
Vías en Commando Neck para grado seleccionado

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 8 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
11 Easter Bunny
1 10 15m
2 11 20m

Starts on right-hand side of a grey slab in a recess, right of 'One-eyed Jack'.

  1. 15m 10 Climb right-hand side of grey slab to ledge. Belay in corner as for ONE-EYED JACK

  2. 20m 11 Traverse right across a face to a recess and a crack system (two small trees). Climb the right-hand crack and face to the top.

PA: H. Goynes & Clive Ward

Clásica 35m, 2
11 Ripper
1 11 35m
2 9 30m

Start climb at high point 30m left of meeting place at an obvious black chimney with prominent small tree 10m up.

  1. [11] 35m
    Ascend 10m to tree, then climb over bulge. Traverse left for 6m then move straight small corner to stance.
  2. [9] 30m
    Climb up vertical wall above on good holds.

PA: C.A. Baker & E. Wood, 1977

Clásica 65m, 2
11 Cave Crag
1 9 18m
2 11 18m
3 8 18m
4 8 25m

The start of this climb may be located by reference to three caves near the base of the rook and spaced about 30m apart. The route commences about 9m to the left of the most westerly of these three caves, in a small recess, and is marked by a beacon at ground level. The starting point is actually on a broad grass ledge which is reached by clambering over a rocky slope at the bottom of the krantz. Between the starting point and the cave on the right there is a natural feature on the rock having the appearance of an inverted broad arrow chiselled into the rock. This is greenish-yellow in colour.

  1. 18m 9 From the beacon work up in the recess towards the left then traverse right over the top of the recess, thence upwards to the right towards the crack immediately above the cave. This crack is covered with aloes and a stance on a small ledge is found on the edge of these aloes almost in the crack.

  2. 18m 11 From the stance in the crack step to left thence vertically upwards over good sound rock to a large sloping ledge.

  3. 18m 8 This section is obvious and a number of easy alternatives present themselves. The most vertical is the best.

  4. 25m 8 Work up to the final rock slope on the right or left of an overhanging rock immediately above the 'cave crack'.

Note: The rock is sound and holds good. The first stance can accommodate two people only with comfort. Top section is disappointing after the first two pitches.

PA: P. Houmoller, 1938

Clásica 79m, 4
11 Frame Route
1 10 25m
2 11 15m
3 8 12m
4 8 12m

Start on the sloping wall about 5m to the left of 'Hanging Boulder'.

  1. 25m 10 Ascend bearing slightly right, parallel with a groove, to a small ledge that is actually the top of a large flake in the ridge overlooking the HANGING BOULDER gully (small stance).

  2. 15m 11 From the top of the flake ascend vertically keeping slightly to the left to a large ledge.

  3. 12m 8 Ascend vertically to the big ledge with boulder and thus immediately beneath the overhang that forms the top of the 'frame'.

  4. 12m 8 Descend 6m to a ledge and traverse to the right along a narrow extension of this into the top right-hand corner of the frame. Traverse along a ledge around the corner and up to the final stance.

PA: H. Biesheuvel, Mr., Mrs. C. Hutchinson & Mr, 1936

Clásica 64m, 4
11 Zig Zag

The start is easily located by reference to a prominent crack leading up to overhanging rocks, which are split and appear to be blocked by aloes. The climb follows the crack in two 9 pitches to a point just below the overhanging rock on the right, then traverses outward, and down to a point about 10m to the right of the crack. From here the route goes vertically upwards.

An alternative route opened by T. Louw and W. Curle goes straight up the crack through the split overhang. (10)

PA: D. Wood, A. Cawood, M. Fenger, H. Barker & C. Hutchinson, 1934

11 Prometheus
1 9 15m
2 10 22m
3 11 12m
4 9 22m

Not a particularly inviting climb but longer than others in the area. Numerous belays. Starts 5 - 10m left of 'Zig Zag'.

  1. 15m 9 Choose a route up the buttress to a large rock split off the corner.

  2. 22m 10 Diagonally up to the right inside the frame to a recess above some aloes 12m, then 9m up.

  3. 12m 11 Traverse left onto the nose and up to a large tree which marks the junction of to route with RACK ROUTE.

  4. 22m 9 Up the chimney for 3m onto a chockstone. Traverse right onto the face or into next gully. Climb 12m up until a small overhang is reached. A scramble takes one off the climb.

PA: N. Morrison, R. Walker & D. Gilham, 1949

Clásica 71m, 4
11 Straight Up

Start in main descent gully to the right of large cave seen 10m above.

  1. 40m 11 Climb straight up the arete to the top (A difficult move at the start, a grade 15 bulging crack, can be avoided if desired - 11).

PA: P. Knoethe & E. Muller

Clásica 40m
11 Keg And Tankard
1 11 35m
2 11 25m

45m right of 'Tower Of Pisa' and 4-5m left of 'No Highway'.

  1. 35m 11 Climb diagonally left from some large blocks to a defined recess. Continue up the recess for 25m to a small overhang, step over right and up to a ledge. Traverse right for 3-4m and up to next ledge below a wall.

  2. 25m 11 Step up and traverse diagonally right across the wall to the edge and arete. Continue up the arete keeping left and aiming for some blocks on top.

Note: A very pleasant climb on good rock.

PA: H. Zangerl & Clive Ward, 1978

Clásica 60m, 2

Mostrando los 8 vías.

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