
Vías en Parklife Wall

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 8 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
20 PROT:R Pretty Girls Make Graves
1 20 R 15m
2 8 10m
3 17 30m
4 10 40m

No lead bolts! Only chains at the end of each pitch. To reach the start, follow Parklife Wall's access ramp to it's highest point.

  1. Follow the ramp up to a big ledge. Traverse / walk left to another stance.

  2. Gain an easy ramp and follow this to another big ledge.

  3. Scramble up easy rock on the left to the top.

Mant: Steward Noy

PA: Jeremy Samson & Nic Dawes, 1993

Deportiva 95m, 4
25 Parklife Wimp

Parklife to the first set of chains. 25ish. Technical climbing on small edges and crimps. Ends right before the crux of parklife.

PA: Jeremy Samson, 1998

Deportiva 32m, 13
28 Parklife

An awesome line that is probably a bit harder these days due to holds breaking off.

PA: Jeremy Samson, 1998

Deportiva 45m, 23
25 Children of the Corn

PA: Jeremy Samson, 1996

Deportiva 40m, 17
25 In Two Minds
1 23 25m
2 25 25m

Two desperate looking pitches on great rock.

  1. 14 Bolts

  2. 8 Bolts

PA: Dave Davies, 2002

Deportiva 50m, 2, 14
22 Memory Lapse

PA: Matthew Lloyd-Sim, 2002

Deportiva 25m, 14
22 Children of a Lesser God
1 22 45m
2 14 85m

An old classic following a diagonal rib of quartz.

P1 is normally climbed as a stand alone pitch and is a strong contender for the best single pitch at Paarl. P2 has no pro, is dirty and dangerous!

  1. [5 Bolts & +-15 Slings], Climb the amazing diagonal rib using a combination of bolts and slings used to hook the large quartz jugs.

  2. Continue following the chute / groove to the top (no pro). There is a halfway stance on the first pitch for abseiling.

Mant: Dave Davies

PA: Andy de Klerk & Ed February, 1988

Clásica mixta 130m, 2, 5

Equip: Joe Möhle


Mostrando los 8 vías.

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