
Vías en Ban-y-Gor para grado seleccionado

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Ordenado por: Edición en bloque (máx. 100)

Mostrando los 11 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
The Mushroom Walls
S UKT:4b Phallus Impudicus Clásica
VS UKT:4b Mycology Clásica
{FR} 4a The Smiling Assassin Mr Bo Deportiva 10m
Nine Lives
HS UKT:4b Nine lives arete Clásica
Mandela Sector
HS UKT:4b Squelch Clásica
{FR} 4 That Historic Reach Deportiva
Bronto Buttress
VS UKT:4b Hurry On Sundown

Start at a yew tree between Indian Summer and Dabbawallah. Despite reports to the contrary this route has not been bolted.

Clásica 12m
Twin Overhanging Bays
HS UKT:4b Block and Crackle Clásica
Bongo Buttress
VS UKT:4b Genetically Engineered Super Mutant

Climb an interesting scoop to a peg at 3m. Step left onto a ledge and climb crack and groove to a tree belay.

Clásica 11m
The Ladder Gully Area - First Ladder Buttress
4a Such A Big Cactus! Deportiva 8m
The Ladder Gully Area - Lower Tier
4a Id Proof Deportiva

Mostrando los 11 vías.

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