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Mostrando los 53 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Campground Cerrado Campground Boulders
V13 The Scorpion King

The very dangerous problem just right of 'Butthole Surfer' and climbing out to the obvious pockets on the overhanging face above and bad landing (the drop off the terrace).

PA: Gerard Bergmann, 2002

North West Grampians North Grampians Flat Rock Epsilon Wall Bouldering
V12 Mugabe

Takes the right-trending line via the odd pocket just left of 'Epsilon Crack'.

PA: Simon Weill, 2000

V12 Magician's Code

The imposing face across to the right from PP. Stand start with high crimp. Up to the two bad pinches, then punch up to the lip. Finish on good holds out left.

PA: Thomas Farrell

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Ground Control Caves Top Cave
V11/12 Nutts to Butts

Upper Cave.

Links 'Fog' into 'Dead Heat'.

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Trackside Boulders Project Boulder
V13 On the Beach

Sit start on hueco.

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Between the Sheeps
V12 Kings Cross

A more direct line into When We Were Kings, starting further to the right.

PA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Big Buck Hunter

Start off big flake, out to undercling and huge move to pocket. Finish as for When We Were Kings.

V12 War Chief

Listed as a project (#19) in the 2016 guide. Sit start on chossy looking jugs 2m right of Big Buck Hunter, up direct into the finish holds of When We Were Kings.

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Lower Taipan Lower Taipan Wall
V13 Zeus (Boulder)

The creme de la creme. Sit start on crimp, punch up then across right and up a series of shallow pockets via a rad cross move, finishing on jug under the bolt.

PA: Sam Edwards

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cerrado The Snake Pit
V12 Quitline

Old Klem Loskot project which was expected to be the hardest dyno in Australia; the FA went to Nalle Hukkataival and its status as hardest dyno may have been subsumed by a few hard problems Nalle put up in Buandik, 'Massive Dynamic' and 'Pigeon Superstition' at the Citadel.

PA: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V12 If You Want Blood, You've Got It

A huge, technical dyno starting from a sit-start, then up to the big sloper and higher crimp - then the sharp lip jug. The hardest dyno in Australia?

PA: Klem Loskot, 1999

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Citadel
V13 Pigeon Superstition

PAL: Nalle Hukkataival, 2011

V13 Ammagamma

Originally put up as 'Ummagumma' (also at V13) starting in the 3-finger pocket - Klem added the first (hard) move a week later. Previously V14 until Nicole repeated it in a single day.

PA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Tanathos

Start on Strammamax and into Endamax. Traverse into and finish on Lost for Life

V12 Lost For Life

Very solid; as shown by Fred Nicole in the classic EOS2 video (or more recently by James Litz in Dosage 3).

PA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V13 Lost For Life Low Start Búlder
V13 The Bear and the Piano

Start on the left hand sidepull and right hand crimp.

PA: Tom O'Halloran, Mayo 2022

North West Grampians North Grampians Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Cave Club
V13 Sultan of Swing

PA: Alex Megos

V11/12 Full Bean

Heads straight up just right of the start of Sultans of Swing. Pending details.

North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Kindergarten Cerrado The Kindergarten (bouldering)
V12 The Weill of Fortune

A big link up. Sit-start as for 'A horse is a horse', then traverse right all the way into the start of 'The Nevin Rule'. Finish up this problem. Route grade of 32.

PA: Simon Weill, 2000

V12 The Wheel of Fortune

The final chapter... Start as for 'Spanking the Monkeybars', reverse 'A Horse is a Horse', then finish as for 'The Weill of Fortune'. Route grade of 33.

PA: Nathan Hoette, 2000

V12 Giada

Sit start on two edges under the rooflet. Reach out to slopers and crimps and make a press out left to the pocket. Big reaches back right gain the big high flake and finish as for The Nevin Rule.

North West Grampians North Grampians Hollow Mountain (N & NE side of Mt. Stapylton) Hollow Mountain Cave
V12 The big flake link
V12 Sleepy Hollow

Start on the large jug in the darkest depths of the cave - (the finish of X-Treme Cool) and head out to the jug at the start of Cave Man

PA: Fred Nicole, 2000

V13 UnderSiege

Links X-Treme Cool into 'Sleepy Hollow'. First ascent spread over 12 days.

PA: Sharik Walker, 2000

V13 SleepyMan

Link 'Sleepy Hollow' into Cave Girl

PA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V12 CaveBitch
V13 Pretty Hate Machine

Links Cave Bitch into Dead Can't Dance, finishing as for 'Rave Heart'

PA: Matt Wrigley, 2000

V13 CaveRave

Klem Loskot's piece de resistance - Climb all of Cave Man and keep going into the crux of Dead Can't Dance, and finish up 'Rave Heart'.

PA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V13 Stuck South of the Border
V13 X-Treme link

Links X-Treme Cool into The big flake link

PA: Dai Koyamada, 2000

V12 The big flake link variant

Link 'Easy Does It' into 'Sleepy Hollow'

V12 Cave Woman/Bitch

Takes an extreme line to the right of Cave Man, climbing into that problem's finish.

PA: Sam Edwards/Bernhard Fiedler, 2000

North West Grampians North Grampians Iskra Crag Lemonade Wall
V12 Last Action Hiro
V13 Mana
North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Venus Baths First Blood
V12 Silver Platter

Just left of the right end of the boulder is a scaly purple streak. Climb dimples to the shallow pocket, from where you make a big move left, finishing up the scoop.

North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Northern Wonderland Range Mackeys Peak The Secret Stash Boulders Juju Rock
V12 Mojo Juju

On the downhill side of the boulder, from far right traverse leftwards using the obvious sloping crack accross the overhanging wall and topout frighteningly at the tallest point of the face. Mega

PA: Oliver Miller, 2017

Búlder 8m
North West Grampians Halls Gap Area Southern Wonderland Range Sundial Peak The Bleachers Red Mist Boulder
V12 Red Mist

PA: Simon Weill

North West Grampians Victoria Range Eureka Area Bouldering
V13 Dick Snot

8 move cliff, no top out.

PA: Paul "Punk" Westwood, 2001

North West Grampians Victoria Range Mt Fox Area Mount Fox Bouldering 20th Century Blocks
V12 Point Break

PA: Nalle

North West Grampians Victoria Range Mt Fox Area Mount Fox Bouldering Fox Boulders The Philosopher's Stone
V12 Fat and Psyched Búlder
V12 Kate Upton
North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Made It Area
V12 Instakill
V12 Losing Grip
V13 Cherry Picking
V12 Simplicity (top out)
North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Got Lost Valley
V12 Slippery Slope
North West Grampians Victoria Range Buandik Area Buandik Bouldering Amusement Park
V12 Roobiks Cube
V13 Rootarted
V12 Diagonal Highway
V13 Rule number 1
V13 Boredom
Melbourne and Surrounds Cobaw Forest Skittle Boulder Bareback Boulder
V12 Bearback

Into the bush about 100m left of the Skittle boulder.

PA: Nick Sutter


Mostrando los 53 vías.

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