
Ascensiones en Rumanía

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 6,489 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Jue 25.º Jul 2024 - Limpedea
Faleza Mare
8- Duro Forță și Impertinență Deportiva 15m
7/7+ New Balance Deportiva 15m Muy buena
7+ Duro Obsession Deportiva 15m Buena
7 Fisură Deportiva 15m Muy buena
6 Duro Noi Doi Deportiva 15m, 8
6+ Kiki Deportiva 15m
Mar 23.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Vlaicului
5+ Alfa Deportiva 12m Buena
Nagy Botond
Mar 23.º Jul 2024 - Creasta Cocoșului
3 ~4 Școala 2 Deportiva Buena
Nagy Botond
Mar 23.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Vârghișului
Turnul lui Csala
8- Fácil Free Deportiva 18m Megaclásica
Really cool moves, though none of the feel very hard. A bit run out at the top where it's easy, but always safe. Maybe 6b+/6c?

6+ Fisura Calului Deportiva 18m Clásico
Mar 23.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Vârghișului
Santinela Peșterii
6+ Szűz
1 6+ 30 Deportiva
2 6- 15 De segundo
3 6+ 30 Deportiva
Deportiva 75m Muy buena
The climb is very well protected ("Plaisir" by swiss standards). The first two pitches can be climbed as one - the belay after 30m is older gear and not connected, but looks good. Descend by rapelling twice.

Lun 22.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Craiului
Valea Dâmbovicioarei Faleza Sticla
6- Epi — 2 intentos - con IRotberg Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Cristian Paveliuc
6 Sebi — 2 intentos - con IRotberg Deportiva 20m Muy buena
Cristian Paveliuc
6- Epi - con Cristian Paveliuc Deportiva 20m Clásico
6 Sebi - con Cristian Paveliuc Deportiva 20m Clásico
Lun 22.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Craiului
Valea Dâmbovicioarei Amfiteatrul dracilor
5+ ~5 Nichipercea - con Cristian Paveliuc Deportiva 18m Buena
5+ Nichipercea - con IRotberg Deportiva 18m Medio
Cristian Paveliuc
Dom 21.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peștera Ungurească
7+/8- Mo Prala Deportiva 20m
4+ Tinu Ceave Deportiva 10m
6- Dric Deportiva 10m
7- Ursaru Deportiva 5m
6+ Auraru Deportiva 10m
Dom 21.º Jul 2024 - Săndulești
Izvor Rotativ
7C ~7C Fácil Smerenie Búlder 3m Clásico
David Darie
7C Evlavie — 3 intentos Búlder 3m Clásico
David Darie
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Craiului
Colțul Chiliilor
7+ ~8- Traseu FN 3 Deportiva
Maier Horatiu
8- Roxana Deportiva
Maier Horatiu
8- Adina Deportiva
Maier Horatiu
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Lazurilor
Peretele Roșu
6b Dansul Ielelor Deportiva
Location: 46.81680616040926, 22.431433325087855 Time: 12:11:25 Climb Duration: 02:14:28 Max. Heart Rate: 0BPM Height: 17,19m

Tracked with Redpoint for Apple Watch.

6a+ Una Deportiva
Location: 46.81680616040926, 22.431433325087855 Time: 12:00:45 Climb Duration: 00:30:11 Max. Heart Rate: 0BPM Height: 23,04m

Tracked with Redpoint for Apple Watch.

6a+ Una Deportiva
Location: 46.81680616040926, 22.431433325087855 Time: 12:00:45 Climb Duration: 00:30:11 Max. Heart Rate: 0BPM Height: 23,04m

Tracked with Redpoint for Apple Watch.

Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Turnul Despărțitor
7 Ciufulina Deportiva 16m, 4
Apostu Lucian
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Cetățeaua Mare
7+/8- Teance Deportiva 16m
Apostu Lucian
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peștera Ungurească
7- ~7 Bulibaşa Deportiva 18m Muy buena
George-Eduard Darie
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peretele Uriaș
6 ~6+ Olive - con Fărăian Melinda Deportiva 12m, 4
Faraian Daniel Alexandru
6 Miau Miau - con Fărăian Melinda Deportiva 14m
Faraian Daniel Alexandru
6 Duro Popeye - con Fărăian Melinda Deportiva 12m Muy buena
Faraian Daniel Alexandru
8 bucle cu tot cu top, foarte fain traseul. M. Baraian mi-a dat beta

Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Șuncuiuș
Cheile Mișidului Peretele Lesianei AC/DC
7-/7 ~7 Power Up Deportiva 15m
5+ Fácil Back In Black Deportiva 15m
5+ Thunderstruck Deportiva 15m Muy buena
6+ Hell Bells Deportiva 15m Muy buena
5+ Back In Black - con AmeB Deportiva 15m Muy buena
5+ Thunderstruck - con AmeB Deportiva 15m Muy buena
6+ Hell Bells - con AmeB Deportiva 15m Muy buena
7-/7 Duro Power Up - con AmeB Deportiva 15m Buena
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peretele Uriaș
6 Kare Deportiva 12m, 3
Marius B
6- 22 Deportiva 12m, 4
Marius B
7 Marmota Deportiva 14m
Marius B
6 ~6+ Olive Deportiva 12m, 4
Marius B
6 Popeye Deportiva 12m
Marius B
Sáb 20.º Jul 2024 - Săndulești
Izvor La deal
6B ~6B Primul Mort Búlder
David Darie
6A/A+ ~6A+ Chiaburesc Búlder 3m Muy buena
David Darie
Vie 19.º Jul 2024 - Pietrele lui Solomon
Faleza Junilor
6b Vacanța mare Deportiva Clásico
5c+ ~5c Stagiatura Deportiva Clásico
Vie 19.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peretele Uriaș
7 Memorial Jenci Bacsi
1 7- 35 Clásica
2 6+ 30 Clásica
3 6+ 40 Clásica
4 7 40 Clásica
5 7- 40 Clásica
6 6 35 Clásica
7 5- 35 Clásica
8 6 45 Clásica
9 6+ 45 Clásica
Clásica 350m Muy buena
The route is not trad, more of an alpine route which can also be free climbed. Lots of old protection which probably was used for aid climbing and which you often don't want to take a whipper on - so don't fall! Additional protection can often be added with some friends (we brought and used 0.3 - 0.75). There are some really nice features and moves, but some parts are not as much fun to free climb. All belays are bolted, most are set up for rappel. We got rained on during the 7. pitch, but the wall was already dry again by the time we got to the 8. pitch. The first three pitches were fully shaded (start at 8 am). The climb took us ~8.5h, never swapping lead. Experience with alpine routes recommended.

Vie 19.º Jul 2024 - Bicaz Gorge
Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector B
6b Ioanita - con Mara Miron Deportiva 22m, 8
Andrei Verdeanu
6c+ Duro Sex for money - con Mara Miron Deportiva 20m, 8
Andrei Verdeanu
Vie 19.º Jul 2024 - Munții Hășmaș
Bicaz Gorge Făgetul Ciucului Raza Soarelui Sector A
6a White Cat - con Mara Miron Deportiva 18m, 6 Megaclásica
Andrei Verdeanu
6a+ Black Cat - con Mara Miron Deportiva 18m, 7
Andrei Verdeanu
6b LH Direct - con Mara Miron Deportiva 20m, 7 Clásico
Andrei Verdeanu
Jue 18.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peștera Ungurească
6+ Auraru Deportiva 10m
Marius B
Jue 18.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Colțul Pușcariu
7- Tao Rossa Deportiva 18m Clásico
Mar 16.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Colțul Rotunjit
7- Vega
1 7- 35m Deportiva
2 6 30m De segundo
3 6 35m De segundo
Deportiva 100m, 12 Muy buena
Very nice features. The protection is a bit bold if you don't feel fully comfortable with the grade. Additional friends and nuts can be placed sometimes, but not everywhere. We decided to rappel over the route because no one else was in the area. When rapelling the top pitch it's very easy to move loose rocks. The first two pitches can be just about be rapelled in one go with 60m half ropes.

Mar 16.º Jul 2024 - Șuncuiuș
Peretele Peșterii Unguru Mare
4A Unguru Mare Clásica
This route is wrongly classified as Trad - it's Aid Climbing. Maybe around 6a A1. From the top, rappel down twice. From the second belay you can go directly to the ground with 60m (or probably also 50m) half-ropes. The start of the first pitch is very brittle and not well protected - take care!

Mar 16.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Colțul Sanșil
6- A0 Creasta Sanşil Clásica 160m
Cat In The Hat
Lun 15.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Vlaicului
6- Axel Deportiva 22m
Martin Wolf
Lun 15.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Polițele lui Bieltz Mario
3+ Școala altfel Deportiva 27m Muy buena
4+ De duzină — 2 intentos Deportiva 9m Muy buena
Easy route but nice.

8- Proastă educație Deportiva 13m Muy buena
My first 8-

6+ ~7- Super Mario Deportiva 17m Muy buena
A little too hard for a 6+

Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rarău
6b+ O-Skol P1 - con Olesea
1 6b+ Deportiva
Deportiva 35m
6c+ Malț - con Olesea Deportiva 18m
6b 7,2 P1 - con Olesea
1 6b Deportiva
Deportiva 38m, 22
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rarău
Pietrele Doamnei Piatra Mare
5- A0 Traseul Clasic - con Olesea Clásica mixta 78m, 15
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Vadu Crișului
Terasele superioare
8+ ~8 Drop Zone Deportiva Buena
Alin Brădeanu
crux at the middle, skip the extra draw in the crux if you go onsight

6+ Rain Deportiva Medio
Alin Brădeanu
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Sinaia
Valea Peleșului Patinoar
8 Eclipsă Totală — 4 intentos Deportiva 15m Ni te molestes
Alin Vezeteu
A lot of spiders coming from the crack, and the holds that get you to the top are full of dirt and debris. The top is just one rusty bolt and a quick link, but maybe you can top out by walking.

6 Ayame Deportiva 18m Buena
Alin Vezeteu
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Mănăstirii
Santinela Văii C
7+ Maria Deportiva 20m Buena
Sabina D.
7 Hai că poc Deportiva 15m Muy buena
Sabina D.
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Mănăstirii
Santinela Văii D
5 Prepeleac Deportiva 8m Medio
Sabina D.
6 Dănilă Deportiva 8m Medio
Sabina D.
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rarău
Pietrele Doamnei Piatra Mare
5- A0 Traseul Clasic - con Eugene Clásica mixta 78m, 15 Muy buena
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rarău
6b 7,2 P1
1 6b Deportiva
Deportiva 38m, 22
6c+ Malț Deportiva 18m Megaclásica
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Vlaicului
5+ Moșu Deportiva 14m Muy buena
5+/6- Primul S. Deportiva 14m
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Polițele lui Bieltz Mario
3+ Școala altfel Deportiva 27m Muy buena
when rappelling down, you have to be careful not to go into a swing (like me, I had a 5 to 7 meters swing which ended up in a tree so be careful) it hurts

4+ De duzină Deportiva 9m Muy buena
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rarău
7c O-Skol P1
1 Top-rope
Deportiva 35m
Anna Corobco
6b 7,2 P1 — 2 intentos
1 6b Deportiva
Deportiva 38m, 22
Anna Corobco
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Turzii
Peretele Lateral
8c Duro Das Modell — 3 intentos Deportiva 7m Buena
David Darie
Dom 14.º Jul 2024 - Rimetea
Coada Pietrei Sector 1
6 Ambush Deportiva 18m
Feher Catalin
6 Lynx Deportiva 12m
Feher Catalin
6 Guru Deportiva 12m
Feher Catalin
6- Hip-hop Deportiva 12m
Feher Catalin
4+ Doris Deportiva 15m
Feher Catalin
Sáb 13.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Craiului
Colțul Chiliilor
8- Duro Banditu' Deportiva Clásico
Maier Horatiu
Sáb 13.º Jul 2024 - Piatra Vlaicului
5+/6- Primul S. Deportiva 14m
Martin Wolf
Sáb 13.º Jul 2024 - Cheile Mănăstirii
Santinela Văii D
6- Povestea Porcului Deportiva 8m
Marius B
5 Prepeleac Deportiva 8m
Marius B

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 6,489 ascensiones.

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