
Ascensiones en Rolandfels teniendo Beta

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Mostrando los 61 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Dom 12.º Mayo 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Duro Hofnarr - con Steffen Ha Deportiva 23m
I really loved working the moves on this route, it can climb very flowy or be a real battle if you don't find a way that works for you. I hope I get to try it again sometime (:

Sáb 6.º Abr 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7+ Jojo - con Johannes Kuschke Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Also pretty cool pocket climbing, never too easy. Pumpy. Had to rest once.

7+ Fácil Ronaldo - con Johannes Kuschke Deportiva 20m Muy buena
This one was a lot easier and relaxing than JoJo (7+). Smooth homogenous pocket climbing.

8 Omatag - con Johannes Kuschke Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Single hard section at the bulge, from small crimps into a huge jug. Saw some guys climbing it and they left the draws. Lucky flash go, boulder moves are usually not my favorite.

8+ ~9- Carolin Reiber - con Johannes Kuschke Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Severe power endurance section after 2/3rd of the route. There are actually enough handholds, but the non existing footholds make the moves super challenging. Could only climb the hardest section once with a number of high risk moves, didn't try a second time.

7 Kleine Menschen brauchen mehr Schlaf - con Johannes Kuschke Deportiva 23m Muy buena
Cleaned the route in toprope, never too hard. The start actually is the hardest. Nice line, sometimes pretty distanced bolting and people climb not too close to the bolts.

Sáb 30.º Mar 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Omatag - con Yury Mo Deportiva 20m Medio
Leonie Weiß
Sehr harte Boulderstelle, bis dahin schöne Bewegungen!

Vie 29.º Mar 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung Deportiva 27m
Minh Duc Nguyen
Nicht geschenkt

Vie 22.º Mar 2024 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7+ Vaffanculo - con Stephan H Deportiva Medio
Leonie Weiß

Sáb 29.º Jul 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
10- Nullkommanix — 2 intentos Deportiva 18m
Alle Züge geklettert.

Jue 25.º Mayo 2023 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9- Lernpause Deportiva
2nd Go

Vie 16.º Sep 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7- Fleisch ist mein Gemüse - con KP Deportiva 25m Medio
Christoph Rauch
A little uninspired on the left. Over the bulge on sharp holds, then diagonally up along with the other routes through partly chossy, partly vegetated rock.

6+ Für Lea - con KP Deportiva 25m, 8 Medio
Christoph Rauch
A little better than the route on the left, already a good deal of polish on the holds.

8+ Die Vollendung - con KP Deportiva 27m
Christoph Rauch
Messed up the lower crux over the first overhang, barely made it to the cave again. Rested, once again, for ages, pulled up into the overhang, reached the final crimps, but couldn't find the right body position to reach up to the final jug … bummer.

8+ Die Vollendung - con KP Deportiva 27m
Christoph Rauch
I tried really hard onsighting this, because two beers were wagered by my friends in case I managed it. So I desperately clung to the wall, taking at least a few minutes to find a solution for the crux, arrived in the big cave below the final overhang totally drained. Luckily, you can sit there and relax for ages … and promptly sent my glasses down the wall when I took off my helmet. After that rest, I felt a confident that I would be able to finish it, but once you climb into that overhang, there's no turning back. I reached the two sharp crimps just before the anchor, but had no strength left whatsoever to do another move …

Dom 19.º Jun 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7b 8+ Plast Consulting Deportiva Buena
Angeguckt, schwer

Vie 20.º Mayo 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ 8 Hofnarr Deportiva 23m Clásico

Sáb 26.º Mar 2022 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9 Fácil Osama, Du Sau Deportiva 27m Buena

Lun 26.º Jul 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung Deportiva 27m Clásico
Raphael Fritz
Super schöne und abwechslungsreiche Route!

Mié 21.º Jul 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung - con mrks Deportiva 27m Buena
am Kilpphenkel UH rausgerutscht.

Jue 3.º Jun 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung Deportiva 27m Megaclásica
One of the longer routes here and its run out for sure, tricky and fun sequences on pockets and a good rest before that final thuggy top.

7+ Jojo Deportiva 20m Buena

6+ Für Lea Deportiva 25m, 8 Muy buena
Hard for 6a like everything here is

Jue 20.º Mayo 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9 66° North - con mrks Deportiva Clásico
finger kaputt bei crux 2 weiterdoppeln aus mittelfingermono zu klippgriff

Jue 13.º Mayo 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Omatag Deportiva 20m Clásico
Vie 7.º Mayo 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7b 8 Hofnarr Deportiva 23m Clásico
Fühlt sich einfach subjektiv viel schwerer als alle anderen 7a an.

Dom 21.º Mar 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Hofnarr Deportiva 23m Muy buena
an letzter expresse rausgekippt

Dom 31.º En 2021 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7 Kleine Menschen brauchen mehr Schlaf - con Alex Deportiva 23m Medio
Christoph Rauch
Started via "DFVKMM" because of general confusion about the lines. It also seems like there is an extension of "DFVKMM" which crosses over this route here and goes up the narrow pillar to the left of "DIMGH". Anyway, to the route: There's a nasty long fixed sling in one of the bolts, which is ugly, but more or less necessary because the runout might be grounder potential (it's relatively juggy there, but not too easy …). The holds are relatively sharp and most of them seem to point in the wrong direction. Quite burly, less elegant than its right neighbour.

7+ Dein ist mein ganzes Herz - con Alex Deportiva 25m Buena
Christoph Rauch
Interesting route, relatively elegant opposed to its appearance. Small holds up to the big sidepull flake after the third bolt, then a small runout on deep jugs to the next one. The top section was wet but manageable due to big holds.

Sáb 5.º Dic 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
6+ Für Lea (Leas Projekt) Deportiva 25m, 8

8 Hofnarr Deportiva 23m
mit Hänger

7+ Dein ist mein ganzes Herz Deportiva 25m Clásico

7 Kleine Menschen brauchen mehr Schlaf Deportiva 23m Clásico

Sáb 31.º Oct 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7 Kleine Menschen brauchen mehr Schlaf - con mantra Deportiva 23m Buena
Continuing mixing the routes because of wet stone.

I think we used the first three bolts of Lea's Projekt and then traversed into the 4th bolt of this one. 4th and 5th quickdraw were extended and I was really happy about that, otherwise it would have been too scary for me, quite some distance. Basically dogged from quickdraw to quickdraw then

The last part is not steep anymore, but was quite wet, so it was a bit more tricky today, but manageable.

Jue 3.º Sep 2020 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7 Kleine Menschen brauchen mehr Schlaf - con Leonie Weiß Deportiva 23m
Stephan H
Schöne Route aber die wegfindung war nicht ganz offensichtlich

Sáb 26.º Oct 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung Deportiva 27m
Kilian L
Die Verendung? Ne, im 2. Go dann doch nicht so wild.

Lun 24.º Jun 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7b Carolin Reiber Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Schöne züge über den bauch

Sáb 18.º Mayo 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Die Vollendung Deportiva 27m Megaclásica
Cuenta eliminada 3348819288
Wahnsinns-Ausdauer-Tour: 30m lang, luftige Hakenabstände, knifflige Crux auf der Platte & am Ende nochmal ein Rausschmeißer im Überhang. Fordert Kopf, Technik & Unterarme zugleich. Im letzten Versuch des Tages mit fränkischer Unterstützung & Publikum war es dann endlich so weit

8+ Die Vollendung - con Hilary, Mike Deportiva 27m Clásico
Chris Harper
Not enough left in the tank at the end of the day!

Sáb 13.º Abr 2019 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8- 7+ Ronaldo Deportiva 20m Medio
Cuenta eliminada 3348819288
trickreiche Lochkletterei

Dom 17.º Jun 2018 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7+ Jojo Deportiva 20m
Sarah Shoelace
Struggles on all the pockets. Think this climb was the start of sore fingers

Sáb 19.º Ag 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9 Osama, Du Sau - con Lucy Deportiva 27m
Matt Pascoe
Somehow missed the go to hold in the crux so got set up wrong.

Sáb 15.º Jul 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9 Osama, Du Sau Deportiva 27m
Gabriela Vrablikova
9/9+ #hard

Vie 12.º Mayo 2017 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8a+ 10- Nordische Kombination Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Paul Steinig
I fell like clipping the anchor in my onsight effort, very nice technical start over My Way, crimpy and with two finger pockets, good rest in the middle, but some tention is needed and the athletic moves in the end are getting quite pumpy, climbed it in my second shot

7c+ 9 Osama, Du Sau Deportiva 27m Clásico
Paul Steinig
Great climbing, long one for the Frankenjura, two sequences with small underclings where a lot of core ist an advantage.

Jue 5.º Mayo 2016 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8a+ 10- Nullkommanix Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Paul Steinig
Tried it one week bevor, but completely wet, now it was much easier...

8a+ 10- Nullkommanix Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Paul Steinig
Cool shoulder dyno after nice powerful crimp climbing with one big sloper

8a 9+/10- Respect Deportiva Clásico
Paul Steinig
Originally 8a but now a big key hold broke of, maybe a real 8a now, nice dyno over the sequence with the broken hold and a cool second crux afterwards

8a 9+/10- Respect Deportiva Clásico
Paul Steinig
Number two of the afternoon

8a 9+/10- My way Deportiva Clásico
Paul Steinig
Absolutely my style, static locking power on small crimps and pockets on a slightly overhanging wall

8a 9+/10- My way Deportiva Clásico
Paul Steinig
Number 3 of the day happy but still feeling power, no skin anymore

2015 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
11- Hockenheimring Deportiva
Alex Megos

Dom 5.º Oct 2014 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8+ Carolin Reiber Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Philipp Wellmann
#2go Boulder at the very top

Sáb 9.º Ag 2014 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Hofnarr Deportiva 23m Buena
Matthias Felix
one crux in the middle part. But after that still a little pumpy

Vie 20.º Jun 2014 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8 Ich möcht´ kein Engel sein (Ich möcht' kein Engel sein) Deportiva 23m Medio
Philipp Wellmann
First 5 moves are hard

Mié 30.º Abr 2014 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8b 10 Respektlos Deportiva Muy buena
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663

Dom 3.º Mayo 2009 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8a 10- Nullkommanix Deportiva 18m Muy buena
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663
hard, 10-

Dom 3.º Jun 2007 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
8a 9+/10- Respect Deportiva Clásico
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663
hard, 10-

Vie 5.º Sep 2003 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
9 Osama, Du Sau Deportiva 27m Clásico
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663

Vie 8.º Jun 2001 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
7b 8+ Carolin Reiber Deportiva 20m
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663

Vie 12.º Mayo 2000 - Frankenjura Nord
Weißmain-Alb Kleinziegenfeld Rolandfels
6c 7+ Ronaldo Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Cuenta eliminada 3827793663


Mostrando los 61 ascensiones.

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