
Vías en Western Australia para grado seleccionado

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 427 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Perth Avon Valley National Park Bald Hill
17 Body-jammer
Clásica 10m
Perth Avon Valley National Park Peak Discontent
17 Boulder Start

Boulder start then up the slab, easing as you will.

PA: Neil Gledhill, 2023

Deportiva 20m, 7
17 Cockatoo Cockadoo

Just right of PBP and almost as good. Grade 23 when the Cockatoos are bombing you with honkey nuts.

Deportiva 15m, 5
Perth Walyunga National Park Bee Wasp Area
17 Avonentuly

Face climb (leftish) past 2 bolts to 2BB. Pleasant. Enjoy the train honking.

PA: Neil Gledhill, Kate Swain & Peter Thomas, 2017

Desconocido 9m
17 Antimatter Possum

Start inside the cleft under the corner. jam and stem your way up the wide corner. Fun.

PA: Neil Gledhill, Kate Swain & Peter Thomas

Clásica 8m
17 Leftover

North side of last boulder/buttress. Starts just right of Antimatter Possum, Climb up left arete past bolts. Tricky stepup which could ruin your day if you don't get it first go.

PA: Neil Gledhill, Kate Swain & Peter Thomas, 2017

Deportiva 8m
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry Entrance Quarry
17 Skin Tight

Climb the balancy corner to lower-off. A good warm-up for greater things in this area. 5 carrots. Easier than "100 Questions".

PA: Jim Truscott & Neil Gledhill, 2003

Deportiva 15m, 5
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry Main Quarry
17 Smell of Rich Mahogany

Start as for "It's a Formidable Scent".

After the first bolt trend right following the bolts to the top.

The crux is between the second and third bolt.

A mix of fun moves.

PA: N.Cole, D.Harding & D.Klicker, 2015

Deportiva 13m, 4
Perth Barrington (Gosnells) Quarry ellis brook valley reserve Sixty Foot Falls RHS
17 A-Go-Go

The thin crack 1m to the right of arete.

Clásica 7m
Perth Boya Quarry Black Slab
17 Direct Route

Short and thin crack, bring small gear. Top is dirty and quite lose, inspect it first if possible. Walk to the top of the route is only a few minutes.

Clásica 12m
Perth Boya Quarry West Bay Leftside
17 Cool Under Fire Deportiva 12m, 5
17 Direct Route Clásica 12m
17 M3 The Battle for Hill 60

Climb the face past 3 carrot bolts and aid the roof. Pro required at the roof and after the roof. Carrot bolt anchor at top. So bring plates. The piton on this route is very rusty.

Clásica mixta 15m, 3
Perth Boya Quarry West Bay Rightside
17 Chick Magnet


Deportiva 20m, 3
17 Electric Orange Clásica 25m
17 Road to Agadir Clásica 40m
Perth Boya Quarry East Bay Rightside
17 Boab Eliminate Clásica 20m
17 Hell's Bells and Mademoiselles

Lots of traversing left with two ledges to rest on and a strenuous mantle finish.

PA: J. Truscott & B. Aikman, 2001

Deportiva 15m, 4
Perth Mundaring Weir Area/Beelu National Park Pipelines Haystacks Area
V0 - 1 Mischa

Trending left is V0, trending right V1.

PA: Mike Randall

Búlder 3m
Perth Churchman's Brook The Short Walls
17 Cornered Clásica 7m
17 Stretch Clásica 7m
Perth Churchman's Brook The Super Slab
17 Major

Start in the corner at the left edge of smooth slab, as for Caledonian Way. Before reaching top of block, step right onto face and up a shallow groove to finish. Keep the two triangular niches on the right.

PA: Mike Smith

Clásica 25m
Perth Churchman's Brook Fang Wall
17 Editorial

PA: Ross Weiter & Peter Thomas

Clásica 30m
Perth Churchman's Brook Slash and Burn Wall
14 - 17 Super Nova Connection Clásica mixta 25m, 1
Perth Churchman's Brook The West End
17 Poodle Dog Clásica 12m
Perth Darlington Pyramid Boulder
17 Irish Stew

Start left of Pogue Mahone. Climb the arête.

Deportiva 12m, 2
17 Andy Pandy

Start as for Fryaway. Climb to the right of the Fryaway crack.

Clásica 13m
Perth Darlington Solstice Boulder
17 The Rack

Delicately climb up to bolt, clip, and run it out to the top. Edit: 2nd fixed hanger has been added.

Deportiva 10m, 2
Perth Darlington The Eastern Slabs
17 Thin Ice Clásica 16m
17 Ice Breaker Clásica 17m
17 Lucky Legs

Starts to the right of Wild Honey Pie. 3 bolts to a DBB.

Deportiva 11m, 3
17 Captain Funkmayer's Hot Pink Acid Jazz Dream

Start approximately four metres to the right of Anorexia Crimposa. Follow the crimps past four carrot bolts to DBB

Deportiva 15m, 4
Perth Darlington Upper Darlington Stonehenge
17 Bodyguard Of Lies

Climb the face of the menhir following the 3 carrot bolts to the top.

The DBB at the top is the two carrot bolts located on the back of the boulder.

Deportiva 8m, 3
Perth Gobby Road Crags Dirk brook
17 Neurosis Sunday

4 BR - left side of the main face. Steep.

PA: Jim Truscott & Matt Rosser, 2011

Deportiva 20m, 3
Perth Gobby Road Crags Gobby slabs
17 M1 Micrometer Artificial 24m
Perth Gooseberry Hill Quarry
17 Fais climbing

Just a short easy climb with a couple of nice moves. Start at the lowest point below the roof, climb up slightly left to finish. 2 bolts to DBB.

Equip: Shannon, Mar 2016

PA: Shannon, Mar 2016

Deportiva 6m, 3
Perth Hardey Road Llama Rock
17 R Temporary Australians

Thin obvious seam, bring micro nuts or RPs. Single CB belay.

Clásica 8m
Perth Hardey Road Llama Totem
17 Lumpy Jaw Arête

Follow arête on the southern face. Use the crack for pro.

Clásica 8m
Perth Hardey Road Stylidium
17 Fanatics and Fundamentalists Deportiva 9m
Perth Helena Rocks
17 Popping the Buddha

Jam, traverse left and then ascend the flakes and crack in the main boulder

PA: Jim Truscott & Harry Butler, 1999

Clásica 10m
17 Brylcream

Follow the unlikely line of small vertical pockets up the black slab

PA: Harry Butler & Jim Truscott, 1999

Clásica 10m
17 R Rossian Roulette

PA: Robert Bril & Neil Gledhill, 2001

Clásica 12m
Perth Kalamunda National Park Piesse Wall
17 From Free World Warrior to Urban Lemming

Left arête, then up left crack.

PA: Jim Truscott & Matthew Rosser, 2001

Deportiva 8m, 2
Perth Kalamunda National Park Bibbulman Boulders Pylon 170
17 Sunday Afternoon Carrots
Desconocido 6m
Perth Kalamunda National Park Duckhead Rock
17 Duckhead
Deportiva 8m, 1
Perth Kalamunda National Park Lumberjack Rock
17 The Rasp

The off-width with face finish. Follow 2 FH from ledge to DBB. Hangers required for anchor

Clásica mixta 10m, 2
Perth The Lesmurdie Falls
17 Frogs Legs and Snails

Start at NN too first bolt, then two bolts to a run out top out 2 carrot bolt belay

Clásica mixta 30m, 3
17 Desperate
Desconocido 20m
Perth Mountain Quarry Carpark boulders
V0+ Fishpaste

Given a route grade in "The Guide" - 8

Búlder 7m
Perth Mountain Quarry Playboy Area
17 Playboy

Slabby route in V-shaped groove. Thin seam provides good pro using nuts and cams. Be careful of loos blocks at bottom, and use good foot work to reach top.

Clásica 22m
17 Bumble Aye

Straight up to 3rd bolt. Head left to gain the 4th, then a balancy traverse right to the large angled handhold and the top.

Deportiva 12m, 4
Perth Mountain Quarry The Black Bay
17 Split Personality Direct

Start as for Split Personality, don’t move left as for SP but go directly up on small holds to the ledge. Dynamic moves to get over the headwall. 2BR and small friends. Just brilliant fun.

PA: M. Rosser & J. Truscott, 2005

Clásica mixta 20m, 1
Perth Mountain Quarry Mull Up Buttress
17 Bond Corp

2 bolts to cam placement in vertical crack, 2 more bolts to DBB

Deportiva 10m
Perth Mountain Quarry Main Wall
17 Usurper

Well protected but not straightforward. Start at the bottom of Finger Licking Awful crack and follow this to top, trending L. Up face past 2 bolts then L to shallow vertical grove (large nut), then traverse L along crack with bush to Rage, then up to anchors of Rage. Trad gear and 2 GIMBs.

PA: Richard Wainwright, 2013

Clásica mixta 25m, 2
17 Adventure Line

Start just R of Psychopath. Trend right past 5 FHs (crux), then trad climb up the corner above (gr.12). Just before top of corner traverse R onto face and up to lower-offs just below the arête of On Edge. Cams up to #0.75 Camalot, nuts all sizes. 5 FH, then trad gear.

Loose large blocks at top.

PA: Ross Weiter & Dena Rao, 1 Nov 2016

Clásica mixta 30m, 5
17 Opiate of the Masses
Deportiva 35m, 10
Perth Pinjarra Boomer Hill Spring Grove Farm Cutting
17 Remember Nathan
Deportiva 10m
17 Bored For Cams
Clásica 10m
17 Runt Of the Litter

Far right of the crag, start 2m off the ground on belay ledge. Climb up the obvious crack, bouldery moves up onto the mantle. Bomber wire pro, then straight up blank face, top out. Use bolt anchor from Butterfly Effect long cordelete to bomber wire placements at the top of the route for an anchor.

PA: 21 Jun 2020

Clásica 6m
Perth Pinjarra Boomer Hill Boomer Crag
17 R Suspended Intelligence

PA: Jim Truscott & Matthew Rosser, 2001

Clásica 18m
Perth Pinjarra Boomer Hill Boobyer Boulders Eastern Boulder
17 Bioheap Crack
Clásica 10m
17 Physical Therapy
Clásica 20m
17 Blood on the Board Room Floor
Clásica mixta 20m, 1
Perth Pinjarra Oakley Falls Generation Slab
17 Prisoner of Success Clásica 10m
Perth Pinjarra Oakley Falls Soul Mountain Slab
17 Managing on the Edge of Darkness Clásica 10m
Perth Pinjarra Oakley Falls Blair Wall
17 Dancing with the Devil Clásica 15m
17 Let's Split Clásica 15m
17 Fat Bastard

PA: Jim Truscott & Matt Rosser

Clásica 8m
Perth Roleystone
V0 - 1 Rock Pool

Sit start with good left hand and up.

Búlder 2m
Perth Scott Street Quarry
17 I Just Wanna Be A Short Guy Clásica 12m
17 Misadventure Climbing Zone Deportiva 8m, 3
Perth Serpentine National Park Serpentine Falls
17 Armageddon Out Here Desconocido 35m
Perth Serpentine National Park Baldwins Bluff Hidden Face
17 Black Knight Desconocido 15m
Perth Shark Rock
17 The Fin

The right hand arête of smashed palace boulders. DBB belay at the top.

Deportiva 10m, 4
Perth Statham's Quarry Michel Angelo Walls
17 Short Circuit Direct

Start as for SC, but then deviate from the original line to the left. Many jugs, couple of cruxes.

PA: R. Weiter, 2011

Deportiva 27m, 10
Perth Statham's Quarry Central Slab Area
17 Twenty Easy Steps
Deportiva 20m, 5
17 Striding Edge

Two ring bolts have been added to the lower section of this route.

Climb past two RB, over the arete and finish as for strider.

Clásica 25m
17 Striding Edge Direct

Up the slab then follow the crack with some grass in it, about 1 metre right of Strider. From there follow leftward trending crack to join Strider then up to a DBB. Rusty bolts for strider can be reached easily whilst on this route. Questionable rock at top.

Clásica 25m
Perth Statham's Quarry Quarry Right Side
17 Centrepiece

Route is now bolted (6-May-2014)

Deportiva 20m, 5
17 Morning Glory

Move left after the last bolt.

Deportiva 20m, 6
17 Kid Rock
Deportiva 14m, 6
17 Quickie
Deportiva 10m
Perth Toodyay Main Area
17 Moan Clásica 9m
Perth Wandoo Heights Nature Reserve Wandoo Heights
17 Sizzle

1m right of CEE. Start to the right or middle of small mantleshelf. Shares last bolt with CEE.

PA: Zhangter P & Andrew Grant, Ag 2018

Deportiva 8m, 3
Perth Wungong Valley Lower Valley - The Slab
17 Dead Seal

Be careful. Lower-offs 27m, can be lowered off the end of a 50m rope.

This can be done either in one pitch or two.

  1. Start a couple of meters right of Trampling on Roses. Follow 4 bolts straight up to a DBB. (4 bolts, 22m)

  2. From the DBB follow the bolts to the left to the second DBB. (23m)

PA: Roland Tyson & M. Deadseal, 1988

Deportiva 50m, 2, 6
17 Whisper

Classic slab climb of the crag, climb directly.

PA: Ron Master, 1983

Deportiva 25m, 5
17 Mirror, Mirror Clásica 30m
Perth Wungong Valley Upper Valley - Bungendore Crag
17 Easy to be Hard Desconocido 18m
Perth Wungong Valley Upper Valley - Bungendore Slab and Boulder
17 Mapatazi Desconocido 6m
Perth Fern Rd Lost World
17 Reach For The Sky

See Perth Rock 2nd Ed (2013)

Deportiva 5m, 1
17 Black Flake

PAL: Ross Weiter & Dena Rao, 2010

Deportiva 8m, 2
Perth Fern Rd Big Rack Crack Boulder
17 Old Man

Follow the crack to the ledge as for Leftover, then traverse left on the slopers onto the face to reach some holds that allow you to stand up and reach the crack on the face above. Follow this to the top.

PA: Evan Gaudet, 2 Jul 2020

17 Planet of the Apes
Clásica mixta 25m, 1
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Eagle Hill Eagle Tor
17 The Last Blasphemy

Start at the descent gully a few metres R of Don't Pay The Ferryman. Climb the V groove and flake to a stance, then bolt to the top.

Desconocido 6m
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Mount Randall Main Area The Three Sisters
17 Third Sister Clásica 6m
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Mount Randall Main Area Flashdance Boulder
17 Flashdance

Starting on the right side of the boulder, climb to the horizontal crack in the rock. Follow the crack left. At the end of the crack follow the thin face to the top.

Clásica 12m
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Mount Randall Main Area Snailtrail Boulder
17 Snail Trail Desconocido 5m
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Mount Randall The Freefall Area Slashface Boulders
17 Big Ripa
Desconocido 7m
17 Li'l Rippa
Desconocido 6m
Perth Midgegoroo National Park Mount Cuthbert Mount Cuthbert Slab
17 Eagle's Lair

Start 2m L of Morning Glory (shares same bolts). Through broken pockets. Step L at the 3rd bolt and continue up white featureless section (crux). Straight up and finish at Lower offs of Hanger High.

PA: Steve Digwood & Gary Phillips, 1990

Deportiva 32m, 4

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 427 vías.

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