple moves and mantle at the juggy bit.

Búlder 3m
V0 Mid problem

Sit start on holds as layback, press up into higher white vein ledge then traverse into large flake/layback. Gain lip and topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Abril Cavallo, 12 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Corner Crack

Stem your way up the crack.

Búlder 4m
Cairns Barron Gorge Across from Mackas
V0 Graveyard Slab

Like walking up the stairs! Kinda...

Búlder 6m
Cairns Barron Gorge The Zen Garden
V0 Devastation

Sit start right of arete with LH sloper sidepull, RH pocket, low feet. Straight up into jug to topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 17 Jun

Búlder 2m
V0 Regrowth

Stand stand right arete with LH sidepull crimper and RH positive 3 finger 1/2 pad sidepull. Up through glory buckets to topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 17 Jun

Búlder 3m
V0 - 1 Less Mean Graphene Machine

Traverse left to right and topout at far right corner. A good warm up for Graphene Machine.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Farid Borbar Yanez, 26 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Straight up (mid)

Stand start central face and work up small holds to good high jug for topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Farid Borbar Yanez, 26 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 Straight up (right)

Stand start right of face using arete and work up small holds and slopey edges to good high jug for topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Farid Borbar Yanez, 26 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 Graphite Lite

Crouch start at L end of upstream face on lower good blocky feature. Up through good holds.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Sep 2018

Búlder 3m
Cairns Barron Gorge The Secret Garden
V0 Sunflower

Start on jugs, traverse left and mantle over the airy drop. Pleasant climbing and exciting for the grade.

Búlder 3m
Cairns Barron Gorge Tureaud Cluster
V0 Rocky

Squat start as far right a possible, traverse left to prow and topout. Avoid using low left ledge as this makes the climb more of a walk.

PA: Jared Tyerman & David Erlfelder, 30 Sep 2019

Búlder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge Roadside Attraction
V0 Pompeii

Low start. Use edges and smear then layback on large feature. Topout left of feature. (Add a sit start if you love real awkward movements. But has good feet for it).

PA: Jared Tyerman & Abril Cavallo, 17 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Upper Traverse

Sit/squat start on large feature (a move in from the start of LT) then get to holds on lip and traverse left along boulder to far corner.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Jon Larrañaga, 18 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge Split Rock Area
V0 Split Rock Groove

Rock behind you is not in. Can either be done as a highball boulder or on top rope.

V0 Left line

A bit more pumpy than right, and a bigger move. Big foot is in.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Andrew Dawia, 22 En 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Right line

Similar start as left, but trend right and then up.

PA: Andrew Dawia & Jared Tyerman, 22 En 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 - 1 Little Blunt Arete

Sit start at the base of small arete with good holds. Up, trending slightly left. Short, but nice.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Nov 2018

Búlder 2m
V0 Overcast

Stand start with good right hand sidepull and high left hand jug.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Nov 2018

Búlder 2m
V0 - 2 Sassy Sloth

Traverse upstream to downsteam on good ledge using high feet (heels and toes) for V1. Another alternative is smear along the face making it a bit pumpier to V2 maybe. Is a lot easier using the lower slab though for feet making it V0.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 22 En 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Slab 1

Up shallow slab, starting off the left most small boulder at base.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 10 Nov 2018

Búlder 4m
V0 Slab 2

Up shallow slab, starting just left of small tree at base. Cruisy and pleasant, nice beginner line.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 10 Nov 2018

Búlder 4m
V0 Slab 4

Sit start near right end of slab with good sidepull slot.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 10 Nov 2018

Búlder 3m
V0 Seeking Light

Sit start in the corner, low on the arete. Follow sloped arete up and L to better holds up high. A very nice easy line.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 10 Nov 2018

Búlder 3m
V0 Sweet Lips

Start on sloped edge and sidepull. Work to edges and layback to get to topout at left corner of boulder.

Currently unclimbable due to recent flooding. A large tree fell right in front of the boulder.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Abril Cavallo, 4 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Mega Babe

Super friendly and lovely beginner line. Stand start with good undercling pocket, under the roof, in the corner. Climb up and left following the leaning seam. A sit start can be added, bumping up the grade a little.

Currently unclimbable due to recent flooding. A large tree fell right in front of the boulder.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Nov 2018

Búlder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge Calmer Waters
V0 Calmer Waters

A little gem tucked away within the cavern. Accessed by bridging the gap on the left, traverse the lip up and right to top out at highest point. This boulder climbs above the water and cannot be protected, however, offers some very pleasant easy climbing with a dash of exposure.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 14 Oct 2018

Búlder 4m
V0 Don't Smile at a Crocodile

Stand start with RH pocket and LH crimp, straight up.

Búlder 2m
Cairns Barron Gorge Other Side
V0 2

Work arete to good mantle shelf

PA: Jared Tyerman & Andrew Dawia, 5 Mar 2019

Búlder 3m
Cairns North Wangetti The Breakwall
V0 Stand For What You Want

Stand start on the face and smear and balance to the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 26 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Northern Retreat
V0 Runaway Van

Sit start at the ocean side arete of the block, pull up and traverse left until you can step around the next arete and onto the boulder.

PA: Nick Murphy, 21 Mayo 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Spine Of Time

To the right of 'Pods' going up the crack and blade. Sit start to begin and heave your way to get over the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 31 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Spiney Bits

Sit start holding the spine arete and pull up into the corner and go up over the spine.w

PA: Nick Murphy, 31 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 3

Sit start at base of layback arete and follow up to the left

PA: Jamey Lee & Nick Murphy, 17 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Oooooh, My Corona

Sit start with hands on the small block and punch up to the jug and head left. Descend by jumping back down or wandering over to the left.

PA: Nick Murphy, 17 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 The Banded Periwinkle

Sit start undercling and crack. Work up crack to topout direct. Some face holds, much smearing.

PA: Jared Tyerman, Mick Cairns, Ryan Byrnes & Kyana Clough, 13 Ag 2023

Búlder 5m
V0 Step Right Off

Sit start on large horn and go up right across slopes and cracks until you get to the tree, then scramble down to the right.

PA: Nick Murphy, 31 Mayo 2020

Búlder 4m
V0 Trimming Blade

Stand start using the rising crack and face holds and pull up into the concave depression and over the top.

PA: Nick Murphy & Darcy, 31 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Green Army Ants

Sit start using the sharp arete to pull up and slightly left to top out.

PA: Nick Murphy & Darcy, 31 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Grey And Balding
V0 Eye Don't Know What To Call This

Left of 'Beaked' starting in the breaks and heading to the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 27 Jun 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Lazy Blazey

Sit start the crack, laybacking until you're on top

PA: Nick Murphy & Emer, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Lucidity Lacking

Sit start the thin crack, using the face holds and crack make your way over the top

PA: Nick Murphy & Emer, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Get A Round Tuit

Finished it yet? Might need a Tuit to remind you.

Sit start on the ledge and using the cracks and seams trend right to the top point and mantle over the corner.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Tracky Lacky Back

Around near the ocean side of the block, the long flake going from right up to the left. Sit start at the bottom in the flake and use whatever feet, including the block to the left, to pull up and follow it all the way to the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 27 Jun 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Stuck In The Middle

Sit start and follow up the middle of the face using the variety of holds.

PA: Nick Murphy & Emer, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Man Tell Me Not To Do It

Sit start with hands in the break just under the lip and mantle over the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 27 Jun 2020

Búlder 1m
V0 Smeared Away

Sit start to the right of 'HamStrung Out', a bit of a meh problem. Using the bottom of the flake and a face hold pull up over while smearing and mantle off.

PA: Nick Murphy, 27 Jun 2020

Búlder 1m
V0 On A May-Day

Sit start using the flake and follow this over the top. Enjoyable and good for beginners.

PA: Nick Murphy & Emer, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Below and Beyond Below
V0 Atey-Ate A Lot

On the backside of 'The Crazy Eighty-Eights', the jam crack that then trends right onto the face using flakes to stand on top of 'Intersecting Lines Boulder.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 4th Verse Of The Traverse

Another great beginners problem, as well as being an easy descent from over the backside from the other problems nearby.

Sit start in the same spot (hands on the juggy block at the base of the crack) as 'The Crazy Eighty-Eights' but follow right along the big crack until in the corner.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 5m
V0 Wiggly Bits & Bobs

None in the rock thankfully!

The blades and cracks to the right of 'The Wiggles Whaling Troop'. Sit start going straight up til top out.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 2m
Cairns North Wangetti Pretty Beach Below and Beyond Beyond
V0 Rushing For The Exits

Sit start hanging off the rail and head straight up. To the right of the small tree.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Crashed My Tinnie

At the bottom of the ramp there sits this fun little number. Grab the jugs at the bottom right from a sit start and follow up left until you almost run into the cave wall on the left and mantle over.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 4m
V0 Nickel And Dined

Trends right across the flakes to almost join up with 'Hypertechnicality'. Sit start to begin with.

PA: Nick Murphy, 24 Mayo 2020

Búlder 3m
Cairns North Wangetti Turtle Creek Beach & Ratchet Bay
V0 Scenic Cruise

Start on jugs, straight up.

Búlder 2m
V0 Warmup

A nice traverse beginning far L end of flat wall, heading to the tip of RH end. Give it a V1 for the sit start on the arete.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 6 En 2018

Búlder 2m
V0 Midline

Sit start on obvious edge in middle of flat wall. Move up and top out directly or finish as for Warmup on RH end.

PA: Cameron Wycherley, 4 Feb 2018

Búlder 2m
V0 Straight Up

Sit start @ crack. Work your way straight up through a series of decent holds.

Búlder 4m
V0 Get Your Head Right

Sit start low on really good jugs. Work your way straight up following the seams left to right (all jugs). A fun head game and high ball.

Búlder 7m
Cairns North Wangetti Slip Cliff Point
V0 Long Procedure


PA: Callum Mather

Equip: Nick Murphy, 22 Abr 2020

Búlder 7m
V0 Crackle Corner

Short line on the upper tier between 'Under The Knife' and 'Left Of Line'. Sit start in the short corner and work up the crack and flakes to the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 22 Abr 2020

Búlder 3m
V0 Vanagon

Sit start with the triangle for hands, and follow up the faint arete using the pockets to get over the top.

PA: Nick Murphy, 22 Abr 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Vain In Vans

Using the low rail to start with, go up just right of the arete till topping out.

PA: Nick Murphy, 22 Abr 2020

Búlder 3m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Emerald Creek
V0 The Smooth Machine

PA: Steve & Tris Baskerville

Cairns Atherton Tablelands Cerrado Turkey Hill
16 (Unknown 3)
Clásica 8m
16 (Unknown 4)
Clásica 12m
16 - 18 (Unknown 7)
Clásica 10m
14 - 18 (Unknown 8)
Clásica 10m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Granite Gorge
V0 - 1 Tufa Love

Head up compression over prow. Almost reminiscent of climbing on limestone tufas. Stand start.

Just near metal bridge upstream of main reception. Downstream of the weir.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Tamara O'Neil, 19 En 2019

Búlder 4m
V0 - 1 Dem Legs

Sit start at base of small boulder with "weir" written on it (just across from PII) to gain leg dominated line to top. Small but fun.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 19 En 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Amazonica

Traverse right to left with large features. Tops out with Rock Wallaby sh** (clean prior).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Water Iris

Head up from sit start along mild arete to lip and topout.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Water Lily

Sit start arete and edge. Gain height and catch lip. Stellar one move wonder. Topout.

These boulders are found just before you cross the metal bridge that gets you to TL.

PA: Jared Tyerman, 23 Jun 2019

Búlder 3m
V0 - 1 Hands for Feet

Stand start corner with edges to work into higher edges. Use tension or pop straight to jug and topout. Edge at a shoulder's width left of the jug helps for the top.

Near EP and the two APs

PA: Jared Tyerman, 8 Jul 2019

Búlder 4m
V0 Flume

Start seated with hands on two large features stand up and with higher feet topout at top right of boulder up mini slab.

Located on Yellow Track on the carpark side, before Turks Head (/Turtle Rock?).

PA: Jared Tyerman, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 2m
V0 Glider

Stellar sit start to positive left arete. Work up arete to topout. Face feet are in.

PA: Jared Tyerman & Tom Swan, 6 Jul 2019

Búlder 3m
Cairns Atherton Tablelands Emu Creek
16 The Daltons

Sweet line. Follow series of horizontal cracks starting left of fig tree on wall, into fine holds and funky mantle higher up. A fair amount of handjams available and an array of sweet moves to be made. Anchors are on wall or can top out.

Clásica 13m
Cairns Trinity Beach Taylor's Point
16 Waldorf Saw A Therapist

Easier start to right of 19. Traverse into first bolt over flake. WARNING: ANCHORS (AND LIKELY BOLTS) SEVERELY RUSTED/CORRODED

Deportiva 8m, 4
Cairns Trinity Beach North Trinity Bouldering Main Stack
V0 Oceanic Traverse

Traverse the long obvious rock that dips into the ocean. Be mindful not to dip your feet in

Equip: Jared Tyerman

Búlder 3m
V0 Haul of the wall

Sit below crack, work jugs into crack, follow crack to flake-type feature and jugs and crack to top out. Exclude various features for V1

Búlder 4m
V0 Chimney of the North Pole

Offwidth crack essentially with staircase within

Búlder 4m

Sit start on the flake surrounding the F on the Flip graffiti, work up and around and top out.

PAL: Monica, 7 Abr 2020

Búlder 2m
V0 Tap Hollow

Use hollow jugs for fun flying up route

Búlder 3m
V0 Direct dyno

Work 3 obvious jugs or 2 as a dyno. Mind the spiders in the holds

Búlder 3m
V0 And a face to the riii-iight

Use crack and holds left of crack for cruisy sailing to the top

Búlder 5m
Cairns Trinity Beach South Trinity Bouldering
V0 1a

Up right arete stand/squat start

Búlder 5m
V0 1b

Up slab face with edges to hollow feature and top

Búlder 5m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 532 vías.

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