
Vías en Blue Diamonds Sector

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 6 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
18 Squirm Germ

Grovel your way up the first off-width corner.

PA: Andy de Klerk & Chris Jackson, 1985

Clásica 32m
18/19 Crack of an Uncertain Adventure #1

PA: Chris Jackson & Andy de Klerk, 1985

Clásica 20m
18/19 Crack Of An Uncertain Adventure #2

"A dirty, sharp, loose and grovelly crack" - Andy de Klerk

PA: Andy de Klerk & Chris Jackson, 1985

Clásica 20m
28 Blue Diamonds and White Ice

Possibly one of the best at Paarl and possibly the first of its grade in South Africa.

Gear: Small cams, rack of nuts and extra small to medium nuts.

PA: Andy de Klerk, 1986

Clásica mixta 3
22 Stem Gem

Possibly the most sandbagged 22 you will ever ave the pleasure of dogging up!

To access this route, start the hike towards Belly Button sector. Continue around the rock face on a bushy "path" and around some big boulders. Scramble up towards a small forest with bigger trees. This gem will be to the left of the small forest.

  1. Stem your way up. Note on gear: small/micro nuts and small cams. Nuts are the best choice given the depth of the crack.

Mant: Guy Holwill

PA: R. Smithers & G. Twogood, 1972

PAL: Andy de Klerk & Chris Jackson, 1985

Clásica 22m
32 Shaka

Start up Stem Gem, before moving out right to follow the line of bolts on the blunt arête.

"The stuff of dreams; a spectacular spear-arête adorning the western corner of the hillside"

PA: Clinton Martinengo, 2008

Deportiva 10

Mostrando los 6 vías.

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