
Acceso: Hostile locals

Access through the property on Paradise Creek Rd has alledgedly been granted before, though some locals do not believe this offer is withstanding. Helidon police do not know the validity of the online invitation to cross this property as of 22 May 21. Helidon police have provided an alternate route which I verified, mapped and made available below. https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1r3Y99n76qTAVKH3pPcVvrwmI5fGrFeQx&usp=sharing

Ver Detalles de la advertencia y Discusiones

Creó hace 3 años


Further around R. The indistinct chossy arête

Historia de la vía

2000Primera ascensión: Phil Box & Grant Edser


27 May 2021 Advertencia Acceso: Hostile locals


Lat/Long.: -27.46170, 152.10024

Referencias de nivel de dificultad

17 Grado de dificultad


The ethic is natural protection where possible, and glue-in ringbolts or U-bolts where fixed protection is required.

heredado de Redcliffs


Muy buena
Ni te molestes

Basado en valoraciones de 0.

Tipos de ascensiones

Punto rojo 1

Palabras clave en los comentarios

Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Autor(es): Jimmy Blackhall & David Jefferson

Fecha: 2021

número ISBN: 9377779499658

Hidden within the ordinary people of Queensland there exists a tight-knit community of scabby knuckles, grazed knees, massive forearms and iron-clad wills. This guidebooks seeks to shed light on this community and blocks of choice with all the information, skills and knowledge to open the door for you to explore all the bouldering that Queensland has to offer.

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Fecha: 2018

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A few years ago there was basically Frog Buttress and Coolum. Since then there has been more development than Barangaroo and South East Queensland should be on any climbers radar no matter what your style. Except ice climbing, definitely no ice climbing. But over 1250 routes with hard sport, multipitches and quality trad to make a great trip.

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